Frozen Ever After opening day


Well-Known Member
Anyone have an idea of how Disney execs feel about the ride? Do you think they agree it would have been better placed in fantasyland too? I feel like they probably know it but insist it belongs here because it's kind of Norway and decided to put it here because they were desperate for a "frozen" ride and couldn't find anything stale enough in MK to replace with. Despite all of the criticisms, I still think the ride fits well enough to satisfy me since everything else it came with is heavily themed to accurately portray Norway. I don't think they bastardized the culture in order to make money off frozen fans


Blink, blink. Breathe, breathe. Day in, day out.
Anyone have an idea of how Disney execs feel about the ride? Do you think they agree it would have been better placed in fantasyland too? I feel like they probably know it but insist it belongs here because it's kind of Norway and decided to put it here because they were desperate for a "frozen" ride and couldn't find anything stale enough in MK to replace with. Despite all of the criticisms, I still think the ride fits well enough to satisfy me since everything else it came with is heavily themed to accurately portray Norway. I don't think they bastardized the culture in order to make money off frozen fans
Nah I don't think they regret putting it in epcot for one second.. Fantasyland is arguably the most popular land in any WDW theme park. Magic Kingdom didn't need Frozen's popularity... Epcot did.


Well-Known Member
Its subjective.

You're of one opinion and I'm of the opinion that for what Frozen is, it deserved more.
Sorry if I came off a little too opinionated near the end there, but the point was it was much more than a retheme even if you don't like the location and/or its limitations. @Evan-500 said it best a few pages back, calling it a retheme or an overlay devalues the immense amount work and creativity that went into it.
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Well-Known Member
Nah I don't think they regret putting it in epcot for one second.. Fantasyland is arguably the most popular land in any WDW theme park. Magic Kingdom didn't need Frozen's popularity... Epcot did.
As I've said it before, good short term decision, bad long term decision. If they already redeveloped the parks outside of MK by now, then it probably would've been properly placed in Fantasyland since crowd levels would disperse a bit.


Well-Known Member
Anyone have an idea of how Disney execs feel about the ride? Do you think they agree it would have been better placed in fantasyland too? I feel like they probably know it but insist it belongs here because it's kind of Norway and decided to put it here because they were desperate for a "frozen" ride and couldn't find anything stale enough in MK to replace with. Despite all of the criticisms, I still think the ride fits well enough to satisfy me since everything else it came with is heavily themed to accurately portray Norway. I don't think they bastardized the culture in order to make money off frozen fans
They feel $$$$$.

Mike S

Well-Known Member
Wall of text incoming. I had a lot of catching up to do.
Those fluid animatronics can't have been developed for a cheap reskin like this, I'm thinking we're getting an early glimpse of technology developed for Pandora.
Or for the other Frozen ride. You know, the E Ticket coming to TDS and DL.
The ride is beautiful and the AAs are marvelous. Truly a shame that they felt the need to shoehorn it into an existing ride instead of creating what could have been a signature high-capacity experience. I think the team at WDI did the best possible with the directive they were shoved into.

Should make DLR/TDS's Frozen ride all the more incredible.
If the same Imagineers who did this are working on the other E Ticket rides they will be nothing short of spectacular. WDW will sadly be missing out due to a lazy decision from management...
So very Norwegian! :p

But after seeing the video...the ride reminds me a bit of the new-ish Peter Pan's Flight ride in Shanghai. There's a lot of visual excitement and real charm, I must admit. The AA's are more sophisticated than Pan, of course. Olaf's are quite impressive. And the "Let It Go" song is mercifully brief. The ride is still horribly out of place, but at least TDO did put some effort into this. So...okay. (shrugs)
Exactly what I was thinking with comparing it to Shanghai's Peter Pan. This is also way better than Little Mermaid or Mine Train even though it mostly just focuses on the music just like Mermaid. It's such a crying shame that the decision forced by management was to shove it in Maelstrom. I'll echo what's been said and say the Imagineers behind this ride made the best of a bad situation. It just doesn't have any business being where it is and the capacity as we all know is atrocious.

The Olaf AAs are great and remind me of how Stitch moves around in SGE. The first one also reminds me a lot of the first Mater in RSR that "follows you." I really like how we have something like that in WDW now. Just keep him working Disney!!!

Not a fan of what replaced the lift hill. One of my predictions based on the concept art of "Let it Go" actually came true and it looks like the Troll Spell effect survived. Unsurprisingly Marshmallow turned out exactly as I thought he would based on the leaked picture. Just the head moves and not much else. The ending scene is a little weak like Mermaid. Also, MAELSTROM PUFFINS!!! :D

Bet no one expected that did they? Yes. I, Mike S, one of the rides most vocal detractors, actually like it.* Just not in Epcot.

Do I really have to do this though?

*Mike S's liking of this ride by itself and not considering its placement is not an approval of more that are like it in World Showcase or that it replaced Maelstrom.
Who here was hoping to see this when we entered where Elsa stood...I was...
I was hoping for this.

Hopefully they kept the Maelstrom audio cues so late night cast members can prank riders by having Elsa shout "Disappear, Disappear!"
@spiritofNorway please call up some buddies that still work there and make this happen :hilarious:
The RIP Malestorm Sign

I'll be wearing my shirt when I ride this weekend. First time in that building since September 5, 2014... I'm gonna miss those Trolls and Vikings :(
The IP.. yes given it's attach rate

But for repurposing an existing attraction... This has to be pretty high up on Disney's achievement list in terms of making lemonade after being given lemons.
As someone whos normally very gung ho for all things new, I was very Meh at the looks of this. Maybe it will be better in person?
I just gotta say how amusing it is that you and me flipped sides on this lol
Wow, it is so overwhelmingly...underwhelming. I didn't expect much and still was disappointed. Not that I like Frozen oder even can stand it, but a new GOOD ride in WS would really have been an asset in an area of the park that didn't see a major change since the Reagan presidency. Now they took away the only at least mildly interesting ride in WS (although Maelstrom was too short!) and replaced it with a mediocre Frozen-ride that makes Nemo and the living seas look like Space Mountain.
What? This is way better than Nemo. No contest.
I don't know how I missed this earlier... Quite possibly the best usage of this .gif ever. Very well done!
Thanks :)
I'm going to reserve final judgement until I actually ride the ride myself (people here have blasted me before for having opinions on things I haven't seen with my own eyes), but after watching the POV the only thing I'm really impressed by are the AA figures. They're the best I've seen on any Disney attraction. Unfortunately, it seems the ride is exactly what I feared it would be: a sing-a-long on a boat. I don't dislike Frozen, far from it in fact, but this seems like the kind of ride I'll go on once and then ignore during every subsequent visit to EPCOT.
At least it's not what some of us thought it would be when rumors first started: "Where's Olaf" just like Donald and Nemo :depressed:
Let's be honest here. There is a large segment of WDW fans that weren't going to be happy with this ride no matter what was presented. It could have been the most incredible thing since the wheel and a lot of us would have still grabbed the pitchforks and torches.

The ride is what it is. Great use of the new animatronics and all. I wouldn't go as far as calling it the "greatest Disney dark ride ever" as another blog did or wait 5 hours. But hey, to each their own. I miss Maelstrom and the boring charm of the old World Showcase before the cartoony era took over.

By the way, is the weird smell still on the ride that you would smell towards the end of Maelstrom by the oil rig? Or was that just sweaty tourists?
Yeah. The "greatest dark ride ever" crown belongs to Mystic Manor and I've only seen that in video. That is, unless Shanghai's Pirates counts as a dark ride. Then that wins hands down.
I was pretty impressed with what Disney has done here overall.. the last song makes for kind of a weak ending though.. which is a shame because the animatronics there look great.

Also I wish they paid homage to the original ride with the lift hill scene.. they could have easily used a similar effect and made the light blue or something to reflect Frozen. The new lift hill scene has a cheezy mini castle at the top which isn't as impressive as the old illuminating eye.
People at one time thought a mini castle would go on top of the M&G. Right idea, wrong location ;)
Michel den Dulk is a Dutch designer and artist who previously worked on several projects within a few famous European theme parks such at Alton Towers, the Efteling, and Europa Park.
He is a real talent and easily captures the charm of various European architecture in his projects.
His beautiful artwork and charming design sense captured the attention of Tony Baxter, who pursued him for a few years and succeeded in convincing Michel to come and work with him at WDI, starting in 2009.

Besides the newly opened 'Frozen Ever After' Attraction, Michel is probably best known to Disney fans for his lovely work done for Disneyland's 'Fantasy Faire'.
This former location of the Plaza Gardens was turned into a quaint and beautifully themed European village to house the mandatory Princess character meet & greet as well as a refreshing of the theater and food service options.
It was the last major project Tony worked on before his 'retirement' from full time duties at WDI.
A rather fitting 'closure' to a era, as the Plaza Gardens area was where Tony began his career working for Disney as a CM.

A photo of Michel standing in front of one of the 'village houses' at Disneyland's 'Fantasy Faire' in 2013 -

A example of Michel's beautiful artwork, in this case a project he did for Europa Park -

Here is another example, this being some of the concept art he did for Disneyland's 'Fantasy Faire'.
Just gorgeous artwork....look at all of the detail !

I really hope he's working on the other two Frozen rides. He did pretty well with what he was given.
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Well-Known Member
Sorry if I came off a little too opinionated near the end there, but the point was it was much more than a retheme even if you don't like the location and/or its limitations. @Evan-500 said it best a few pages back, calling it a retheme or an overlay devalues the immense amount work and creativity that went into it.

Not discounting what they did.... makes you wonder what they could have come up with if they didn't have constraints of an existing building and ride system....


Premium Member
Not discounting what they did.... makes you wonder what they could have come up with if they didn't have constraints of an existing building and ride system....
On a property this old you always have some constraints. Not every ride can get s new show building or a new big build..... Just cannot happen... To me it belongs in HS more then anything but hey it is in Epcot besides that point the AA look incredible.


Well-Known Member
On a property this old you always have some constraints. Not every ride can get s new show building or a new big build..... Just cannot happen... To me it belongs in HS more then anything but hey it is in Epcot besides that point the AA look incredible.

They did a great job, yes. Blows away what Maelstrom was, yes. Those AAs look fantastic.

I'll check it out after Star Wars Land opens....


Premium Member
On a property this old you always have some constraints. Not every ride can get s new show building or a new big build..... Just cannot happen... To me it belongs in HS more then anything but hey it is in Epcot besides that point the AA look incredible.

I was surprised one of the themed lands in the DHS redo wasn't Frozen. I think they saw this as an opportunity to quicker push in a frozen ride although it took 2 years

My gut tells me this is the beginning of more character "things" in WS. I heard some rumblings of this as well through the grapevine but we'll see. Takes $

Mike S

Well-Known Member
I was surprised one of the themed lands in the DHS redo wasn't Frozen. I think they saw this as an opportunity to quicker push in a frozen ride although it took 2 years

My gut tells me this is the beginning of more character "things" in WS. I heard some rumblings of this as well through the grapevine but we'll see. Takes $
I would've gladly taken Frozen Land with a real ground breaking E Ticket over Toy Story Land. They could've even kept the Buzz ride in there if they wanted a flat ride so bad. Just change the ride vehicles to Reindeer pulling sleds. Since the whip rides kind of slide you around it even fits in with an ice rink theme!!!


Premium Member
I was surprised one of the themed lands in the DHS redo wasn't Frozen. I think they saw this as an opportunity to quicker push in a frozen ride although it took 2 years

My gut tells me this is the beginning of more character "things" in WS. I heard some rumblings of this as well through the grapevine but we'll see. Takes $

I did not want to say it but I agree I think this is the beginning of more things in WS. Which I am ok with if they fit properly. Like ratatouille in francs I am good with and I think a few others could make sense. Is it what the traditionalist want? No way but we can play arm chair quarterback later for sure.


Well-Known Member
I was surprised one of the themed lands in the DHS redo wasn't Frozen. I think they saw this as an opportunity to quicker push in a frozen ride although it took 2 years

My gut tells me this is the beginning of more character "things" in WS. I heard some rumblings of this as well through the grapevine but we'll see. Takes $

I fear youre right.... I havent heard anything but I wouldn't be shocked.

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
I would've gladly taken Frozen Land with a real ground breaking E Ticket over Toy Story Land. They could've even kept the Buzz ride in there if they wanted a flat ride so bad. Just change the ride vehicles to Reindeer pulling sleds. Since the whip rides kind of slide you around it even fits in with an ice rink theme!!!

I liked the idea of an icy, snow-covered land in a Florida park. Where snow falls occasionally, like in the Christmas parade on Main Street. But TDO didn't want to spend the money, I guess.


Premium Member
The ride was awesome. I did not look at any spoilers beforehand so I had no idea what to expect. I was blown away. I can't wait to ride again. I was always a fan of Maelstrom but I won't miss it much as this is a much better ride.

This is my husband and daughter on the last day of Maelstrom and the first day of Frozen. Pretty cool we got to experience both. She was just a few weeks old when Maelstrom closed and she's almost 2 now, though to me it feels like no time has passed!


Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
The ride was awesome. I did not look at any spoilers beforehand so I had no idea what to expect. I was blown away. I can't wait to ride again. I was always a fan of Maelstrom but I won't miss it much as this is a much better ride.

This is my husband and daughter on the last day of Maelstrom and the first day of Frozen. Pretty cool we got to experience both. She was just a few weeks old when Maelstrom closed and she's almost 2 now, though to me it feels like no time has passed!

View attachment 147188

What an awesome picture!

Hmmm, I wonder if that Maelstrom sign is going to end up on Ebay? Man, if I had the money, I'd snap it up in a second.

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