Free WiFi at the world


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
restrict all ports except port 80, only l33tz will be able to go around that. That at least takes care of ftp, bit torrent. You could still have a HTTP d/l but thats it.


Well-Known Member
Something free at Disney???

Come on people...this company is the innovators of charging outrageous prices for small plastic toys found in quarter machines in the front of grocery stores.

I highly doubt Disney will offer free WiFi.

Yanno...I would have said the same thing before Disney Started giving free Magical bus service to and from the Orlando airport.

Disney will do whatever it takes to get people onto their property and keep them there for extended periods.


Active Member
restrict all ports except port 80, only l33tz will be able to go around that. That at least takes care of ftp, bit torrent. You could still have a HTTP d/l but thats it.

just cap the data traffic for each user - easy as - done the same thing at the festival ive just finished working at. Escaping to the world so i dont have to look for a new job :lol:


Well-Known Member
Yanno...I would have said the same thing before Disney Started giving free Magical bus service to and from the Orlando airport.

Disney will do whatever it takes to get people onto their property and keep them there for extended periods.

I could see free WiFi at designated food courts...lobby...etc....but I doubt it will be free for too long within rooms.

Magical Express is free now, but I'm guessing Disney will start charging for that service soon.

Interesting rumor. I wouldn't mind paying a daily fee...something less than $10 though.


New Member
It is being reported that free WiFi internet access is going to be offered at the Walt Disney World resort. It is my understanding that currently the Wide World of Sports complex is already up and running, and the resorts should not be far behind. All users will have to accept a terms of agreement before being allowed to use the service. Disney has also set up a support line for the WiFi service as well.

That would be cool....hopefully it'll be fairly least as fast as the HSIA they have now.


New Member
Earlier this month I stayed at the Vero Beach resort which offered free wireless in lobby areas. It wasn't available in the rooms or at the pool, but it really came in handy since we decided at the last minute to tack on a trip to WDW and helped in our booking and changing flights. So at least in this case, they made money off of it!

Since the only availability we could find for the first night was at the GF (slightly out of our price range), we stayed at a Best Western by the airport which had free wireless access in the room. My boyfriend thought that was funny that you could get free wireless at the Best Western at $46 a night but not at Disney. Although I understand that the airport Best Western is catering to a more business-type crowd. But an interesting observation, especially if paying the $349 a night at GF. Both of us needed to use the internet, even if briefly, for work, so I think this is a great move.


Le Meh
Premium Member
Earlier this month I stayed at the Vero Beach resort which offered free wireless in lobby areas. It wasn't available in the rooms or at the pool, but it really came in handy since we decided at the last minute to tack on a trip to WDW and helped in our booking and changing flights. So at least in this case, they made money off of it!

Since the only availability we could find for the first night was at the GF (slightly out of our price range), we stayed at a Best Western by the airport which had free wireless access in the room. My boyfriend thought that was funny that you could get free wireless at the Best Western at $46 a night but not at Disney. Although I understand that the airport Best Western is catering to a more business-type crowd. But an interesting observation, especially if paying the $349 a night at GF. Both of us needed to use the internet, even if briefly, for work, so I think this is a great move.

I guess the question I would pose would be, had they not had free wifi in the lobby, would you have not booked the extra vacation? And second, you can not compare the Best Western at the airport to a resort hotel. When you add the word resort to hotel, you add money to everything that you do, its just the nature of the beast.


Well-Known Member
My boyfriend thought that was funny that you could get free wireless at the Best Western at $46 a night but not at Disney. Although I understand that the airport Best Western is catering to a more business-type crowd. But an interesting observation, especially if paying the $349 a night at GF. Both of us needed to use the internet, even if briefly, for work, so I think this is a great move.

Again... there's nothing definitive that they are adding free wireless connectivity to the resorts. It's simply an unsubstantiated rumor.

Also... there's a HUGE difference between providing wireless internet access at a Best Western with 200... maybe 300 rooms and all the Disney resorts which has more than 23,000 rooms spread out much more than most hotels.


Active Member
its most certainly doable - especially if they have local wired hubs linked up wired to the authentication server down the line - its most certainly doable - will take a wee bit longer then a couple of months however ;) there are fine examples of this already out there! They have infact wired(less!) whole cities up - now this shows you the capability is there, and a city has more users then a disney resort me thinks ;) They will just do this over the already in place wired networks at the resorts but stick an access point at the end! :)

Other way to do it would be to hook up each individual resort to the net via a hight speed t connection id assume....

Of course disney will have to stump up the cash. But its still in their favour - standard broadbad connections are already being provided free as long as you have the particular companies other utilities... for example sky are releasing free broadband but you MUST have a premium package from sky to begin with.


Well-Known Member
Of course it's doable... never said it wasn't. ;)

I've worked in it enough though to know that the Disney resorts would be a big and expensive job. One thing to keep in mind is that unlike "stick-built" houses, hotels are built with concrete blocks and sound insulation -- thus the requirements of the number of access points / repeaters would be higher.

Each resort is probably already connected with fiber optic lines and more than likely they have dark fiber available. So, yes, they would probably just set up wireless at each resort, route back to the wired network and go to a centralized head-in for the connection to the WAN.

If, and that's a BIG if... they ever decided to offer free access, they will probably only offer wireless in "common" areas and then change their policies to offer free access in rooms via the wired network already in place.


Well-Known Member
It wouldn't be that big of a job. The infrastructure is already in place with HSIA (hidden behind a curtain over by the dining table). Disney has the resources. Some people like to tell you how difficult something is just to impress you. My firm would LOVE to take on that project! Our attitude would be, "That would be a blast! Let's go!"

We'll do it for...ONE MILLION DOLLARS! :drevil:


Active Member
Of course it's doable... never said it wasn't. ;)

I've worked in it enough though to know that the Disney resorts would be a big and expensive job. One thing to keep in mind is that unlike "stick-built" houses, hotels are built with concrete blocks and sound insulation -- thus the requirements of the number of access points / repeaters would be higher.

Each resort is probably already connected with fiber optic lines and more than likely they have dark fiber available. So, yes, they would probably just set up wireless at each resort, route back to the wired network and go to a centralized head-in for the connection to the WAN.

If, and that's a BIG if... they ever decided to offer free access, they will probably only offer wireless in "common" areas and then change their policies to offer free access in rooms via the wired network already in place.

The concrete bit aint entirely true... the only way they can find out what signal qualities are like is by a site survey.... But - where ive just finished work, (edinurgh, uk - concrete and metal structure) we have had one single cheap and nasty linksys hotspot with high gain aerials provide not just the conference centre ground floor but the basement and first floor.... All depends on the equipment you are using - i reckon evey even floor number would provide more then enough signal strength - as they will no doubt be using cisco networking equipment (if they have ANY sense mind you!) So your right about them needing more - BUT they wont need a mega ton just yet.... ;)

I think if it goes ahead they will roll it out only at the higher end hotels to start off with, and see how it goes :) Its going to be exspensive for them either way (and i personally think they may decide its TOO exspensive.... :lookaroun we are looking easily at over a grand per access point here....)

Bonous though about the fibreoptic connectivity :sohappy: i had a feeling they'd use it but didnt want to look presumtuous (sp?)

I wonder if they need a work experience kid next summer for it :drevil: :lol:


Active Member
Nothing is free ever. If Disney offers "free" wifi then they would recover the charge another way. THey may add a dollar or 10 to the cost of the room, or a wifi tax or something along that line.

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