First trip to Disney, dining plan worth it?


One Little Spark...
What park is going to be the best one to spend the most time at? Judging by the map you can get from Hollywood Studios to epcot pretty easy?
Yes. When you exit HS, go off to the left. You'll see the friendship boat docks. A boat will take you to EPCOT from there.

OR, you can go off to the right and take the bus to Yacht and Beach Club, and from there it's a short walk to EPCOT.


One Little Spark...
I wish I would of know that I have already paid for 5 day tickets. Thursday - monday and paid for park hopper to. Our plan was to just spend the entire day in magic kingdom.
If you haven't made the final payment on your package (which shouldn't be due for another few months), then you can make all the changes you like.

After you've made your final payment, you can still make changes, but there is a change fee ($50, iirc).

That said, for your length of stay, I wouldn't do the "save money and only use Halloween admission" trick for MK. You won't be able to enter the park until 4 or 5p, and if you cut your tickets down 1 day, it's not saving that much money. You may not choose to do MK that morning, but I would.

It's worth crunching the numbers, but cutting a 5 day to a 4 day, it's gonna save you something like $30 (not per ticket, that's total savings). me, it's just not worth it to "lose" the ability to go do something at a park during the day.

Now, cutting Park Hopper will save you something around $190 (total, not per ticket), so that may be something to consider to offset the cost of the Halloween Party tickets.


Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
Premium Member
If you haven't made the final payment on your package (which shouldn't be due for another few months), then you can make all the changes you like.

After you've made your final payment, you can still make changes, but there is a change fee ($50, iirc).

Only if that change results in a lower total cost than the original reservation. Or so I was told when I changed resorts thanks to my daughter's then BF cancelling.


One Little Spark...
Only if that change results in a lower total cost than the original reservation. Or so I was told when I changed resorts thanks to my daughter's then BF cancelling.
Yes, that's correct. You can always ADD to your package at any time (if it increases the cost). Sorry, I should have stipulated that. Good catch!


One Little Spark...
That's what I'm excited for I may call disney tomorrow and take the park hopper off if they will let me
They'll let you. You can also cut down to a 4 day, as suggested, but I wouldn't (see my earlier post). It's not much in the way of savings for something that ties your hands to a resort or Disney Springs for the first half of the day.


Love a little Disney every day!! ;)
Yeah my uncle ended up canceling his resorvations for there to just because he didn't realize it was such a upscale place.
I really don't agree that it's so upscale at Yachtsman as others mentioned.
I have still seen may people in park attire in Yachtsman as well as all the signatures when we go. The only restaurant that is fully upscale is Victoria and Albert's. Other than that even the signatures at the parks or even at resorts you see all attires just not of course beach attire haha.
The signatures technically have a dress code but have never seen it enforced unless at V&A's.
We have worn park clothes in many signatures and did not feel uncomfortable at all as we were never the only ones. We though usually wear jeans to the parks so not like we had cut offs on or something ever. We have seen many in shorts though. Lots of families with young kids have been at the signatures including Yachtsman when we have gone also. :)


One Little Spark...
I really don't agree that it's so upscale. I have still seen may people in park attire in Yachtsman as well as all the signatures when we go. The only restaurant that is fully upscale is Victoria and Albert's. Other than that even the signatures at the parks or even at resorts you see all attires just not of course beach attire haha. We have worn park clothes in many signatures and did not feel uncomfortable at all as we were never the only ones. We though usually wear jeans to the parks so not like we had cut offs on or something ever. Lots of families with young kids have been at the signatures including Yachtsman when we have gone also. :)
My kid does fine with Jikos, and has since 2012. But, I'm not sure I would have wanted to take her on our first trip when she was 5. Not that she wouldn't behave, but because there are other venues that she would enjoy more.

That said, we do dress up for signature meals. Nothing fancy. Slacks and a polo for me, a nice sun dress for her (or something like that). For parks, I tend to wear cargo shorts or something like that, and a t-shirt, and she is similarly in a sun dress or shorts and a tshirt.

But, we go in August, so the heat is a factor. Not sure I'd make it through a day in jeans in that florida summer swelter! <grin>


Love a little Disney every day!! ;)
My kid does fine with Jikos, and has since 2012. But, I'm not sure I would have wanted to take her on our first trip when she was 5. Not that she wouldn't behave, but because there are other venues that she would enjoy more.

That said, we do dress up for signature meals. Nothing fancy. Slacks and a polo for me, a nice sun dress for her (or something like that). For parks, I tend to wear cargo shorts or something like that, and a t-shirt, and she is similarly in a sun dress or shorts and a tshirt.

But, we go in August, so the heat is a factor. Not sure I'd make it through a day in jeans in that florida summer swelter! <grin>
Agree about a 5 year old not that they can't go but may not enjoy it as much as somewhere else etc.
We always go Oct- Dec so jeans are not bad at all unlike the summer! Lol. We have changed for dinner a few times for our signature dining but alot of times we may just freshen up a bit (change shirts/top/shoes, etc) if we are short on time or tired. Once we realized many didn't even have jeans on (saw many shorts etc) at the signatures we were like why make ourselves have to change much nicer attire if we did not have time etc. Of course it is nice to get dolled up on occassion but now we know we don't have to so that is nice sometimes about Disney. :)


Love a little Disney every day!! ;)
My kid does fine with Jikos, and has since 2012. But, I'm not sure I would have wanted to take her on our first trip when she was 5. Not that she wouldn't behave, but because there are other venues that she would enjoy more.

That said, we do dress up for signature meals. Nothing fancy. Slacks and a polo for me, a nice sun dress for her (or something like that). For parks, I tend to wear cargo shorts or something like that, and a t-shirt, and she is similarly in a sun dress or shorts and a tshirt.

But, we go in August, so the heat is a factor. Not sure I'd make it through a day in jeans in that florida summer swelter! <grin>
To add to my previous reply....NEVER wear a nice pair of stilettos after several very long days at the parks to go have a nice meal! I made that mistake one time while in the world and regretted every excruciating step! I wear cute platforms or high heel boots to dinner if I wear heels now at Disney. I'll keep my stilettos at home now! At least I looked good though that night at Narcoosees! Haha :)


One Little Spark...
To add to my previous reply....NEVER wear a nice pair of stilettos after several very long days at the parks to go have a nice meal! I made that mistake one time while in the world and regretted every excruciating step! I wear cute platforms or high heel boots to dinner if I wear a heel now at Disney. I'll keep my stilettos at home now! At least I looked good though that night at Narcoosees! Haha :)
Yeah, I've seen people in stilettos (heels or boots) at the parks, and, while I admire their resolve, I can't help but think their feet have to be hurting something fierce!


Love a little Disney every day!! ;)
Yeah, I've seen people in stilettos (heels or boots) at the parks, and, while I admire their resolve, I can't help but think their feet have to be hurting something fierce!
At least I just wore them to dinner! Haha I have seen though women in them in the parks too. I have been guilty of wearing my boots to MVMCP one night and never did again! Lol. Now only wear them to go eat but not in the parks again. I have learned my lessons. :)

Brandon barr

Active Member
Original Poster
Thanks yall for the help and advice. I looked it up and like said abouve it would only save me 30 dollars to skip that one day so I'd rather have it available. The park hopper cost me 204 bucks but if I cancel and it cost 50 at that point I might as well leave it on there and hop once or so just to say I used it. I have paid my bill down to 200 bucks. I left it open because I recall englanddg telling me that if you want to add something and pay it out to leave it open. I am still bouncing around on the dining plan. I think I am going to try to make all my TS reservations if I am able to get all the ones I want then I will think the plan is worth it. If I can't get into the places I'd like then I'd rather just pay oop.

Oh yeah today I get my free disney planing DVD. Not sure I will learn anymore from that then I have from you all. Everyone has been so helpful and full of info on here.


One Little Spark...
Thanks yall for the help and advice. I looked it up and like said abouve it would only save me 30 dollars to skip that one day so I'd rather have it available. The park hopper cost me 204 bucks but if I cancel and it cost 50 at that point I might as well leave it on there and hop once or so just to say I used it. I have paid my bill down to 200 bucks. I left it open because I recall englanddg telling me that if you want to add something and pay it out to leave it open. I am still bouncing around on the dining plan. I think I am going to try to make all my TS reservations if I am able to get all the ones I want then I will think the plan is worth it. If I can't get into the places I'd like then I'd rather just pay oop.

Oh yeah today I get my free disney planing DVD. Not sure I will learn anymore from that then I have from you all. Everyone has been so helpful and full of info on here.
The DVD is worth a watch, but it is obviously a marketing packet and is a bit vague on certain topics. It serves more to pump you up than to inform. The kid should love it though!

As far as making changes...

So, you've got a "final pay date" that Disney assigned to you when you booked. It is 45 days from arrival, iirc. Before that date you can make any changes to your reservation (adding or taking away from the cost) that you wish without penalty, including cancelling in full (not that you want to do that, just saying, you can go even that far without penalty or fees).

Additionally, you can pay some or all of your trip off at any time, but On the final pay date, you must have paid off the entire outstanding balance. Now it is considered "locked in". I dont pay off anything until very close to the final pay date only because basically Disney is extending me an interest free "loan" why pay early? But, you can pay off at any time up until your final pay date, when the remaining balance is due in full.

Note, this is a function of the date, not the balance on your account. So, if you paid it off in full before the final pay date, you can still make changes, all the way up to cancellation, before the final pay date. Any reduction in your balance (such as, if you took off the hoppers), will be credited back to the card you used to make payment.

After the final pay date, any changes that reduce your balance will have a change fee ($50, iirc). Any changes that increase your balance have no change fee, I dont think, but you will be asked to pay those changes in full at the time you make them.

It is a function of the final pay date, not your current paid balance. Make sense?

Brandon barr

Active Member
Original Poster
Ahhhh I get it know thanks for clearing that up so I could call tomorrow and cancel my park hopper if I wanted to because I am still not at the 45 days till trip and will get a full refund for it.

I did look at taking that one day off and for 30 bucks I would rather have the option of going to the park. I guess the 2 things I still need to figure out and decide on is of I want to do the park hopper and dining plan. I am going to try to get a few reservations lined up before I deside on the dining plan.


One Little Spark...
Ahhhh I get it know thanks for clearing that up so I could call tomorrow and cancel my park hopper if I wanted to because I am still not at the 45 days till trip and will get a full refund for it.

I did look at taking that one day off and for 30 bucks I would rather have the option of going to the park. I guess the 2 things I still need to figure out and decide on is of I want to do the park hopper and dining plan. I am going to try to get a few reservations lined up before I deside on the dining plan.
I'd cut the parkhopper myself. Your stay just isn't long enough to really need it, unless you really wanted to hop to EPCOT for dinner some evenings because they have, on average, the best dining of all the parks. Especially since you spent extra on the Party.

The only other reason to keep it, actually has to do with the Party dates. You'll not be able to stay in MK past 7p on those days that you don't have tickets (so, you have tickets for 1 day, but you are staying 6, and 2 other days have the party, so that leaves only 3 days where you can stay past 7 outside of the Party Ticket day you already got). Now, personally, I'd just plan to do a different park on those nights that the party is going on that you don't have tickets, and save the $200 some odd dollars. But, that's just me.

I think your plan to look at getting the ADRs you want before deciding on if to OOP or which Dining Plan you want is a solid one. The number to call is 407.WDW.DINE. As you've encountered, the website is wonky. The Dining Line can make your reservations faster, and review options faster, than the site does. It's one of the things Disney still needs to improve more before it becomes completely viable, imho.

Brandon barr

Active Member
Original Poster
Thanks again englanddg what park would you say would be the best to visit 2 times since we will be there enough to go to another one twice. To me it looks like magic kingdom or epcot...


One Little Spark...
Thanks again englanddg what park would you say would be the best to visit 2 times since we will be there enough to go to another one twice. To me it looks like magic kingdom or epcot...
Magic Kingdom. Hands down.

Plus, if you go back to MK on one of the days they are not doing the party, the nighttime entertainment will be different. Youll see the Main Street Electrical Parade, a different Castle Projection show and Wishes fireworks.
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One Little Spark...
Okay good deal I know for sure one other day we are there they are not having the haloween party so we could stay all day.
Plus, if you go back on a non party day, the nighttime entertainment will be different (and new for you).

You will see the Main Street Electrical Parade, a different Castle projection show, and Wishes Fireworks (different than the projection / fireworks they do for the party).

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