I think for a LOT of people, this is the REAL reason people drive instead of fly to Disney World when they live far away..they are AFRAID to fly. As for kids screaming on planes...Driving with kids in a car is far worse. "Mommy...are we almost there?" " Daddy..I have to go potty!" Mommy...he won't stay on his side of the seat!" Daddy...My tummy hurts..I think I'm going to (insert protein spill word of choice here)"
As for feeling claustrophobic in a plane...2 adults and 2 bored children in a car isn't a whole lot better now is it?:lol:
Turbulance...Hmmm. While it's true, you don't experiance turbulance is a car,
I have had some white knuckle drive experiances while on long drives over sheets of ice and through zero visibility thunderstorms and I would take turbulance over either of these any day.
I guess my kids are just better behaved than most, because we don't have those kind of problems when we travel. In fact, I rarely hear much out of either of them (son is 9 and daughter is 6) during the trip. We get 1 or 2 new movies for the DVD player and a couple of new toys and books to give them. This past trip, they even completed their homework before arriving at Disney! That and neither of my children have EVER had a "protein spill" in any of my vehicles. So, no bored or complaining children on our trips. Guess they're just grateful to go to Disney every year!
If the weather is bad, I can pull my car over and wait it out. Not a possibility with an airplane, is it?
I don't mean to start any disagreements with you, but I really have to say that we've had more pleasant experiences driving to Disney than flying. We did fly with the kids the first time we took them and it was WAY too much work!!! They didn't enjoy the airport or the flight (constant complaints about their ears hurting) and I didn't enjoy the extra work that went into taking them through it. I would consider flying if it were just my husband and me, but the reality is, that we have 2 kids and it has been more pleasant of and experience for us to drive than fly and far less costly as well.
As long as you get to Disney, what does it matter how you get there?