Trip Report *FINISHED* The "How did all these people get in here?" That's what she said Trip Report

Day 2 Update - *FINISHED* The "How did all these people get in here?" That's what she said Trip Report

Day 3 Update - *FINISHED* The "How did all these people get in here?" That's what she said Trip Report

Day 4 Update - *FINISHED* The "How did all these people get in here?" That's what she said Trip Report

Day 5 Update - *FINISHED* The "How did all these people get in here?" That's what she said Trip Report

Day 6 Update - *FINISHED* The "How did all these people get in here?" That's what she said Trip Report

Day 7 Update - *FINISHED* The "How did all these people get in here?" That's what she said Trip Report

Day 8 Update - *FINISHED* The "How did all these people get in here?" That's what she said Trip Report

Day 9 Update - *FINISHED* The "How did all these people get in here?" That's what she said Trip Report

Day 10 Update - *FINISHED* The "How did all these people get in here?" That's what she said Trip Report

Day 11 Update - *FINISHED* The "How did all these people get in here?" That's what she said Trip Report

Day 12 Update - *FINISHED* The "How did all these people get in here?" That's what she said Trip Report

Day 13 Update - *FINISHED* The "How did all these people get in here?" That's what she said Trip Report

Day 14 Update - *FINISHED* The "How did all these people get in here?" That's what she said Trip Report

Day 15 Update - *FINISHED* The "How did all these people get in here?" That's what she said Trip Report


First off my thank you's to people will be held at the very end of my report. So if you feel like you should be thanked for something, or shown my appreciation for're going to have to wait a while. Nobody cares about you anyway.

Secondly, I used the up-loader on this site for my pictures and it kind of did a number on them. Once I get everything situated with a photo hosting site this will continue. Thing that sucks is all those sites are blocked through my work computer so I am going to have to actually do this on my on time and not works time.


What you’re about to read are my thoughts and feelings from my most recent trip to Walt Disney World. A lot of sarcasm and pointing out the moronic things other humans do…along with their rudeness and pure oblivious behavior to others around them will be written here.

If you put kids on your shoulders to watch fireworks, leave messy food trays at tables or other places other than a trash can for someone else to clean, take flash pictures on or in “dark attractions”, stop in the middle of rows to sit down, talk during shows, pull that metal latch on the hotel door so it stops your door from closing and you continue to open your hotel door and let it slam shut 20 times in a row at 7am and other dumb inconsiderate things…you MIGHT not want to read this.

If you enjoy sarcasm, “decent” photography, food ography, side stories, pictures of people dressed “special”, and most of all ME!!! Then you are in the right place.

Swear words might be abbreviated. I may think that things YOU do are ignorant and inconsiderate to others around you. Please don’t be offended. LEARN from it. Don’t cry about it. I am not going to argue with you or justify why you should be beat with wet dish rags because you like to hang out and talk with other guests in your party in doorways leading to the entrance/exit of an attraction or the middle of stairs. There is just no hope for you.

This report is made to be funny. It is also made to be serious and informative as well. I don’t have ANY behind the scenes knowledge but I do feel like I have a pretty good grasp on how to have a pretty great time in Disney World and where you should eat delicious food.

I take a TON of photographs and I work rather hard to get good photographs not only for myself but for all of you to hopefully enjoy as well. I pride myself in taking awesome food photographs. I like to feel someone responsible for the big “boom” on this around here.

When I first started planning Disney Trips on my own I always wanted to see what the food looked like before I arrived. There was really NOWHERE to find it. So, I said to myself “Take pictures of EVERYTHING you eat and see and post them to help other people in the same boat as you.” I am a picky eater, which is why this was important to me. I hope along the way I have helped some people out. I hope this report does too. I took 3,444 photographs on just MY camera alone!

This trip is two years, well it WAS two years in the making.

The cast of this trip my fiancée Colleen and me.

Here I am...


Here is Colleen, she is so hood.


Also an "Artist"


...and the much needed couple post...


We knew we were going to, and when we were going to go but we booked it for real in April. That was the deadline so that we could do our 180+10 dining reservation thing.

We booked All Star Sports Resort arriving on October 9th and departing October 23rd! I missed the big turf field and being able to go out there and throw football after a long day of Typhoon Lagooning, Dining and Park Hopping. But that plan would soon crumble just like most of our plans this trip.

After calling and speaking to Disney World for what feels like 80 times checking for further discounts on the Cast Member plan never ever never once did they mention to me “Oh by the way, the food court at All Star Sports will be closed during your stay.” I had to accidentally find out about it on here.

So now we are faced with our first “White People Problems” of the trip.

Stay at All Star Sports and use Movies and or Music Food Courts?


Try for Art of Animation or Pop Century which we both hated on a previous trip?

We ended up at Pop because Art of Animation was booked solid. We figured we could walk across The Generation Gap Bridge and eat at AoA because that was really the only thing that appealed to us about staying at AoA in the first place. So here we are now at a hotel we both really did not want to stay at. We are 3 months out and we are already switching things around that we really did not want to switch at all. We almost considered spending more money and staying at Port Orleans or Caribbean Beach. It just did not make sense because we do not spend a lot of time at the resort, or so we thought…

About a month our from our arrival date I got an email asking if I wanted to participate in testing for Magic Bands. Umm, of course I do. You just made me feel really important by sending me this email. So we selected our colors and a day later we got these via UPS!



A few days later our Magical Express packet came.

Now all that is left is our trip. No more ADR’s, no more waiting for things in the mail…the next big step is near.


Day 1 10/9/2013

Finally…The day has come. Up at 3am, well alarm is set for 3am. We don’t have to leave until 4am. I think we dragged ourselves…yes we still had to drag ourselves out of bed knowing what was waiting for us a few short hours away. I think we left the house at like 4:15am for the 25-30 min right to Pittsburgh International Airport. Pretty weird that it’s 25 minutes from Pittsburgh though. Oh well.

We got to the airport checked our bags got through security all less than 10 minutes. Our gate for Air Tran was as far away as possible. I never have been that far back in the airport. The funniest thing I noticed at the airport is that it was 5:20am and Quaker Steak and Lube was about to open up. (Skip ahead 15 days) We passed it again when we returned home at 9:50pm and they were closed. That is pretty weird.

(Back to present time)

It is now time to board our flight. Our flight was pretty full. Normally our plane is half full but there were not too many seats open on our plane. AWESOME flight though. No bumps or dips at all. We arrived at MCO in about 1 hour and 50 minutes. 25 minutes earlier than posted. Sorry no airplane pictures. It was dark the whole time and then nothing but clouds. We came out of the clouds and landed 5 minutes after.

I know where I am going once we get off the “monorail” at MCO but it always strikes me as odd that they have pretty much zero signs saying where to go to check in for The Magical Express. Oh well…good thing I am not new at this. This is really all the help you get, but it is down on the bottom floor when you should pretty much already know where you are going!


Then at the 2 mile point we saw this...


To be continued...
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Well-Known Member
Day 11 10/19/2013 Continued…

Now, our dinner…

Some rolls…


Colleen ordered the Sautéed Shrimp and Scallops…



I had The Grilled Strip Steak…


Time for dessert…


I, of course had 2 Strawberry Cup Cakes with Buttercream Icing rather than Cream Cheese…


Man, so pretty…


Colleen had “The Grey Stuff”…


A left over picture of our dining room…


Colleen looking extra creepy.

That Strawberry Cupcake is to die for!!! We had one this past October, too! Probably one of the best new desserts in all of WDW.


Active Member
Haha thanks for "playing" along with me then.

BoG was def cool. I think atmosphere may play a big role in the overall experience though. I remember eating my steak and not being blown away but I was so occupied with my surroundings that I really did not care. Don't get me was not bad at all it just was not great. Sort of like Coral Reef almost. Food is good, atmosphere is great so it goes hand in hand. Definitely something you should experience, for sure.

My up early on your 180 days out and try and book it for the tale end side of your trip. This way since you're doing 180 + 10 you're almost guaranteed to get it!

Dude, I'm a Disney Travel Agent, so I totally "know" the drill!! LOL Most times if we don't get something I don't worry about it but I would at least like to get to BOG once before it goes down hill like some have lately! The food seems to be "different" than in the years past, and it totally shows!! As long as I have something to "look" at like the fishys in Coral Reef.... like you said you sort of just let it go, but I'm a wicked picky eater!!! LOL


Active Member
I could have sworn I seen you with your kids? running around the parks in pictures? I could be mistaken though!

I totally forgot you're an agent. I take it all back! Haha

Yup, you are totally mistaken........I have never done a TR........I read them! LOL!! However, you might have seen some pictures I posted on the pic forum with me & the teenagers "killin'" the parks! LOL

Dude, most of the tricks I learned from this site looooooooooooooooooooooooooong before I became an agent! This group rocks!! I have learn a lot about FOOD from your TR!! LOL


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
In the Parks
Yup, you are totally mistaken........I have never done a TR........I read them! LOL!! However, you might have seen some pictures I posted on the pic forum with me & the teenagers "killin'" the parks! LOL

Dude, most of the tricks I learned from this site looooooooooooooooooooooooooong before I became an agent! This group rocks!! I have learn a lot about FOOD from your TR!! LOL

It must have been those pics then. Haha

Yeah if not for this forum (and I am sure I could have found the info on another) I would not know half of the things I know. I am brand loyal to this site for that. I am thankful for a LOT of folks on here who have helped me a ton.


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Original Poster
In the Parks
Day 12 10/20/2013

Can a whole day be spent inside Hollywood Studios? I think we are about to find out. Now when I say a whole day I don’t want you to think we were up at 8am. I am talking about from like 1pm till close at 10:30pm.

Our mission… Tower of Terror. Here she is…


After Tower we hit Rockn Roller Coaster…




I tried HOLDING my camera as still as I could with a longer exposure to catch the ride vehicle going into the tunnel. Not TOOO bad.

I love this view, and these pictures I got of Tower…




Walking up the “street” we start to notice the performers are out in full force…



To be continued…


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
In the Parks
Day 12 10/20/2013 Continued…

Looks like there is a game of “I Know Something You Don’t Know” going on. This is, well the best way to describe this is just awesome. They basically take turns yelling out “I KNOW SOMETHING THAT YOU DON’T KNOW!!!” Then the rest of the crew yells back “WHAT DO YOU KNOW THAT WE DON’T KNOW??” Then the person goes up to someone in the crowd and makes a joke about them. Best thing to do is to YouTube this if you have not seen it. My description really does not do it justice. At all.












To be continued…


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
In the Parks
Day 12 10/20/2013 Continued…

Annnnnnnd Colleen was wearing a half shirt that stopped at her shoulders and some short shorts. One of the ladies comes up to her after they all yelled their stuff and shouted…

“There’s been a robbery in Hollywood!!!”

Everyone gasps

“Someone stole half this woman’s clothes!!!”


They actually gave her their fake money that they give out each time a player makes a joke. That is how they determine who won after the game is over.

They got me. I wear long basketball shorts and one of the ladies came to me and yelled her spiel and said…

“This man could not decide if he wanted to wear shorts or pants today so he wore shants!”

Then “The Mayor” starts inviting the Citizens of Hollywood to the back of his car for a ride. Each one makes some short of I am sorry SORT of comment about him being short and he then yells out of them to “GET OUT OF MY CAR!!!!”







Next up is a new restaurant for us. The Hollywood Brown Derby…




To be continued…


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
In the Parks
Day 12 10/20/2013 Continued…

Continuing with The Brown Derby…




Some awesome rolls… with some awesomer butter…



Colleen had The Salmon. She liked it. I thought it was just ok and I am a huge fan of salmon.


I had The Filet. Yes, that is a HUGE potato chip sticking out of my mashed potatoes.


The filet was okay. Potatoes were REALLY good.

For dessert Colleen had The Grapefruit Cake…


I had The Strawberry Champagne Cheesecake…


That thing was un-f’ing-believable. I HATE cream cheese. Someone at a table below us got it and it did not look like it was filled with cheese so I tried it. Thank god I did. I actually ordered another one it was so good. I was not even hungry but I HAD to have another one. The waiter did not even charge me for it either.

Now I have been wanting to mention this the whole report. DESSERT BALLS. Disney is putting them everywhere all the sudden. I am not complaining because they are actually good and give a cool texture to the dessert but it’s just funny that they are all over, or inside of a lot of desserts.

As for Brown Derby. Yeah easily the best dessert on property. Hands down in my opinion. Which I am sure means they will get rid of by my next trip. But the rest of the food was just ok. 2 credits per person worthy? Definitely not. We WILL definitely be using their lounge option and having more of that amazing cheesecake next trip though. That is for damn sure son.

To be continued…


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
In the Parks
Day 12 10/20/2013 Continued…

A few more from inside Brown Derby…


Okay maybe only just that one.

Well according to my notes it looks like we went back to the hotel to swim. We figured with the EMH tonight we could relax a bit then come back. But we DID ride Tower first…





I somehow got hungry again before going back to DHS so I had a bacon burger…


It is now dark and we went to ride Star Tours.


We kept going to the same places and after 3 times in a row I had had enough. I told Colleen she can go back but I wanted to get some pictures so she could do that without me annoying her getting these shots…




I definitely learned a bit about editing and how you have such a wide range of changes you can make when you shoot in RAW…

To be continued…

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