For Disney lovers who stay at Value resorts.


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Original Poster
I was talking to my Mother today she leaves for her 3rd Disney trip this year on Friday and asked her when she goes back in Dec will she stay at AOA? She told me NO she has been staying at POP since they opened which was also the year she got married. I too always stay at POP I stayed at AS SPorts 1 time but it was due to a last minute trip I my self am excited to try AOA Little mermaid I am wondering thoughts will you stay at your Value that you love? Or will you try AOA?

Dad 2 M & M

Well-Known Member
We have stayed at all the Values except AoA and say hands down Pop is the best. We considered AoA for the December, but chose Pop due to AoA -Little Mermaid standard rooms not having the free dining offer.. Another concern about AoA is how is the transportation? Does it run as efficiently as Pop?

We plan to ride the buses back to AoA (walk across the bridge to Pop) at least a couple of times to see how smooothly they run.


Well-Known Member
I have been to all of the values..we will be staying at AOA in a couple of days. My fave so far is a toss up between sport because of buses or Pop because of the buses and the atmosphere


Well-Known Member
When staying Value with kids, i let them pick. Without kids, I look for the cheapest one. If they're all the same, I just pick the one that suits my fancy at the time I'm making the reservation.

IMO, one is as good as another. If AoA had the same rates, I'd pick that right now because it is newer than the others. But I wouldn't pay extra to stay in one Value over another.
We always stay at All Star Sports. Any of the values would be fine, but our love of baseball barely edges out our apathy.

The hotel room is just a place for us to crash once we have squeezed every possible minute out of the day. I probably don't spend a half hour, awake, in the room on any given day of our vacation. :)


Well-Known Member
The thing is that AoA was actually originally part of POP Century Resort. It's the abandoned looking buildings that could be seen from POP across the little lake. 9/11 and a faltering economy, stopped any further construction and left it without a need. So, is could be thought of as a POP resort situation, just slightly modified.

To answer your question...I would give the new one a try. POP is nice, but it ain't no 5 star accommodation.:cool:


Active Member
We have stayed at all the AS's many times and are staying our first time at POP in Dec. I am excited to give POP a try since it seems to be the favorite value. We have always picked Movies before as our preferred resort unless we got a really good deal on a Moderate or Deluxe. Actually this year we were originally scheduled for Movies again but delayed our trip by one day when disney extended the FD. I would try AoA and also checked it out for this trip since they were not included in the FD offer but we will be walking across the bridge to see it and also for their QS.


Well-Known Member
We love All-Star Music and Pop, but we are trying AoA (Little mermaid section) for our upcoming trip. We were able to get free dining so that made the decision easier.


Well-Known Member
We usually stay at Pop but would love to try out the Little Mermaid section of AoA. I am wondering if they will offer specials for it though. If there are discounts for both then AoA would be my first choice. If only discounts for Pop then I will go with Pop.


Well-Known Member
We stayed at All Star Sports and POP... I wasn't too impressed with POP especially because the maid stole our luggage, and Sports was on our first Disney trip ever and everyone knows that magical feeling :D


Well-Known Member
We have stayed at ASMo, Music and POP. We love POP and that is usually where we stay. On our trip June 2013, we will be staying at AoA. As someone else said, I'm worried about how far the LM rooms are. We shall see!!

Viva Vic

New Member
I just booked my first trip to Disney in over 8 years. We will be staying at AoA in Feb 2013. They haven't offered the free dining plan yet for that time, but if they so and it is not available for AoA, we will switch hotels. I'm a little nervous about staying in a value (I've only ever stayed at deluxe), but with the cost of Disney, I can't justify another $500 or so on just a hotel room.


Well-Known Member
I've been staying at All Star Sports for too long. I'm holding off on my next trip for 2014 (Coachella with a Disneyland afterwards is what I'm hoping to do for 2013). By then I'm hoping I'll be able to upgrade to a moderate. AoA just seems better for if I have a family and that's not happening by 2014.... I hope.

Silver Figment

Active Member
I've stayed at all of the value resorts except AoA. I would love to try it if the price is right, but if I can get a better deal at a different value resort i'll stay at that resort.

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