Fixing Epcot


Active Member
Originally posted by iluvepcot
Hey Ian, YOU S U C K!! Hey, remind who LSU stomped in the Sugar Bowl last year?? o yea, and remind me where your from??

Please forgive me, I must just be having a "fuzzy blonde" moment or something.....

What does football have to do with Fixing Epcot again? :veryconfu


Originally posted by cymbaldiva
Please forgive me, I must just be having a "fuzzy blonde" moment or something.....

What does football have to do with Fixing Epcot again? :veryconfu

Not a damn thing... some people can't see that, though. :mad:

:zipit: :zipit: :zipit:
World Showcase will not be seeing an African nation addition anytime in the near future because of two factors:

1. There isn't any one single African nation that has enough money to support such a costly addition and there aren't any African nations that truely have a stable enough government that Disney could rely upon to help maintain and be part of such a pavillion. (this excludes Egypt which is technically part of the African continent but obviously has a muslim culture)

2. Harambe in the Animal Kingdom more than strongly represents the non-muslim Africa way beyond the representations of nations in world showcase. This African village is a fantastic representation of Africa and thus because of #1 there is no immediate need for an African nation to world showcase.

Nations that are a possible addition:

Russia--- no representation of an Eastern Orthodox and cyrilic nation yet, plus the great architecture and distinct culture, large population

Greece--- pretty much the same reasons as Russia with the exception of large population but has ancient culture status

Egypt--- distinct ancient culture status, distinct architecture, but because of the war on terrorism and Morocco already representing the muslim culture probably not likely

India--- in my opinion one of the leading possibilities because it has a distinct and ancient culture, it has a distinct architectural style, the second largest population in the world, and there is a large Indian presence within the American population

Spain--- a distinct and contrasting culture to that of Mexico, had a major impact upon Florida's history itself, and has a unique culture and architecture

Australia--- hey it represents a whole continent, but because of Canada and the UK, an English background is probably already well enough represented

Brazil--- an outside chance because it has many financial difficulties, but it has a large visitor basis to WDW and is very unique because of the Amazon, the jungle forrest possibilities, and has the largest population in South America---a continent that is not represented yet

Switzerland--- enough money(that's for sure), unique possible tie-in with the Matterhorn, great chocolate :lol: , the Alps, but it has a small population

Well these are the ones most likely and ones that I would think would be a great addition and would give Epcot and World Showcase a new lift and all of us a new wonderful culture to explore and enjoy!


Originally posted by thedisneyfan
World Showcase will not be seeing an African nation addition anytime in the near future because of two factors:

1. There isn't any one single African nation that has enough money to support such a costly addition and there aren't any African nations that truely have a stable enough government that Disney could rely upon to help maintain and be part of such a pavillion. (this excludes Egypt which is technically part of the African continent but obviously has a muslim culture)

2. Harambe in the Animal Kingdom more than strongly represents the non-muslim Africa way beyond the representations of nations in world showcase. This African village is a fantastic representation of Africa and thus because of #1 there is no immediate need for an African nation to world showcase.

Nations that are a possible addition:

Russia--- no representation of an Eastern Orthodox and cyrilic nation yet, plus the great architecture and distinct culture, large population

Greece--- pretty much the same reasons as Russia with the exception of large population but has ancient culture status

Egypt--- distinct ancient culture status, distinct architecture, but because of the war on terrorism and Morocco already representing the muslim culture probably not likely

India--- in my opinion one of the leading possibilities because it has a distinct and ancient culture, it has a distinct architectural style, the second largest population in the world, and there is a large Indian presence within the American population

Spain--- a distinct and contrasting culture to that of Mexico, had a major impact upon Florida's history itself, and has a unique culture and architecture

Australia--- hey it represents a whole continent, but because of Canada and the UK, an English background is probably already well enough represented

Brazil--- an outside chance because it has many financial difficulties, but it has a large visitor basis to WDW and is very unique because of the Amazon, the jungle forrest possibilities, and has the largest population in South America---a continent that is not represented yet

Switzerland--- enough money(that's for sure), unique possible tie-in with the Matterhorn, great chocolate :lol: , the Alps, but it has a small population

Well these are the ones most likely and ones that I would think would be a great addition and would give Epcot and World Showcase a new lift and all of us a new wonderful culture to explore and enjoy!

Well, would you look at that... Intelligent discourse on what this thread is actually supposed to be about returns... Will wonders never cease.:lol:
Good points, all, Disneyfan. I agree with a lot of what you said there. Adding Russia to WS could be amazing. Red Swuare in Epcot would be beautiful... or the Pyramids... now, that would be awe inspiring.
Thanks jrashadb! :) I would love to see an African nation represented to give more flavor to WS, but because of the aforementioned problems, it probably won't happen. At least Harambe exists and is totally awesome. I do agree that if an African nation were to come to WS South Africa probably would be at the top of the very short list. The only other major nation that I would think had any possible chance would be Kenya. Who knows what the future hold, but practically any new nation would be fantastic! :)


New Member

Welcome back to the topic of the thread :)

Really good list, Disneyfan. I totally agree!

Another African nation that would have a good chance is the Republic of South Africa. They are probably one of the few African nations that would have the money to acutally afford it. And they have some "Happy End"-stories to tell about overcoming appartheit (pleas excuse my spelling). Also they have a very distinct architecture: the lodges of the national parks on one hand (this part might already be suffiently represented in Animal Kingdom) und the dutch-and-british influenced cities of the cape.

Also - like spain (o.k. a bit less) - South Africa was already featured at the Food&Wine-Festival (only two small cottages right next to the outpost - but better than nothing).

Greetings from Germany,

in my opinion epcot needs some good rides that dont brake down every 2 seconds and some stuff in the back cause i barely ever walk around to where all the diff countries are since im not that big of a fan of having a history lesson during my vacation


New Member

@imagineergurl: Pretty impressive Disney-record in your signature (and I don´t mean the twisted ankles) *smile*

I don´t know about the thrill rides. I admitt that they´ll need one or two thrill rides at EPCOT to get the attendance higher. But after all that´s not really what EPCOT is about (the place for thrill rides seems to be MGM recently).

EPCOT (imho) is about 1. the future/inventions/... 2. the world growing together.

So, thrill rides do not really fit in to much into "2." (World Showcase). And thrill rides in future world should be futuristic/new technology - well, and this is propably what makes them break down relativly often.....

But that is only my opinion - and I admit that I don´t need thrill rides to much (that´s why I hardly ever go to Universal)....



Active Member
Originally posted by imagineergurl
in my opinion epcot needs some good rides that dont brake down every 2 seconds and some stuff in the back cause i barely ever walk around to where all the diff countries are since im not that big of a fan of having a history lesson during my vacation

So what's wrong with having fun and actually learning something at the same time? :confused:


Active Member
Originally posted by thedisneyfan
What cymbaldiva? We learn at Epcot!? :eek: I was having too much fun to realize that we are also learning something while there! :animwink:

Thanks thedisneyfan!

That's what I think too...I was just responding to a silly post! :)


New Member
Hi all!

I think the "EPCOT-problem" is that imagineergurls post isn´t just a silly post: That´s what many people think about EPCOT (I don´t - but I´m a freak concerning EPCOT). People just want thrill rides and pure fun and don´t need to much atmosphere and daring new technologies (@ imagineergurl: Please correct me if I´m wrong but that´s what I understood): Sounds like Universal´s Islands of Adventures to me and not like Disney´s family fun and EPCOT!

Probably people that have the same opinion as imagineergurl make the majority of (paying!) theme-park-visitors. So: They don´t like EPCOT --> EPCOT has an attendance problem.

So, the problem that Disney has is: How can we draw the crowd of thrill-seekers back to EPCOT without loosing sight of the EPCOT-meaning?


Let´s just hope they make the best out of it and that they can preserve this very special EPCOT-atmosphere.



Yep. I think that's what they are aiming for in Mission:Space. I think they realize they need to get people back interested in Epcot. I, however, still love it as is.


New Member
Look at M:S. That ride has tons of atmosphere just looking at the building. It has thrills and stuff for the little ones.

...good point: Fits in the EPCOT-theme, plenty of atmosphere and (let´s hope) thrill. The only thing that we have to wait for is whether it will break down frequently or not :animwink:

Rides like that might be the solution to the EPCOT-problem!



New Member
Do something new with Innovations.

There seems to be less innovation at Innovations than there is at OOoooo. Internet. Big deal. Disney should hook up with MIT to show some really cool innovations such as holography, sound tech, and some other wacky new invention.

Just my thoughts...
I know a lot of people want nothing but thrill rides to now go into WDW, but if that's what they do, then WDW won't be WDW. Some new thrill rides----absolutely. But let's not be too seduced by the two minute thrill. Remember that WDW is family oriented and can't only invest in new thrill rides or they will leave the family ie their best customers behind. Being family oriented, having amazing theming, amazing guest services----this is what truely gives WDW its thrill! Most families can't all ride a RnR or a ToT, that's why Disney has to be careful with being too sold on the notion of a thrill rides only expansion.


New Member
Originally posted by ArsonWinter
Epcot was made for technology, science, and world traveling. Don't get it confused with Disney Studios; I think adding anything that has to do with a classic (or non-classic) movie would ruin Epcot's atmosphere. It's a park unlike any other at WDW, and personally, I think it's held to a higher standard than the other parks.

It need not be "fixed," as you put it.

I think thrill rides may be pushing that formula a bit, but I won't complain, because they bring in the people.

As for additions, I think WS needs an Austraila pavilion. Yes, there could be a ride based on the history, maybe even housed in the famous opera house (?) that everyone has seen a picture of.

Also, I wouldn't mind a Brazil Pavilion. I'm sure they could add something worthwhile to WS.

Not that I dont agree with you, cause I do, but today many people arent looking for education on a vacation, they look for fun! I think if they added a couple good, themed, fun rides it could do a lot to help Epcot regain some of the attendence it has lost of the past few years (after 9/11 Epcot had the highes drop of attendence of any park in Central Florida, need I say more?) I also agree about adding more entertainment. They could do the Kristo's everyday, the Tapestry of Dreams from Morroco all the way to Mexico, not Germany (they could fill it too, I was there last night and ToD was packed) Of course a new country would be good too, I'm liking the Greece or Egypt ideas, that would really work good! and finally maybe Disney could add just one more Festivle, who knows what it could be, but the two they have now really help draw people to Epcot!

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