Its about a 26 hour drive for us from Wisconsin (2 days drive time with one night at a hotel each way). Still cheaper than flying, even with hotels and higher gas prices. For the trip down, we always pack a cooler with ham & rolls, Pringles, juice boxes, water, granola bars, etc. I don't know why, but we always eat like cows on our roadtrips and the sandwiches are usually gone by the time we're out of Indiana.
We do stop at regional restaurants the second day and of course, on the trip back North. My kids get a big kick out of both Sonic and Waffle House restaurants. We have neither up here. If we want real food, we stop at a Cracker Barrel. And we always stop at a hotel with a contenential breakfast and that sets us up for a good long time before we have to stop to eat again.
The worst is all the potty stops. Its not the kids either. My husband sips coffee all day long on roadtrips. Part of his "routine". I swear the man has a bladder the size of a walnut. Every hour, a potty stop. I make the kids go too when hubby stops and they get mad "Mom, we just went an hour ago!!" :lol: