I remember defending these tour groups. I remember saying that they were well behaved and that they weren't all that bad... Well, I too had an experience with them not too long ago.
It was one of those crowded nights at Magic Kingdom, and the park was just closing. The Express Monorail line was winding around the Main Entrance. For once the Cast Members were actually telling us to use the resort section (I actually parked at Poly because I ate a Kona Cafe that evening). So I went on my merry way to the empty resort monorail. After a few seconds up the incline, I hear a loud blast of voices. There was all this commotion behind me. I looked, and there they were... A Brazilian Tour Group.
Now this wasn't all too bad, I actually admired their enthusiasm... But the minute we boarded the monorail there was a problem. I made sure to find a cabin with none of them inside, but unfortunately, the one I chose was packed like a sardine can, and it this point all the cabins were, so there was no point in switching. All of a sudden, 3 Brazilian "groupees", including one on a wheelchair tried to squeeze in our cabin.
There was absolutely no room. Everyone in our cabin looked at them as if they were crazy. I was standing, and they literally tried to push me over so they could make more room. They did not say excuse me either in English or Portuguese, they just shoved their way right through. They even parked their wheelchair right in front of the safety bar, so I could not reach it anymore.
When the monorail departed and started accelerating, my brother who also couldn't reach the safety bar as well, fell on top of the Brazilian "groupees".
All three of them gave him the dirties faces. I couldn't help but smile. Almost everyone left after we reached the TTC, even the Brazilians, so we practically had the monorail to ourselves until our stop at poly.
And that's my Brazilian Tour Group horror story.