Wait a minute, now that you post those other two pics, it appears that Disney has gotten hold of an updated Google image of Cars Land that simply isn't available on the Internets to us commoners yet! When I compare the older Cars Land pic, it appears to be taken at the exact same height and scale as the newer one, and thus it makes it a perfect comparison with the FLE picture you posted which is also at the same height and scale.
Here's the FLE and Cars Land projects side by side, at what appears to be the exact same scale.
The Cars Land picture is rotated, so that South is at the top of the picture. Whereas the FLE picture has North at the top of the picture. It helps with the compare/contrast because it lines up the correlation to how these two projects plug in to the existing theme park on the entryways; Cars Land accessed from the park from the north, and FLE accessed from the park from the south. A fun comparison, no matter which direction is up. :lol:
Thank you so much for providing those pics, and letting us realize these images are much more useable than they seemed at first. :wave: