From the OS: Gator drags child into Seven Seas Lagoon

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Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
Premium Member
CNN just reported that the child's body has been found. :'-(

RIP, little guy. My thoughts are with your family at this horrific time.

The world has gone bat crazy....and decided to dump it all on Orlando. :(


Well-Known Member
That's the difference.
I said it half joking earlier, but we might as well say that park goers should be vigilant for bears if we are going to imply they are negligent for not considering alligator attacks on the beaches of the Grand Floridian.
Small Florida Black bears have been reported at Fort Wilderness in the past few months so yes, you should be vigilant for bears.


Well-Known Member
And what's so different in this "parent blame" scenario is - these parents were not in the slightest bit at fault!!!

The Cincinnati Zoo- the mother made a mistake, she took her eyes off of her child, he then climbed over 3 barriers into a gorilla pit.
We have all made the same mistake- luckily none of us have had our children enter an animal enclosure.

But this Disney World thing? It's not even a relatable mistake.. There was absolutely no mistake made! It was just a terrible freak accident.

While I do share your opinion that it is not the parent's fault in this alligator case and I can understand your interpretation of the Cincinnati Zoo incident as not being the parents fault either, I do take issue with your comment that "we have all made that same mistake." No. As a matter of fact I have not. Am I perfect parent? Probably not, but I have never once been outside of my house and not known where either two of my children are at all times. We have gone to a great many places that I would have preferred to be able to spend time paying attention to the sites and sounds around me. Unfortunately, my children take precedent. They are my focus 100% of the time. That's what I signed up for when we decided to have children. You pay attention to your children. Again, do I think this father was at fault for not watching his child next to the lake? No. He was watching his child. There's nothing he could have done about this short of not allowing his child near the water. But I understand that this is a terrible accident. I'm not faulting the father or the mother. The Cincinnati Zoo issue, well, that's a whole other bag of oranges to your apples. But please don't lump everybody else into the same basket as you when you say that we've all done this. Because no, we have not ALL done this.


Well-Known Member
I don't know why you are getting emotional, defensive and hyperbolic.

Are you denying these risk factors exist?
Are you denying these risk factors are well established?

I am extremely emotional over this story. I've cried. I've prayed to God to give these people some sense of peace. I've prayed to God thanking him that it didn't happen when my son was playing there. I've looked at that photo probably 100 times today.. Remembering the happiness and couldn't even imagine if I was in these parent shoes.

You talk about risk like these people were skydiving. The actual risk of an alligator attacking you? Not even a blip on the risk scale.

You are placing yourself in much greater risk everyday by getting in your car, or taking a bite of food that you may choke on. So unless your kids live on a liquid diet, don't go anywhere by plane train or automobile, don't swim, don't climb, don't cross a street, or basically ever leave a padded room, then you have no right to judge or to claim that any other parent is putting theirs at risk when you are also putting yours "at risk".
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Premium Member
Thank you. As a real, live attorney, I've been facepalming my way through many of the same posts to which you responded.

What I find most disappointing is that this discussion has so quickly degenerated into an argument focusing on which parties bear legal liability, rather than expressions of sympathy and grief for the family that has lost a child. I guess everyone has a different way of coping with tragic news.

So without your specific legal advice... if a deer runs into my car while driving around WDW's private roads.. Disney is liable for my damages? I mean... who let that deer roam the property unrestricted?? Why didn't they built WALLS to keep them off the roads?


Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
Premium Member
Tweets like these make you just want to leave the planet...
@DaMouseNews A human-made lake at a theme park resort shouldn't have any alligators

We are such a coddled, material, white collar society now clearly the majority of the population have zero connection with reality.

Obviously that individual is clueless about Florida's bodies of water, whether natural or man made. Lived in Miami Lakes. Those lakes were dredged, i.e., man made. And an alligator lived in the golf course water hazard behind our house until poor Freddie was poached one night.....


Well-Known Member
Are you really that stupid? Clearly you don't understand the law. So I suggest you just stop. Clearly you want to blame the parents. You must be one of those "compassionate Christians" I read so much about (but are clearly a myth).

Just because something is legally correct doesn't mean it's morally correct. Any entity corporate or individual cannot protect everyone on their property 100% of the time from 100% of the risks in the world. By your point of view Disney should be littered with signs warning people of the possibility of impending meteor strikes. Disney would bankrupt themselves if they tried to address all of the potential liabilities in your laundry list.

This was a terrible freak tragedy. The parents don't deserve blame and Disney doesn't deserve blame.
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