Fun in the Sun with Magic Friends


Well-Known Member
I just got off the phone with my sister. She was telling me that by the time Monday morning gets here we are all going to be "Ahhhhh vacation is here":lol:

Yeah you will! :D
Suddenly all the prep work will be behind you and it will be time for fun and relaxation!
You deserve it Susie!


Well-Known Member
Is the money good? or Is it that you just haven't givin yourself permisson to quit?

The money's been helpful. . .with the wedding and our WDW trips.
But we can get by without it, for now.
I'm just a lousy quitter.
It's not like they'll care if I go. . .people come and go quickly in that store.
It's just me. . .I can't seem to simplify it.
It's too big a deal and it shouldn't be.


The money's been helpful. . .with the wedding and our WDW trips.
But we can get by without it, for now.
I'm just a lousy quitter.
It's not like they'll care if I go. . .people come and go quickly in that store.
It's just me. . .I can't seem to simplify it.
It's too big a deal and it shouldn't be.

I was kinda that way with the last place I worked. They didn't want me to quit, The lady that is missing was my boss. But I just thought it was time for me to quit and couldn't let it go. That was hard for me. Maybe not the same thing but it might help. I did let go and quit and two months later I got this job.:sohappy:


Active Member
Truly wonderful, imaginative stories with a good-versus-evil theme and an emphasis on friendship and loyalty.
I don't ride horses.
I can.


New Member
Well just to let everyone know that I just got home from the hospital. She is beautiful.... glad I went. Jenny (mother) seems to have it together now I can only be there and support them from the side lines. I just ask her that no matter what happens remember that my mother is the grandma and please do not keep the baby from her. She promised that she wouldn't. I can understand if right now she does not let my brother take the baby. He is unstable and I can say that because I know. Whewwww well good night everyone I want to thank u all for being there and for being some of the best friends anyone could ever meet not only to me but to everyone that comes in here. :kiss:


Well-Known Member
I got my HP book!!

But seriously, I can not wait to start reading it. I am sooooo excited. However, I am not happy with how it went at the store (Walmart). The guests there were so rude.:mad: For starters, right before the books came out they made an announcement saying one book per person. People started complaining that an earlier manager said one book per wristband. I can understand both sides. They were afraid they may run out, while people probably were buying for people who couldn't make it. The one that really got me was when the book came to a dollar more then advertised, and people started screaming false advertisement.:mad: I mean, come on! It came to $18.78! In other stores it was going for a lot more- some up to $35. So what is one dollar to you? And they were just getting so rude. I told the cashier that I felt so bad for them, and I did. I know what it's like, because I have been in their shoes. And the worst part is that a lot of people there were CMs, so they should know better. Ok, off my soapbox now. I am off to read it.


Well-Known Member
Just got back from seeing Harry Potter. Oh my gosh, they cut so much out of it. I know they can't fit everything in it but it felt like only 50% of the story. Everything seemed so rushed. And I thought they left a lot out of the 4th one. The first two were very true to the books cause they were obviously short ones. I thought they did a really good job showing as much as they could in the 3rd one. But it feels like the 4th and 5th are missing something. One thing I thought they did do well was Luna. OMG, I love her! She's adorable! It feels like her and Harry were the only two characters they cared to show much of in this movie. Oh, and that Umbridge lady. It feels like they're rushing too much now, like trying to finished these movies as soon as they can.


Well-Known Member
Morning all :wave:

Waiting for HP to arrive. :lookaroun

Vince, I feel the same way, they just cut too much out. So many things that you need to understand the story were glossed over or missing totally. :(

The DH says that the local WalMart was insane (he stopped to pick something up on the way home from work) and the local grocery was empty and the table was full of books. :shrug:


Active Member
Morning all!

HP Day today! We're picking it up on our way out to do errands.

I think we need some ground rules around here..

I was TOTALLY spoiled (not by any of you dear people) by someone on Magic's sig for Book 6...

Please pleasepleaseplease don't say anything about book 7. I'd REALLY like to find out the ending on my own. I'd normally be through it in a day, if I was reading on my own, but I've got to read it aloud to Marc... (It's our tradition.) And that goes so slooooow.

Thank you all for paying attention to my passionate plea. :wave:


Well-Known Member
Morning all :wave:

Waiting for HP to arrive. :lookaroun

Vince, I feel the same way, they just cut too much out. So many things that you need to understand the story were glossed over or missing totally. :(

The DH says that the local WalMart was insane (he stopped to pick something up on the way home from work) and the local grocery was empty and the table was full of books. :shrug:

Yeah, people who read the books will have no problem following it but for someone who hasn't, I would think they would feel confused.

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