First winners of the 'Suite Dreams' announced


Active Member
Just to put an end to the random bickering about it being the 8 year olds birthday...if you click the link attached on the original post, you will see that there is a correction. The little girl's birthday was Monday and not Thursday as posted. Not that I have a dog in this fight, just updating you


Active Member
Disney wouldn't mess with the contest just to make it look nice for the cameras (which, according to the stores I've heard, they tried way back when for the one-millionth Guest or something like that, and they got called on it and really had some amends to work out)

What people aren't realizing is that Disney didn't *have* to make a big spectacle out of the first winner. Not to sugar-coat it, but if the Disney PR people didn't feel that the person who won the prize was "camera ready", they wouldn't have paraded them in front of the media. They could just award the prize following the official rules. The winner would be none the wiser because they got this great night in the castle, and the press wouldn't know about it because the Disney media would have shifted the story slightly to zoom past the point of *who* won the first night. I'd bet that all press interviews happened hours later, which gave the Disney PR people time to gauge whether to "display" the true first winners. This time they just lucked out that it was a picture-perfect family. (Though I agree with other posters who said that they could probably spin a great story out of just about ANY winner)

So, while Disney doesn't have any control over the contest (in fact, I'm sure the specific details are operated by an impartial outside firm like most contests are), they *can* control whether the winners are widely shown in the media.


Does this post ask, "I will not agree with those that think that Disney is not fair and fun.....I believe that Disney could be unfair and unfun if it wants to.....not that it will.....but it probably isn't...and that's why my family didn't get to stay the first night in the castle....not that Disney didn't want us.....but because it had to pick one family out of 2 million families that signed a petition or bought tickets.....and for us to represent them image of Disney.....well that's unfair....because we're just normal folks....and I'm just here to eat a good dinner at California Grill and rush out REAL fast to watch the fireworks......

I guess I'm being a little boorish here, but WHO CARES???? You're statement talks about why Disney can or shouldn't do what it wants to I've asked....WHO CARES??? Answer that first....then flame me.....

my 2 cents....

Disney wouldn't mess with the contest just to make it look nice for the cameras (which, according to the stores I've heard, they tried way back when for the one-millionth Guest or something like that, and they got called on it and really had some amends to work out)

What people aren't realizing is that Disney didn't *have* to make a big spectacle out of the first winner. Not to sugar-coat it, but if the Disney PR people didn't feel that the person who won the prize was "camera ready", they wouldn't have paraded them in front of the media. They could just award the prize following the official rules. The winner would be none the wiser because they got this great night in the castle, and the press wouldn't know about it because the Disney media would have shifted the story slightly to zoom past the point of *who* won the first night. I'd bet that all press interviews happened hours later, which gave the Disney PR people time to gauge whether to "display" the true first winners. This time they just lucked out that it was a picture-perfect family. (Though I agree with other posters who said that they could probably spin a great story out of just about ANY winner)

So, while Disney doesn't have any control over the contest (in fact, I'm sure the specific details are operated by an impartial outside firm like most contests are), they *can* control whether the winners are widely shown in the media.


Very good point, why take any legal risk when, in the end, you still can control the PR. Makes perfect sense to me, even if it doesn't make sense to... others.


New Member
I was a WDW in Oct from 14th to 29th and never saw anyone handing out a Random prize .. Thought I would even see more winners walking around with thier prizes . But Now I gotta question how random it is to win this big night at the Castle ? Here the winner is in the not so crowded month of January and as walking on the Star Tours ride they win , then they Randomly win the night at the Castle stay about 5 or 10 Min later ! Heres a tip to everyone this did not seam to random , if you win a fast pass get on the ride for the next couple of min ...You may Randomly increase your chances to Win a big Prize.LOL


Well-Known Member
Congratulations to the Family....

I think it is pretty cool that they won..and I hope that if my family or friends win something will not be posted on the news..Because I would hate to come here and read some of the comments posted about them.

Randomly chosen or not..if it was you or someone you knew who would not be saying these things.

So lets be happy for the people...and sure..we can be jealous..I am...
but that does not mean I have to think of reasons why they won instead of being happy and excited that they won..

Thats all..:)


Well-Known Member
Sorry Enderikari, but your naivete is showing.....most things in this world are not random....and I, as I believe most of the folks who believe in the legacy of Walt....will not believe that a nuclear family with a daughter that is having a birthday are the RANDOM winners of the first night's stay in the most anticipated WDW hotel room, maybe, of all doesn't happened...this was planned...and it is sad....sad because some kid or adult who doesn't have a "picture perfect life" could have had an experience that changes who they are (positive or not) for the rest of their and YOUR life....

my 2 cents...


Sorry "Dave." Your 2 cents are fools gold here. You can believe what you want, and no amount of logic will dissuade you from your dellusion. Suffice it to say, you are simply foolish to believe that Disney would do anything other than FOLLOW THE LAW.... The off-site computer, run by a non-disney company, told the Dream Squad to go to a particular seat at a particular time... How in the blazes does that lend itself to setting something up? Do you know what happens if Disney doesn't follow the exact directions as found by that computer? Simple... it can't happen. No marketing guru, no dream squad CM with a heart of gold, can subvert it, because there are systems of checks and balances... Believe me "Dave," your wanton "need" to believe the world in somehow against you doesn't translate well into reality. Without you having any knowledge of how the whole system works, you can keep on with you "woe is me, i'll never win anything" fantasies.
Oh my god, a family won? And someone in the family is celebrating a birthday soon? That's a heck of a coincidence, right? Especially because no one comes to Walt Disney World to celebrate a birthday, and certainly no one brings their family along, right? You know that makes up an enormous demographic of the daily visitors to Walt Disney World, I would have actually been more surprised if it had been a single guy from Wetumpka... But that's not to say its not going to happen. It is completely random, each and every day. "Picture Perfect Life" or not.
And what do you think you are doing with your simply foolish statement,
and I, as I believe most of the folks who believe in the legacy of Walt....
... Really? Trying to speak ex cathedra out of your bellybutton, are we? The "Legacy of Walt" indeed... You have no idea of the history of the Walt Disney Company, do you? Least of all to challenge me... You think the Legacy of Walt is to not have families visit the park? Are you on medication?
Its not my Naivete, but your ignorance that is on display here... Sit back, learn some more facts (not just your own wrong-headed opinions), and then rejoin the conversation, already in progress.


Well-Known Member
Disney wouldn't mess with the contest just to make it look nice for the cameras (which, according to the stores I've heard, they tried way back when for the one-millionth Guest or something like that, and they got called on it and really had some amends to work out)

What people aren't realizing is that Disney didn't *have* to make a big spectacle out of the first winner. Not to sugar-coat it, but if the Disney PR people didn't feel that the person who won the prize was "camera ready", they wouldn't have paraded them in front of the media. They could just award the prize following the official rules. The winner would be none the wiser because they got this great night in the castle, and the press wouldn't know about it because the Disney media would have shifted the story slightly to zoom past the point of *who* won the first night. I'd bet that all press interviews happened hours later, which gave the Disney PR people time to gauge whether to "display" the true first winners. This time they just lucked out that it was a picture-perfect family. (Though I agree with other posters who said that they could probably spin a great story out of just about ANY winner)

So, while Disney doesn't have any control over the contest (in fact, I'm sure the specific details are operated by an impartial outside firm like most contests are), they *can* control whether the winners are widely shown in the media.


Boy, if there ever was a prize for a good point, Rob, you would deserve it... Good Post...!


The prize was technically awarded to the 16 year old (or his legal guardians considering the age of the child). Any person sitting in that seat would have won, be it a four year old with her big brother, or a wanted serial killer. I will get real tired of hearing all this "woe is me, I'll never get picked" grousing, because it simply isn't true. The person with themselves and their cats has just a good a chance as the person who is the standard family with 2.5 kids. Disney cannot... SIMPLY CANNOT give the prize to whomever looks the best for the cameras... Otherwise you would have lawsuits and fines that look really bad to stockholders...

The prize is awarded to one person, sitting or standing in the right spot at the right time... They simply get to choose up to 5 people to stay with them. (or not, if they so choose it)

This is totally true. My good friend is on the Dream Squad, and he assured me that they just go where the computer tells them. He gave away a shopping spree, and it was awarded to a child in a family of 6. The family could join him and if the parents had so desired they likely could have strong armed him into sharing, but he was the winner and the CM shopped with the child, as he was the actual winner.


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
Yeah, it's a real coincidence. All these people that win the big mothering prizes, are totally Mr. & Mrs. John Smith with little Janie and Johnny Jr, from the middle of nowhere in America. The people who won the park to themselves, the people who won the free return trip, all totally nuclear wonderbread families!

I guess it's just sour grapes for dinner for me tonight... me and my wife, and one dog. Oh well, I'm going in 30 more days, and I really hope to be lucky enough to be the first non-nuclear family to win.... and Canadian.

I hope Tuna Tom wins... that would be the best ever!!!

I sincerely hope you're not that lucky! I'll be there with DS11 on the 10th... Hoping to beat you to being a non-nuclear Canadian family to win... I don't care if we're 'first', that's just greedy!


Active Member
Suffice it to say, you are simply foolish to believe that Disney would do anything other than FOLLOW THE LAW....

Its not my Naivete, but your ignorance that is on display here... Sit back, learn some more facts (not just your own wrong-headed opinions), and then rejoin the conversation, already in progress.

As you keep talking about lawsuits and the law, I have a couple of requests.

1.) Please provide the law passed by the State of Florida that regulates how Disney distributes prizes to its guests.

2.) Please provide the details of how any guest of Disney World would successfully win a lawsuit against Disney if the suite prize is not awarded randomly.

Thanks. And my name really is Dave, so you don't need to put it in quotes.

What are you smoking dude? :lol: :lol: :lol:

I don't smoke. However, last night was enhanced by some French table red and a Cali Pinot Noir. :)

In all seriousness, I wish your husband the best in Iraq. My best friend and one of my cousins are both in-country right now.




Premium Member
I don't smoke. However, last night was enhanced by some French table red and a Cali Pinot Noir. :)

In all seriousness, I wish your husband the best in Iraq. My best friend and one of my cousins are both in-country right now.



Oooh my last night was enhanced by red stuff too. This morning - NOT SO MUCH! :lookaroun

Thanks for the well wishes. He's doing great over there.

Can I call you "Dave" with the quotes and stuff? It's funnier that way.


Well-Known Member
::clears throat:: First, the Disney Official Rules


1. Each day of the Giveaway, numerous prizes will be awarded randomly (subject to a minimum of 1,551 prizes per day) (see prize details in the Appendix at the end of these Official Rules). Prizes may be awarded individually or in groups (for example, one hundred (100) DREAM FASTPASS badges or 100 Pin & Lanyard Set prizes may be awarded at a single time) (each such group referred to below as a "Batch"). Some prizes will be awarded at random on any day during the Giveaway Period (such as the Disney Vacation Club Memberships or the Disney Cruise Line trips) while other prizes are pre-determined by Sponsor to be given away either every day (such as DREAM FASTPASS badges) or on certain days (such as the one-night stays at the Cinderella Castle Suite on the night the prize is awarded and attendance at Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party on the day the prize is awarded). Although both attendees and mail-in entrants are eligible to be selected as winners, certain prizes are Disney Property-specific (for example, DREAM FASTPASS badges, events and overnight stays) and may require same day use, and therefore, are only available to participants present at the California Disney Properties or the Florida Disney Properties (or certain parks or locations within each), as applicable. Mail-in entrants selected to receive a Disney Property-specific prize will be awarded an alternate prize. See Section 3(c) below for additional information. For each prize or Batch of prizes, the Sponsor must first randomly select the pool of entrants from which a winner or winners will be selected. The randomly selected pool of entrants for a particular prize or Batch of prizes will be either: (i) the pool of mail-in entrants received that day; or (ii) the individuals visiting a location that is randomly selected that day from among the many locations within the Disney Properties suitable for that prize or Batch of prizes. When there is a prize that will be redeemed at a specific Disney Property on the day it is awarded, only locations at that Disney Property, plus the pool of applicable mail-in entries, will be included in the random selection. See below for how eligible mail-in entrants will be included in the random selection process on Sundays, U.S. postal holidays and UK postal holidays.

2. If, on any given day, a location in a Disney Property is randomly selected: a time for awarding of the prize will also be randomly selected. As mentioned above, Sponsor anticipates that potential winners will be selected at the Disney Properties between opening and 5 pm local time; however, certain prizes (for example, Mickey Mouse Penthouse and Cinderella Castle Suite) are likely to be awarded early in the day to help ensure that a winner will be able to claim the prize and Sponsor reserves the right in its sole discretion to select winners at the Disney Properties during any operating hours. Then, Disney Dream Squad Members ("Dream Squad") will arrive at the randomly selected location and: (i) in the case of a single prize, subject to Sponsor's initial verification process, the first person present at that randomly selected location and time will be notified that he/she is a potential winner of the prize; or (ii) in the case of a Batch of the same prize being awarded at the same time, subject to Sponsor's initial verification process, the first number of people matching the number of prizes in that Batch at that randomly selected location and time will be notified that each is a potential winner of one (1) of the prizes in the Batch.



Now, this is both regulated by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services as well as the Federal Trade Commission. Not only that, but Florida is one of three states in America with more stringent sweepstakes laws (the others being New York and Rhode Island). The official rules, as stated above must be followed, or "regulatory action including, but not limited to fines and imprisonment" would ensue.

P.S. I am really not going to dig through thousands of pages of law in order to find the exact ruling of the sweepstakes law... But suffice it to say, Disney has thousands of lawyers that do do that job, and, with the world's eye on the YOAMD and especially the castle suite, keep the prize give-away on the straight and narrow.

"cheers" to you "Dave"


New Member
I say Congrats to the family. They deserve it as much as anyone of us. It could have been anyone on this board to win the 1st castle stay.

If it was rigged (which I don't think it is) do you think Disney would give them fastpasses and then a little while later the same family gets the castle stay? I don't think so, thus the random picking.

People celebrate their birthdays or birthday weeks all the time at Disney, where in this case (as read) it was apparently her birthday week not the exact day.


Well-Known Member
::clears throat:: First, the Disney Official Rules


1. Each day of the Giveaway, numerous prizes will be awarded randomly (subject to a minimum of 1,551 prizes per day) (see prize details in the Appendix at the end of these Official Rules). Prizes may be awarded individually or in groups (for example, one hundred (100) DREAM FASTPASS badges or 100 Pin & Lanyard Set prizes may be awarded at a single time) (each such group referred to below as a "Batch"). Some prizes will be awarded at random on any day during the Giveaway Period (such as the Disney Vacation Club Memberships or the Disney Cruise Line trips) while other prizes are pre-determined by Sponsor to be given away either every day (such as DREAM FASTPASS badges) or on certain days (such as the one-night stays at the Cinderella Castle Suite on the night the prize is awarded and attendance at Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party on the day the prize is awarded). Although both attendees and mail-in entrants are eligible to be selected as winners, certain prizes are Disney Property-specific (for example, DREAM FASTPASS badges, events and overnight stays) and may require same day use, and therefore, are only available to participants present at the California Disney Properties or the Florida Disney Properties (or certain parks or locations within each), as applicable. Mail-in entrants selected to receive a Disney Property-specific prize will be awarded an alternate prize. See Section 3(c) below for additional information. For each prize or Batch of prizes, the Sponsor must first randomly select the pool of entrants from which a winner or winners will be selected. The randomly selected pool of entrants for a particular prize or Batch of prizes will be either: (i) the pool of mail-in entrants received that day; or (ii) the individuals visiting a location that is randomly selected that day from among the many locations within the Disney Properties suitable for that prize or Batch of prizes. When there is a prize that will be redeemed at a specific Disney Property on the day it is awarded, only locations at that Disney Property, plus the pool of applicable mail-in entries, will be included in the random selection. See below for how eligible mail-in entrants will be included in the random selection process on Sundays, U.S. postal holidays and UK postal holidays.

2. If, on any given day, a location in a Disney Property is randomly selected: a time for awarding of the prize will also be randomly selected. As mentioned above, Sponsor anticipates that potential winners will be selected at the Disney Properties between opening and 5 pm local time; however, certain prizes (for example, Mickey Mouse Penthouse and Cinderella Castle Suite) are likely to be awarded early in the day to help ensure that a winner will be able to claim the prize and Sponsor reserves the right in its sole discretion to select winners at the Disney Properties during any operating hours. Then, Disney Dream Squad Members ("Dream Squad") will arrive at the randomly selected location and: (i) in the case of a single prize, subject to Sponsor's initial verification process, the first person present at that randomly selected location and time will be notified that he/she is a potential winner of the prize; or (ii) in the case of a Batch of the same prize being awarded at the same time, subject to Sponsor's initial verification process, the first number of people matching the number of prizes in that Batch at that randomly selected location and time will be notified that each is a potential winner of one (1) of the prizes in the Batch.



Now, this is both regulated by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services as well as the Federal Trade Commission. Not only that, but Florida is one of three states in America with more stringent sweepstakes laws (the others being New York and Rhode Island). The official rules, as stated above must be followed, or "regulatory action including, but not limited to fines and imprisonment" would ensue.

Well that takes care of that, then!



It's not about fixing the contest, it's about the PR spin. First off, no real shock in it being a family since that's what most of disneys guests are. And that's where the PR spin comes in. Ok, it's a nuclear family, but thats how PR spun it, for all we know he's the step dad. Theres nothing wrong with it, but it removes the "perfect" image, it's all in the spin.

Also, if they didn't like last nights winner they could have used tonights winner, which by this point should have been picked.


Well-Known Member
As you keep talking about lawsuits and the law, I have a couple of requests.

1.) Please provide the law passed by the State of Florida that regulates how Disney distributes prizes to its guests.
I'm VERY familiar with how sweepstakes are regulated in Florida and it's all based in law. In fact, Florida has the most stringent consumer protection for sweepstakes.

2.) Please provide the details of how any guest of Disney World would successfully win a lawsuit against Disney if the suite prize is not awarded randomly.

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