I took a picture on my phone this morning, but it didn't turn out. I'll have to take another picture tonight.
Mindy took the girls out to dinner after picking them up. So I had a little time to myself. I stopped by Walgreen and picked up my pictures. Then I raced home, glued them to the poster board and covered them up with pre-numbered Post-Its.
I didn't know how many pictures I would need to cover the poster board. So I ordered 30. I had 6 left over. I didn't use any pictures of the girls because they were all over two years old. Plus, we've seen them 100 times. I have used them for photo calendars over the years. To build the anticipation I used pictures of things we would do during the trip. Things I knew the girls were looking forward to.
Mindy and the girls got home. She saw the spare pictures on the table. I had left them out for the girls to look at. The first thing Mindy says when she gets home is "Are you kidding me? You didn't even use pictures of the girls?" So, that took the wind out of my sails a little bit.
I explained my whole "building anticipation" theory and that the pictures were of things we would do on the trip. I said I thought the girls would have fun revealing the pictures a little at a time leading up to the trip.
Mindy said, "I hope this little project turns out half as well as you think it will. Because I think it's stupid. The girls are going to fight about it every night and Kara's going to want to peel off a bunch at a time."
Long story short, the girls were looking forward to pulling off the Post Its all night. We made it part of their bed time routine. They had fun doing it. I stuck a couple of blank Post Its on the board so Kara could pull off more than one. So three of us enjoyed it quite a bit.
Tonight, I may stop on my way home for a box of cupcakes.