Fire at DTD?


Well-Known Member is saying that all the closed shops are back open now. They do have one pic from the scene, snapped at the height of the smokiness, and they're holding to the "car fire" version of events.


New Member
I was driving to the Poly this morning around 11:30 and there was black smoke in the sky that I could see from my house. I'm 5 minutes from the world and you could see the smoke from 535. I originally thought they were burning wood or something, but then I realized it was coming from DTD. Hope everyone is OK.


Active Member
The lot next to cirque has had this type of smoke every time they've been paving over the last week. This is the third day... I'm not quite sure what all of the fuss is about unless there really was a separate event. Nothing went over the duty line that I know of, but I guess I'll find out tomorrow when I'm back in. Also, I'm not an expert with these types of machines, and frankly don't know a darn thing about them, but I've seen them MANY times now, and they always have flames coming out of the bottom of them.

Anywho, the smoke wasn't NEARLY as bad as the smoke was on the Thursday of Pirates opening. That was BAD. This time It was being blown a bit where as last time it went straight into the sky.
So much for those fresh and clean white awnings they just installed recently at Cirque.

Ya...can anyone down there right now get a pic of the Cirque building or DQ (preferably in daylight tomorrow?) to see if they were affected by the smoke?

[yes I know they weren't on fire. I'm interested in seeing if they suffered any smoke damage - 50 feet away doesn't seem that far]


That's definitely NOT a paver just paving. Pavers don't shoot 12+ feet flames into the air and sure don't produce 10+ story high smoke mountains of black smoke.

Don't say it's just the paving of the ground.

It also wasn't a car or two that exploded. It was equipment that caught fire and possibly exploded.

Just proving any theory/rumor that it was not construction work without any fire.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
That's definitely NOT a paver just paving. Pavers don't shoot 12+ feet flames into the air and sure don't produce 10+ story high smoke mountains of black smoke.

Don't say it's just the paving of the ground.

It also wasn't a car or two that exploded. It was equipment that caught fire and possibly exploded.

Just proving any theory/rumor that it was construction work without any fire.

see pictures linked above!


Well-Known Member
A layer on asphalt on something hot ... like, say the bottom of the engine ... will catch fire.

Better? :brick:

I still say that it is not possible for a layer of asphalt to be on "top" of the bottom of an engine...

However, based upon the talking to brick wall smiley you used - I take it you do not like it when people are a smart !@# to you...

Perhaps you should think of that when making your own comments to others :brick:


New Member
I still say that it is not possible for a layer of asphalt to be on "top" of the bottom of an engine...

However, based upon the talking to brick wall smiley you used - I take it you do not like it when people are a smart !@# to you...

Perhaps you should think of that when making your own comments to others :brick:

No, I just assumed that anyone reading it would be able to understand that I meant 'on the surface of' not the actual top.

The brick smiley was meant to convey 'no need to nitpick', nothing about me not liking anything.

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