Need advice on what I should do. My sone (14 1/2 months) was scheduled to have his first haircut at the Harmony Barbershop which I scheduled two months prior to our trip. When we arrived 15 min. early as instructed we were 6th in line with four children wanting pixie dust and colored gel (which takes forever). We were told then it was first come first serve. Well, we didn't stop by when we entered the park with no one in line because we had reservations. Well, after an hour waiting we got down to 4th in line and my son proceeded to have a complete meltdown (hot, tired, teething, and a cold to boot). Well needless to say we are home now with a gy head of hair and no haircut. Why did I have to make reservations and they go through all the trouble over the phone of getting his name if I was told first come first serve despite my reservation? Should I call and complain? There's little to do about it now due to we are home, but I'm still a little heartbroken that his first haircut won't be anything special.