Flight info keeps getting changed...


New Member
Is this normal? We made our flight ressies back in november (I think) through Disney Travel, and today I got my 2nd change of flight plans letter. What's up with this? It's really really frustrating! I know that in the grand scheme of things it's not a big deal, but we got things straightened out after the first change so that we would have only a 1 hour layover before departing to orlando, but now we have a 3 hour layover, both going to and leaving. I feel highly irate that while i'm waiting around in an airport with an antsy child, I'm paying to be on Test Track, or in DTD, or heck, just relaxing by the pool! I know that disney travel doesn't own the airline, but why is it they can change my vacation plans, willy nilly, without any problems, but I call to request a window seat they get all up in arms? Is this just part of taking a vacation?


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Yeah, with the airline industry it sadly is. Sorry :(

A 3-hour layover really isn't bad. You can go and shop or whatever at the airport, just don't wander outside the security area unless you want to take your shoes off again. Planes tend to board 30-45mins prior to departure - so you're actually saving yourself possibly having to run across an airport to make a connection (is it a true "layover" with the same plane continuing or a connection?) if your plane is late.

My last trip i saw tons of people miss their connection because our plane was delayed at the first airport. A 5-hour would be yuckey, but a 3 hour gives you time to fly in late, grab a bite or shop and stretch your legs, and then reboard.
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New Member
I doubt Disney has any control. they're just relaying the info. But I don't really know.

But I do know I can share your pain. Our carrier - Air Canada - has changed my times 3 times so far. However, this last change actually worked out well. I'm now arriving in Orlando before the original times. Almost an hour. Now we'll get to the park before supper time :)

Tower of terror, here I come baby!
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We had the airlines change our flights for our trip this past Feb. My DH called and complained b/c it messed up our vacation. They refunded our money and we got different flights and saved $400!!!
It can't hurt to call the airline directly and see what they can do. Good Luck!
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I have already had our flights changed once for our May trip.. Northwest just changed their schedule and we just kind of had to take it.. We were really lucky and the flight times only changed by about a 1/2 hour...
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Well-Known Member
Is this normal? We made our flight ressies back in november (I think) through Disney Travel, and today I got my 2nd change of flight plans letter. What's up with this? It's really really frustrating! I know that in the grand scheme of things it's not a big deal, but we got things straightened out after the first change so that we would have only a 1 hour layover before departing to orlando, but now we have a 3 hour layover, both going to and leaving. I feel highly irate that while i'm waiting around in an airport with an antsy child, I'm paying to be on Test Track, or in DTD, or heck, just relaxing by the pool! I know that disney travel doesn't own the airline, but why is it they can change my vacation plans, willy nilly, without any problems, but I call to request a window seat they get all up in arms? Is this just part of taking a vacation?

It has nothing to do with Disney but, yep, fluctuations in flight schedules is normal for all of the major airlines. Delta, United, America...they've all done it to me and sometimes it is very frequent. I find that they usually quit messing with them at about a month prior. Before that though, and they can change all the time. I've even had changes to where my connection flight leaves before my first flight is even scheduled to get in. Talk about frustrating! For me, I have found that it requires me to babysit my reservation. And it is sooo annoying to have to call them, press all the touch tone buttons required, be on hold for 10 minutes, get an overseas rep that I can barely understand, only to be told I have to be transferred to the reissue desk, waiting for another 10 minutes ~ all for something they did. And sometimes I have to argue to get them to change it for free.
:mad: Just another reason to dislike the major airlines!

Flight schedules change not so much with Allegiant Air, which is a low cost carrier in my neck of the woods, though. They don't fluctuate their schedules once published, in my experience. They make air travel actually smooth from reservation booking to arrival.
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Active Member
In the past 5 years I don't think I've ever flown without having my flight plan changed at least once (and I've flown a lot becuase of a long distance relationship). My theory (I just pulled this out of thin air so consider this my disclamer that I am in no way claiming it to be fact, only my theory) is that a few months ahead of time the airlines have a bunch of flights that they think will be convienent for their customers on the schedule. They get people to book them and then when it gets closer to the actual flight they switch them all around to times that cost less or are more convienent for the airline. Once you've made the reservation there isn't much you can do. You've already made hotel reservations at your destinations and It is too late the buy a ticket from someone else without paying an arm and a leg.
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Well-Known Member
Airlines change their schedules every few months. Not all flights change times but a good chunk of them do. They should have told you when you booked the flights that it was possible the times would change. I agree with another post that you should try calling the airline and see if they cvan change your flights at all.
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New Member
I had the same situation last Sept. I booked Air Tran flights through Disney. I must have gotten four or five letters before the trip letting us know that they had changed the flight by five minutes, then 12 minutes, then an hour, etc.
In January I booked my airfare on Air Tran on my own. Well, within a few weeks I got a letter stating that they needed to change my flight but over an hour. It really iritated me (because I would be arriving an hour later and leaving an hour earlier). Well, I called Air Tran and asked what could be redone. They volunteered to change my flight for me and I even got a small refund.:sohappy:
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Kingdom Konsultant

WDWMAGIC Board Sponsor
Premium Member
Unfortunately this is a common occurance. Did you try checking with the air dept to see if you can get a better flight? Sometimes if the tickets have not been processed they can change it without penalty if you find something better. It never hurts to ask.

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New Member
Original Poster
I think the flight is about as good as it's going to get. We depart our hometown at 6am and arrive in orlando at 3. I guess I was just frustrated that this keeps happening for no apparent reason. They also keep switching our seats to the very last rows of the plane, which dh requested not to happen. Would it do any good at all to call and try and get the seats moved up AGAIN? I mean, they'll probably just switch them again in 30 days anyway.

I do understand that Disney has no control over this, and I'm not upset with them. I just don't like feeling pushed around and without rights, so to speak. I certainly don't expect 1st class service for coach class prices, but I do feel like, heck, I've already paid them nearly $1000, the least they can do is keep things the way they promised!

But I've also decided I need to change my perspective. This IS the way it is to travel by air, so there's nothing I can do to stop that. I can, however, make the solid decision to not let crappy airlines put even the slightest damper on my vacation. If nothing changes again, we'll be checking into our resort at about 4:00 which still gives us all evening to play and we can end our first night at WDW by watching the fireworks. At least we won't be arriving at 10PM.

Thanks for all the feedback!
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Kingdom Konsultant

WDWMAGIC Board Sponsor
Premium Member
I think the flight is about as good as it's going to get. We depart our hometown at 6am and arrive in orlando at 3. I guess I was just frustrated that this keeps happening for no apparent reason. They also keep switching our seats to the very last rows of the plane, which dh requested not to happen. Would it do any good at all to call and try and get the seats moved up AGAIN? I mean, they'll probably just switch them again in 30 days anyway.
It doesn't hurt to call and try. I would.

I do understand that Disney has no control over this, and I'm not upset with them. I just don't like feeling pushed around and without rights, so to speak. I certainly don't expect 1st class service for coach class prices, but I do feel like, heck, I've already paid them nearly $1000, the least they can do is keep things the way they promised!
Believe me I understand what you are talking about. I have had clients chew me out because of the airlines. Disney has no control over them and neither do the travel agents. And they do this a LOT.

But I've also decided I need to change my perspective. This IS the way it is to travel by air, so there's nothing I can do to stop that. I can, however, make the solid decision to not let crappy airlines put even the slightest damper on my vacation. If nothing changes again, we'll be checking into our resort at about 4:00 which still gives us all evening to play and we can end our first night at WDW by watching the fireworks. At least we won't be arriving at 10PM.
Good for you! I like your spirit! You are going to the Happiest Place on Earth after all. I am sure it will all work out and you will have a wonderful time.
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New Member
I had the same situation last Sept. I booked Air Tran flights through Disney. I must have gotten four or five letters before the trip letting us know that they had changed the flight by five minutes, then 12 minutes, then an hour, etc.

This is exactly what happened to us. We booked Spirit Airlines thru Disney and we kept getting letters in the mail with the various changes.

I didn't really think to call the airlines but I will def. do that next time if it happens.

It was in our favor tho because they ended up changing the flights to leave an hour early, which is the flight we wanted to get but it was booked!

And we got even luckier when for no reason, Spirit moved us into FIrst Class before we were about to take off! Great start to a magical trip! :)
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Well-Known Member
It was in our favor tho because they ended up changing the flights to leave an hour early, which is the flight we wanted to get but it was booked!

Ah, of the many times my flights have been rescheduled over the years, I can say that it has occasionally worked out for the better for me too. If my preferred times were more expensive at the time of booking and I went with a cheaper, less desirable time, sometimes the airline changing flights would work out. Delta usually lets me change to different flights for no charge when they change the schedule on the itinerary. That has let me end up with the preferred times at the lower fare after all.

Don't get me wong...sometimes I have to bicker with the airline to get them to do it for free but it usually ended up in my favor. I just push the issue that I needed to be there at a certain time. However, if there was a "mis-connect", where the first flight gets in after the connection leaves, they always change it for free.

Most of the time I don't get notified of the changes by the airline before I notice it. I always worry I will get notified too late and my preferred flights will be booked. That's why I feel I need to babysit the reservation once booked. As soon as I notice an unacceptable change, I get on the phone.

So, it's a mixed bag of good and bad sometimes.
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New Member
We had seats booked on Northwest (through miles on a CC) and we picked out our seats on-line. We got to the airport just to be asked to pick our seats again. We moved ourselves up several rows.

One airline soon after we married had us seated 4 rows apart. They couldn't change my seat at the check-in counter. I had to go to the gate desk, they couldn't change it, when I boarded I told the flight attendant the situation and she said she would let me know once the plane was loaded. Everyone was on and she came and said I could move, there was a seat next to my husband open so I got to move and everyone on the plan said AWWWWWW!!! :)

Another time it happened and the flight attendant asked the passenger if we could switch seats, so we were able to move.

I like Southwest because you can chose where you want to sit when you get on the plane.
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New Member
In the past 5 years I don't think I've ever flown without having my flight plan changed at least once (and I've flown a lot becuase of a long distance relationship). My theory (I just pulled this out of thin air so consider this my disclamer that I am in no way claiming it to be fact, only my theory) is that a few months ahead of time the airlines have a bunch of flights that they think will be convienent for their customers on the schedule. They get people to book them and then when it gets closer to the actual flight they switch them all around to times that cost less or are more convienent for the airline. Once you've made the reservation there isn't much you can do. You've already made hotel reservations at your destinations and It is too late the buy a ticket from someone else without paying an arm and a leg.
Without trying to defend the airlines this has to be one of the more off the wall thoughts. Airlines change schedules almost every three months, sometimes more often based on demand and season. So if you book nine months out the chance of change is good. When changes are made I have been able to call and get better choices just by asking.
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Is this normal? We made our flight ressies back in november (I think) through Disney Travel, and today I got my 2nd change of flight plans letter. What's up with this? It's really really frustrating! I know that in the grand scheme of things it's not a big deal, but we got things straightened out after the first change so that we would have only a 1 hour layover before departing to orlando, but now we have a 3 hour layover, both going to and leaving. I feel highly irate that while i'm waiting around in an airport with an antsy child, I'm paying to be on Test Track, or in DTD, or heck, just relaxing by the pool! I know that disney travel doesn't own the airline, but why is it they can change my vacation plans, willy nilly, without any problems, but I call to request a window seat they get all up in arms? Is this just part of taking a vacation?

Our flight got changed maybe 12 times before we went once thru Delta. I am not exagerating, it was changing weekly. It drove me nuts. We eventually called and got it straightened out. If I hadnt been paranoid about planning and checking all the time we wouldnt have known because they never notified us that there had been a change. My issue was I had given them my money 330 days in advance and I wasnt getting what I had paid for which they will tell you it says right in the fine print that they reserve the right to screw with your vacation and add all kinds of stress to your life. My suggestion would be to get on the horn with both the Disney travel company and if that doesnt work the airline itself and demand to speak with whoever it takes to get it right. It took a few phone calls to get someone that would actually get it right but the closer we got to our vacation the better it got. We eventually got a flight that was good and got to sit together. They wanted my 3 year old and 10 year old all the way in the back and the other 3 of us spread out near the front. Good luck and dont be afraid to get a little nasty if you have to. Its your money and you have a right to speak up about your dissatisfaction with the service you are getting.
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