Funny Experiences........


New Member
Original Poster
This is actually quite humourous... on our last trip we were in the living seas... and there's this little monorail thingy that goes past the aquarium... well at the beginning of the "ride" my dad sis and I all squished into one car.. don't ever do this, no more than two ppl I almost lost feeling in my legs.. well the car infront of us was empty so my dad decided to run on the platform next to the cars and jump in the empty one.
No sooner did he hit the floor, the ride stopped. The CM comes along... he's like 17 and was like ok who got out... I was with my family and my aunts 9 of us in all... and we were all laughing hysterically.. my dad was like will the person get kicked out... the CM was like No... my dad goes ok it was me.... the CM looks at my dad and was like please stay seatted sir and walks away smiling...
My dad was like I have underwear older than that kid!
The rest of our vacation all we did on every ride was tease my dad...stay sitting dad, or we made him sit between two of us... On the Jungle Cruise we told the CM what had happened and he joked about it the whole ride.....LOL :lol: :lol:

The moral of the story, don't get up on any rides!!!!

Epcot is my fav

Active Member
Thats really funny!!!!!

One time at SE a group of boys jumped put of there cars during the scene wear you see the people singing into the radio microphone........they stopped the ride and turned the lights on and 3 CM's came up to them and escorted them out.....though it was stupid and dangerous it was really funny to see them in the set.......


New Member
I don't find it quite humorous at all. The kid might have only been 17, but he was just doing his job. They have rules in place for a reason, to keep people from getting hurt. Someone tried this on Splash Mountain last year and his foot got caught in the drive mechanism and he was killed. I'm sure if you would have gotten hurt you would have probably tried to sue Disney for negligence.


I'm glad I haven't run into your dad in any of my trips. I wouldn't be as friendly as the CM operating the ride, especially when someone is ruining MY good time. Tell your dad to just go to a carnival next's cheaper and the carnies will get along with him just fine.:hammer:


New Member
I understand safety is always a concern, but i think you guys are being a bit harsh w/ AJ's dad.. jumping into another car is not that big of a deal.. I agree w/ the Ones from SE AND SPLASH MOUNTAIN however those who got out during those attractions posed a serious threat to themselves and those around them!


New Member
C'mon, the ride moves at like negative 10mph.. lol Yeah i can see if he got off of TTA or something, but this happening is not the end of the world


New Member
Original Poster
Wow.. I didn't realize how ignorant some ppl on here are. First of all the ride goes 2 miles an hour... and second of all I never said anything bad about the CM I know that he was doing his job! I just thought it was funny that he had to tell someone much older than him the rules.... to Superman and jaimjaim25 in particular thank you for see the humour in the situation... and to the rest of you, it's ppl like you who make ppl not want to visit msg boards or leave posts.... really you need to lighten up!!! and in this case... it had nothing to do with safety, my father is not an idiot and would nto jump out on space mountain something that would obviously indanger his life.......


New Member
So you've been posting for a whole month on here, and you've already resorted to calling someone ignorant because their opinion differs from yours. That's real mature. I've been on here for a long time, and am very respectful to everyone on this board and their opinions even if I don't always concur. This is a great site, with great people, who are on here because they all love Disney. Let's not call people ignorant, for having a difference of opinion.

Mission: SPACE

New Member
I really don't think that it's possible for the guy to have been 17... I'm 16 and checked about getting a job at the local Disney Store, and a really good friend of mine there told me it is ENTIRE company policy that they hire at 18... Imagine out of all of WDW's employees if some were minors... I think we would see a lot of law suits, because mommy and daddy thought WDW did something to thier kid...

I'm not trying to put you down in any way, I just wanted to make you aware that the kid couldn't be 17 and that he's just doing his job.


Well-Known Member
wow!!.....JERRY JERRY

Ok guys come'on....

were all poster buddies....lets not increase the stress over this...

The idea of the post was to tell of her faher being "yelled" at by a CM who was younger than him....and how is family would not let it go....A FUNNY expeireince..not a dramatization over safety....

We can give our opinions...but lets be the bigger man in these situations...and let the anger go....

by the way...
I thought it was funny....:D
Originally posted by TaborDude
I really don't think that it's possible for the guy to have been 17... I'm 16 and checked about getting a job at the local Disney Store, and a really good friend of mine there told me it is ENTIRE company policy that they hire at 18... Imagine out of all of WDW's employees if some were minors... I think we would see a lot of law suits, because mommy and daddy thought WDW did something to thier kid...

I'm not trying to put you down in any way, I just wanted to make you aware that the kid couldn't be 17 and that he's just doing his job.
aj said hes LIKE 17,not is. lol ok sorry,that sounded rude. so um have a crown!:king:


New Member
This is getting blown way out of proportion. AJ, I'm sure was just posting a story that he thought was funny. A couple of us, just have a problem with people who disrupt the continuity of rides at WDW, and commented about it. Although AJ, didn't respond to those comments very maturely, I'm sure that he agrees that this thread should just move on. Does anyone else have a funny story, that doesn't involve jumping off of a ride?:lol:


New Member
Original Poster
:lol: yeah... let's just agree to disagree.. ok, good then.... and you were right I said like seventeen... they guy coulda been 25 for all know...

Now the point of the post was for funny experiences... so let's have 'em!!!!!!:D

Ultra Magnus

New Member
Originally posted by castlecake2.0
A long time ago, my dad got his foot stuck in the door that slides shut in the portrait gallery in the HM!

OUCH!! :eek: Must have really hurt! Although it would be considered a funny experience if the room started its stretching leaving a frustated guy stuck halfway up a room :D

"Of course, there's always my way...."
"Yeah, could you give me a hand with that rope you're holding?!?"


Active Member
I don't know if this qualifies as being so funny, but this happened during our latest visit in October.

We had just come through the castle headed toward Fantasyland and just to the right we we saw Bert and the penquins posing for pictures. My son got in line for autographs and pictures and as we were waiting, I walked around a little and saw a gate behind the building that houses Snow White, Pooh, etc. I was wondering what might be behind the gate, or if it was even unlocked. Well, it was and as I opened it, I saw Mary Poppins headed in my direction. I don't know who was more surprised, her or me, and I muttered something about being curious, and closed the gate. About 20 seconds later, she came out and as she was walking toward Bert she "smiled" at me and as she passed me said, "Please do not ever do that again." Well, we got the picture with Bert, Mary and the Penquins, but she was not happy with this Disney nut. My wife thought it was hysterical---being fussed at by Mary Poppins!!! (And I always thought she was practically perfect in every way)

my brother and i went to Ghirardelli"s and he had and ice cream come which he proceeded to get ALL over his face ... i took a picture and let him walk around like that for a while ...all chocolate-y like a 3 year old... it was funny since he is 17



New Member
Well, I don't have any out of seat or feet caught stories, but I do have some good upchucking stories. My son was 3 when we took him to WDW Resort. He was a little motion sick and so we were extra careful. It didn't matter. We had lunch in The Land Pavillion - he threw up on the carpet right next to the fountain! He also threw up on Buzz Lightyear - at the very beginning of the ride. My mom was videotaping in the car in front of us, and when she tapes us, all you can see is this sick look on my husband and son's face - my husband took the brunt of the blow. And I am bent over trying to wipe it up! I felt so guilty. Then the little cover was put on our car and sent on through. But, the worst was in the pool at All Star Music. I was holding him and floating around and he throws up in the pool! Luckily, my husband and I caught it in our hands and walked out of the pool without any getting in the water. However, it made for a very un-romantic time for all of the honeymooners in the pool! So, now when we watch the vacation video, the joke is - "Hey, you got sick there, and there, and there, and there, and there...":hurl:

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