@BuddyThomas noted, food poisoning is hard to prove.
Reporting food poisoning may not get more than a thank you, we'll look into it. And unless they start getting a lot of complaints, or someone gets really ill (hospitalized and/or dies) nothing will be done - not because they don't care (although that might be the case) but because it's almost impossible to do something unless a large number of people got sick. Unless it's something simple.
My husband and BIL, SIL, and nephew played a round of golf at a prestigious golf course. All but my husband got sick that evening and through the night. My nephew passed on going out to dinner with us (we were a group of about a dozen at a family reunion) because he didn't feel well. He was the first to start having "issues" My BIL & SIL got ill after dinner.
If not for their son, they might have blamed the restaurant. But my other BIL (an epidemiologist with the CDC) was able to take a history from each of us in the group and localize the most likely culprit as being the large water coolers (those big orange ones) located on the course. They drank a lot of water; my husband drank beer or soft drinks from the cart.
I called the course, told them what happened (mentioning CDC helped) and I suggested they either replace or sterilize the coolers. Easy peasy, and they were appreciative enough to send a gift certificate for a free round and carts for 4 for our next visit.