Frozen Ever After opening day


Active Member
You're looking at about 12,000 people per day. Assuming a thousand people an hour which is what maelstrom could do.

And that nothing breaks.

While the attraction is currently down, when it's operating I have a first hand report of dispatches in the 25-30 seconds confirming the 28 second report that @t3techcom18 reported.

That's very good news and once everything is working correctly we could be looking at 1500 guests per hour as opposed to 1000.

Does the ride length affect capacity? Since Frozen seems to be a bit longer than Maelstrom, both in time and number of scenes, that should mean more ride vehicles on the track simultaneously leading to increased capacity. Or I got that wrong and it actually has no impact?


Well-Known Member
Ok just a few things here....The fastpass line is 90 minutes!!?? And this is during park opening? I haven't really experienced WDW enough under the "new" fastpass+ but I remember during the good ole days, if you get an early fastpass for a ride then you're pretty much guaranteed to walk right on. Yes a lot of rides fastpass lines can get really long, but that's normally if the ride has broken down. If this 90 minute fastpass is the norm, then I probably won't get to see this in decades.

Also when it comes to this fitting in WS, like many have said it doesn't. I think what will make it work is if they go ahead and respectfully add other rides to other worlds in WS. Mulan in china, rattoulie in Paris, give people a reason to really walk around WS, not just the front part.
Not for a ride that was just opened you didn't walk on. TSM and 7DMT all had long lines. However, that is exactly why they should not issue too many FP's. Give out enough of them and FP becomes Stand-by, Part I.


Well-Known Member
First Sven, then Olaf, now Elsa breaking down... anyone riding it this week, enjoy it while you can. I will be amazed if all the effects are still working this time next year. It sounds like a ride made for the TM Disney tarps and strobes.

Hopefully for those guests visiting this week Imagineering will be on site to fix the teething troubles, so things won't be 101 for long, but once this goes over to the regular maintenance crew... oh boy. Ain't no ride those guys fix in a hurry.
No need to be unnecessarily negative at this point. It's not unusual to have gltiches and kinks with new hardware and technology. They will work them out and then the figures will be far more reliable. Mermaid went down regularly for animation issues when it was new and now they are generally reliable.


Well-Known Member
Hunny Hunt is more of a D to me whereas Pan is a C. They are both amongst the best of their categories, but Pooh is better. It'll be a while before I actually do Frozen in person to find out where I'd slot it.

@WDWFigment or @lazyboy97o would be my running odds on first to do them all.

Was trying to be generous to Pooh (and only cursory glanced at Frozen admittedly, I'll wait in person). The Blustery Day scene could be broken down into several elements though.
Hunny Hunt didn't absolutely blow me away but it's a fantastic attraction. I'd consider it and Monster's Inc Ride and Go Seek to be E ticket family friendly rides.


Well-Known Member
While I agree with you that with you that Norway is a poor choice of location, I don't see how DHS is any better. You can any movie attraction can go into DHS because its a hodgepodge in its current state. Thankfully, the redo is seems robe setting things straight by focusing on movie based land that go hand in hand with the park's intended identity and/or have not place being anywhere else. In Frozen's case, the movie screamed MK and would've blended into Fantasyland seemlessly. Yes, World Showcase was a very poor choice of location, but DHS should only be resorted when something would have no place being anywhere else on property.
Perhaps that's why I associate it with HS then, since it's starting to veer so far from it's original identity. For example, Toy Story Midway Mania doesn't really give any insight to the making of movies aside from putting you in Andy's room, so to me going to visit the sisters in Arandelle is kind of the same thing. You're inside their world. It looks like DHS is shifting from "the making of movies" to what the MK does in some areas, which is putting you inside the movies.


Well-Known Member
Right. And don't forget that a lot of the CMs working the pavilions are natives from the various nations, which is cool even if you don't get a lot of opportunities to mingle. I know at least the Japanese CMs really brighten up if you speak some Japanese to them--most Japanese tourists go to California (or so they've told me), so they're happy to run into folks in Florida that speak their language.

I like to eat lunch at the casual restaurant in Japan (good curry rice!) and hopefully the spillover from Frozen won't make things too crazy over there.
Oh man I am jonesin for that food. If things get too crazy, as usual, people eat in the bathroom there.


Well-Known Member
True, but it all depends on how many boats they're running. I'll ask around to see what the number is, if my peeps know.

I assume they can use more boats with the additional 40-50 seconds of ride time? If you can share the # of boats they run that would be appreciated. Do you have a new track length #?

Were the track switches at Maelstrom the bottleneck or was it load/unload? Has anything changed there with Frozen Ever After?

Okay..... So we're looking at still a
Max of 18,000 people a day opposed to 12,000.

Still a low capacity attraction.

Yes, but 1500 an hour is far better than anyone anticipated here. Of course they haven't met that # yet over the course of a full day but it would potentially shift this out of "brain dead operational decision" into "bad operational decision".

Does the ride length affect capacity? Since Frozen seems to be a bit longer than Maelstrom, both in time and number of scenes, that should mean more ride vehicles on the track simultaneously leading to increased capacity. Or I got that wrong and it actually has no impact?

It doesn't really have an impact on a ride like this unless they kept the same number of boats. In theory because they've added more ride time/track they can have more boats in the flume, but ultimately the main factor is how quickly they can dispatch those boats. Added ride time doesn't really affect that.


Well-Known Member
I take issue with people using the terms overlay, this is not an overlay. It's a Small World Holiday, Haunted Mansion Holiday, Hyperspace Mountain, Jingle Cruise... those are overlays.

This however is a completely new attraction utilizing the flume and boats of an old attraction. You may not like Frozen, you may hate what they did by replacing Maelstrom, but please do not degrade all the artists, technicians, and people who worked on this project, spent countless hours creating it, by calling it an "overlay". It just seems dismissive and rude.

Well said!


Well-Known Member
Does the ride length affect capacity? Since Frozen seems to be a bit longer than Maelstrom, both in time and number of scenes, that should mean more ride vehicles on the track simultaneously leading to increased capacity. Or I got that wrong and it actually has no impact?

You can only have X number boats go through the backwards segment in an hour. They have to maintain spacing.

So.... Yes more boats on the track increases capacity, just not significantly.
I assume they can use more boats with the additional 40-50 seconds of ride time? If you can share the # of boats they run that would be appreciated. Do you have a new track length #?

Were the track switches at Maelstrom the bottleneck or was it load/unload? Has anything changed there with Frozen Ever After?

Yes, but 1500 an hour is far better than anyone anticipated here. Of course they haven't met that # yet over the course of a full day but it would potentially shift this out of "brain dead operational decision" into "bad operational decision".

It doesn't really have an impact on a ride like this unless they kept the same number of boats. In theory because they've added more ride time/track they can have more boats in the flume, but ultimately the main factor is how quickly they can dispatch those boats. Added ride time doesn't really affect that.

Same exact ride length as Maelstrom, same exact capacity.


No Name

Well-Known Member
Be prepared for a mammoth post here. I'm giving all of my opinions at once rather than spreading them out across multiple posts. So bear with me, or don't bear with me and skip the post.

Okay, so I've only watched videos, but I think the ride itself looks great. Impressive AAs, especially that first Olaf, which I thought was just part of the screen because it's so fluid. There's a good pacing to the ride. And I mostly understood and liked what story there is to it, after listening a few times. Something about the ride feels more right than it should.

Complaints? Well, I don't understand why there is video of Elsa flinging herself across the walls in the tunnel part. I think that's a bit cheesy. Also, Olaf singing his song about summer feels a bit random, and the ending could be more unified and clear. That's about it though, other than what I'll say below.

There are three major problems, which have been beaten to death, but I do have some positive things to say. Those problems are theme, capacity, and ride time. I'd put them in that order.

Theme. We know it doesn't really fit. But I do think the premise of visiting Elsa and then exiting back into their summer home (which is actually Norway, or at least it is in Epcot) is as good of an idea as they could've done. It also acts as a lead-in to the summerhus village and meet and greet. I would've supported a ride that was more focused around Norway, but I knew that was never going to happen.

Capacity. It's just as atrocious as I expected, I would've supported completely gutting the whole thing and building an omnimover boat ride for the first time in forever, which would've at least doubled capacity and extended ride time. However, the drops would've been lost, and those actually fit this ride better than I had expected. And if more rides are added to World Showcase, the capacity problem will be helped.

Ride time. Well, they extended the ride, which I think was a great idea. It doesn't feel criminally short. It's longer than most fantasyland rides, but it's a boat ride, so it's moves slower. Mr. Toad's Wild Ride is only 3 minutes, yet it feels longer because you're in a new scene every 10 seconds. I think this ride is a satisfying length though. Ride time is less of an issue than I anticipated.

I wonder what the budget was here. All they left of Maelstrom was the majority of the track and the actual building. While I'm happy that they didn't go cheap, it just makes it even worse of a decision to have replaced Maelstrom rather than have built the ride in DHS, a park that needs help over these next few years. And where the three key problems could've all been avoided.

If the budget was reasonable, I anticipate that the imagineer in charge of this ride will have a great future with the company. And he should. Everyone involved with this project deserves a pat on the back. The guy who made the decision to replace Maelstrom in the first place is gone, which is also well deserved. But for the situation the imagineers were given, they did an excellent job. The ride is far better than I anticipated.

I really can't give this whole thing a plus or minus just because it's a plus in so many ways, yet a minus in so many others. I just want to say that the imagineers did a great job, and disregarding the other issues, it's a solid ride.

*edited to shorten post
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Well-Known Member
I assume they can use more boats with the additional 40-50 seconds of ride time? If you can share the # of boats they run that would be appreciated. Do you have a new track length #?

Were the track switches at Maelstrom the bottleneck or was it load/unload? Has anything changed there with Frozen Ever After?

It doesn't really have an impact on a ride like this unless they kept the same number of boats. In theory because they've added more ride time/track they can have more boats in the flume, but ultimately the main factor is how quickly they can dispatch those boats. Added ride time doesn't really affect that.

I would think the bottleneck is the scene timing and dispatch intervals. Each scene appears to be synced up with the passing of a single boat, as opposed to Pirates and IASM where the AAs have lines and movements that are short and repeat in sequence without a need to perform for an individual boat. I am guessing sensors along the flume activate each scene as a new boat passes thru.

Brer Panther

Well-Known Member
I'm honestly surprised by all the positive reception here, given how much flack the ride got when it was first announced.

I'm just gonna say right now that I'm not a huge fan of Frozen. I'm sorry, but aside from Olaf the film just doesn't do much for me. I'm also still confused as to why this attraction took so long to build.

As for the ride itself... Meh, it's okay. The best part, in my opinion, is the first scene with Olaf, Sven, and the Trolls. The animatronics and queue look pretty good, too. The "Let It Go" scene could've been done better (the projection effects look good, though).

So all in all, while it's really not my thing and I honestly don't see how it's the most spectacular thing ever as most are making it out to be, it's definitely the best of the Frozen attractions that we've gotten so far (which, yeah, really isn't saying much) and a lot better than something like Little Mermaid or Ratatouille.
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Well-Known Member
Load/unload is right next to each other.... unlike Maelstrom where you are dropped off in one room and the boat travels further down the flume to pick up the next group. So the ride is longer because you sit in the boat longer, even though the track is the same.

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