Finally made it onto Under the Sea...not impressed


Well-Known Member
I definately enjoyed the ride, and will ride it each time I am at the parks. It is a classic Disney dark ride. However, it is not the overwhelming immersive experience that some might have been hoping for (and that a park down the street is offerring). But I love the classics, so I like it.

This is going to sound snarky which is not my intent. But I'm not sure how else to phrase it. Anyway, here goes.

I'm curious about your use of the word "classic". In what way is The Little Mermaid ride a classic. You seem aware of its short comings. What aspects of the ride do you think would qualify it as a "classic". Is it just the fact that it is a relatively old fashioned dark ride? If so, are all dark rides classic?

Honestly just curious since you used the word twice. While I am relatively ambivalent towards the ride, "classic" is not high on the list of words I would use to describe it.


Well-Known Member
I liked the Idea of a fresh New ride but I was also unimpressed I feel like it looks they just had to put some thing there and quick The animatronics should be amazing and they simply are not


Well-Known Member
What I meant by "classic" is an attraction that allows the guest with an enjoyable and fun way to step inside a story (in this case, a Disney movie) in a way that the entire family can enjoy.

I tend to not be as hard of a grader as some folks are when it comes to Disney attractions. For example, I love the Swiss Family Robinson tree house. I loved the movie growing up, and it has sentimental value for me. I do love the new technologies that are avaialable and used today in numerous theme park attractions, but I can still enjoy those that are fun without the use of that technology.

I understand that many have compared the New Fantasyland area in general, and maybe The Little Mermaid ride specifically, to Universal's Harry Potter endeavors. That is why I added the qualifier to my original post.

Hope this gives you the clarification you were looking for.


God bless the "Ignore" button.
The attractions of FLE are terribly underwhelming. It's a very pretty area, though, and BoG is fantastic.
The prime example of why I am disappointed by FLE, though, is the Little Mermaid attraction.
I wasn't impressed with be our guest. The food was ok. But the service was meh. The theming was also pretty stale to me. The fake looking snow outside the window. The rose effect was very underwhelming. Oh and the ball room was basically just a really big dining area with absolutely no theming whatsoever. Also what's with the weird candelabra that they give you when you walk in? We were expecting it to come to life and it never did LOL. After being to wizarding world at IOA we had big hopes and were really let down by be our guest and the real lack of theming and special effects.


Well-Known Member
In the queue I was all like...

But then on the ride I was like...

and in the end felt like...


Well-Known Member
Holy good god what is up with the hate on this ride...???!!

Have you guys not been on Haunted Mansion or Peter Pan recently?? I have actually NEVER heard ANYone say they have enjoyed EITHER of those two rides. Although it might be my particular generation, but I agree with them. I'll take all the hate I get on Haunted Mansion. But you have all that suspense with the hanging and everything before the ride starts and you think it'll actually be scary... but... It's kind of boring. And, well, stupid. If they had to cut parts of haunted mansion so it wouldn't be as scary (like the screaming pop up heads that was the only scary part of the attraction) then why the heck do we still have a hanging scene? Haunted Mansion ruins all expectations to everyone I've ever taken on that ride.

Peter Pan's flight usually have like over an hour or two of waiting. The only expectation you're thinking from that is that it's a great ride when really it's just glued statues and dolls with lighting affects.

Could Disney have done better? Yeeaaaa probably. BUT. Is it worth being called a "C" or "D" ticket attraction? No. Absolutely not. I consider it an "E" ticket attraction. You want what should not be considered an "E" ticket attraction? Go back and ride Peter Pan, Winnie the Pooh... Heck even Buzz Lightyear!

I'll only agree with the lighting problem. The ride was better than I expected, and I first rode it at Disneyland. Everyone who worked on the ride said that they were going to capture the magic of Disney's classic dark rides. They've said that numerous amounts of times... CLASSIC dark rides.. Sooo.. What more were you expecting out of that? Dinosaur? I honestly don't understand any of you people! \(-.-)/

They are called opinions and last time I checked we were all entitled to our own. My opinion differs from yours but I am not going to go on some incredulous rant as to why you do not see it my way. If you don't like my opinions or anyone elses then the "ignore" function works marvelously and you are welcome to use it.

Californian Elitist

Well-Known Member
Holy good god what is up with the hate on this ride...???!!

Have you guys not been on Haunted Mansion or Peter Pan recently?? I have actually NEVER heard ANYone say they have enjoyed EITHER of those two rides. Although it might be my particular generation, but I agree with them. I'll take all the hate I get on Haunted Mansion. But you have all that suspense with the hanging and everything before the ride starts and you think it'll actually be scary... but... It's kind of boring. And, well, stupid. If they had to cut parts of haunted mansion so it wouldn't be as scary (like the screaming pop up heads that was the only scary part of the attraction) then why the heck do we still have a hanging scene? Haunted Mansion ruins all expectations to everyone I've ever taken on that ride.

Peter Pan's flight usually have like over an hour or two of waiting. The only expectation you're thinking from that is that it's a great ride when really it's just glued statues and dolls with lighting affects.

Could Disney have done better? Yeeaaaa probably. BUT. Is it worth being called a "C" or "D" ticket attraction? No. Absolutely not. I consider it an "E" ticket attraction. You want what should not be considered an "E" ticket attraction? Go back and ride Peter Pan, Winnie the Pooh... Heck even Buzz Lightyear!

I'll only agree with the lighting problem. The ride was better than I expected, and I first rode it at Disneyland. Everyone who worked on the ride said that they were going to capture the magic of Disney's classic dark rides. They've said that numerous amounts of times... CLASSIC dark rides.. Sooo.. What more were you expecting out of that? Dinosaur? I honestly don't understand any of you people! \(-.-)/

Ever heard of opinions?

Your opinion is Mermaid is more enjoyable than Pan and Mansion. In my opinion, Mermaid is the absolute worst dark ride Disney has come up with. That's fine, you're not into Pan and Mansion, I'm not going get on you about not liking them even though I do.


I loved it! I loved the walk in. It's so well themed. The ride itself was very similar to the California park ride, which we went on last year. I think it's a Disney classic!
My partner almost fell asleep :/


Well-Known Member
I know it's been around for some time now, but I only just recently made it onto the Under the Sea-Journey of The Little Mermaid ride. Waits were often long and the one time we had a FP the ride itself broke down, so it took a while to finally make it on. Being part of the whole, big "new" Fantasyland, I expected it to be a pretty cool and sophisticated attraction with it being a newer ride and all.

Unfortunately I was pretty disappointed.

The clam-shell omnimover car idea is cute, but the cars themselves are WAY too close together. This makes it even worse when a lot of the ride has the cars at a slant angle where you view the insides of other cars and see so many other people. The large room filled with the characters is awful because for a time the cars face each other from opposite sides of the room, so your attention is drawn toward seeing the people (as well as being self-conscious about others seeing you). This design MASSIVELY takes away from the idea of being immersed into a ride and the fantasy world it presents.

With it being a newer ride I expected a little more in terms of advancement of the animatronics, but there were so many basic-looking things here with most things/animals just spinning or making the most simple of movements.

The actual concept of the visuals of the ride was good, and I liked going down (and below) at the beginning. I also thought a lot of the individual scenes had great potential, but they were not nearly as visually impressive as they could be (and again, the closeness of the cars and seeing so many riders in them distracted from this).

Overall, it was a good concept with the potential for great visuals and with so many characters it could have really pushed the envelope with animatronics.

But the cons far outweight the pros as it felt like it was all put together in a very rushed way, attention to details were almost non-existent, I saw animatronics that should have been moving that were not, and the animatronics that were there were very basic (except for perhaps Ursula, who was OK). Certain visuals COULD have been so much better, but looked like they were finished half-heartedly.

In should have been a fun ride and could have been a visual treat for the eyes and senses, but in my opinion it ended up feeling kind of cheap and dated-looking for such a newer attraction. And dated-looking isn't a bad thing when you have the charm and joy that comes with older Disney attractions, but this one seemed to miss the mark on so many levels.

All IMHO of course.

Other thoughts or opinions?

Pretty much agree on all points. IMO the ride peaks in the queue. To give such immersive involved themeing and holographic crabs everywhere and then take you into plastic spinning characters and a disjointed story is just way too anticlimactic. If the queue was in the vein of PP or IASW then I would not feel as let down as I was. The queue and ride in general from the outside is VERY impressive and I was so excited (maybe more than a 42 year old man should be about a mermaid ride) to get on this ride...and then I did:(

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