few more CP questions


Original Poster
how will I survive the humidity...??

i'm going down for my CP in august and am looking for some more help...

- are there any CPs or CMs (current or previous) who are LDS and know about the wards down there? How far the closest one is, singles as opposed to family wards...

- what about the weather? I've never been to florida, but I've heard about the humidity. I'm from Arizona, so I know heat - it's been 113 degrees the past two days, but our humidity is usually less than 10%- I'm assuming that since I'm there august throgh december, i'll be missing the brunt of the bad summer humidity, but what is it like in the fall?? does it get pretty cold at all? and remember that to me, 75 or 80 is light jacket weather!
Oh hey, I'm LDS too! Crazyness, eh? Anways, I found this girl on myspace who did the college program, and was LDS as well, and this is what she told me: (too lazy to reword it, lol)

"I went to the Vista Singles Ward. They meet twice on sundays. THey meet at 10 am at the Sheraton Hotel, by Vista Way, where the CP kids live. and they meet at 8 at vista way, room 1511 at 8 pm. there is a pick up to get to church at like 9:20, 9:30 and 9:40 or something like that, outside vista to get to church. The bishop is Bishop Anderson. there is a great singles ward down there."

As for the weather, I can't tell you much, seeing as how I'm pretty much on the exact opposite side of the country from Florida :lol:


New Member
kcw said:
i'm going down for my CP in august and am looking for some more help...

- are there any CPs or CMs (current or previous) who are LDS and know about the wards down there? How far the closest one is, singles as opposed to family wards...

- what about the weather? I've never been to florida, but I've heard about the humidity. I'm from Arizona, so I know heat - it's been 113 degrees the past two days, but our humidity is usually less than 10%- I'm assuming that since I'm there august throgh december, i'll be missing the brunt of the bad summer humidity, but what is it like in the fall?? does it get pretty cold at all? and remember that to me, 75 or 80 is light jacket weather!

Humidity is a pain down here. It can get up to 95 degrees with 90% humidity. I remember one time last year I worked one day and it was 95 but very low humidity and I was fine. Like we say in Entertainment, it's not the heat that gets you, but the humidity.


New Member
Holy Shnikes! I'm LDS too! I didn't know you were Taryn, but I could sense a glow about you. Maybe it was your bright hair. :) KCW, when I was down there they had the meeting at the Disney University in one of the big rooms. But I guess the girl that Taryn talked to might have gone more recently than I because I did Spring of 2003. (I'm getting old.) Back then it was a branch, but it looks like a ward now. It was mostly CP's and other singles in the area. Also when I got down there, they gave us a packet of info and on one page they had Religious Services which gave locations where to meet, including ours. I think you'll be okay. You can also go on one of the churches home pages, maybe lds.org and click on meet with us. You just type in the location and it will show you. If it's not the right ward, maybe you call them and they might be able to help you. Most likely you'll have to work on sundays but your managers might work with you. Mine gave me the time off and I went to work late. My other friend down there got every other sunday off. They are good to work with you. Have a blast down there!


New Member
So Taryn, we've talked briefly. You said you're doing custodial? I did that at the Animal Kindom. That's the best place to work (of course I'm biased) but the custodial costumes are much better there than the other parks. And KCW, what is your role when you go down there?


Original Poster
Taryn said:
They meet twice on sundays.
hmmm now that's a fablous idea... good to know!

WDWKat26 said:
It can get up to 95 degrees with 90% humidity
holy cow i can't even imagine... so even though i can handle our 110+ degree heat here, I'm getting the impression that the 90% humidity thing is gonna be killer....? and is it less humid from august-december? or is it kinda a year around thing?

Darwin said:
And KCW, what is your role when you go down there?
I'm a character performer!!!


New Member
kcw said:
I'm a character performer!!!

That's awesome. So do you know what character yet? Are you going to be in a costume or are you a look-alike? Are you doing through the CP or have you already done that?


Original Poster
Darwin said:
That's awesome. So do you know what character yet? Are you going to be in a costume or are you a look-alike? Are you doing through the CP or have you already done that?

well kind of- I'm in the Pluto Height Range, but i've heard varying opinions on what other characters are in that range- buzz lightyear, flik, atta, mrs incredible are a few others that I've heard but I guess I won't know for sure which ones I'll personally get until I'm there... I think it's safe to assume that pluto is in there somewhere! :lol: right now I'm just in fur but I hope to audition for face once I get down there- i don't know whether I really have a chance or not but I figure i've got nothig to lose- I'll be happy either way though! and yes i'm doing the CP- this will be my first time!
Darwin said:
Holy Shnikes! I'm LDS too! I didn't know you were Taryn, but I could sense a glow about you. Maybe it was your bright hair. :)

Darwin said:
So Taryn, we've talked briefly. You said you're doing custodial? I did that at the Animal Kindom. That's the best place to work (of course I'm biased) but the custodial costumes are much better there than the other parks.

Hey, it's a small world after all ;) And yes, I'm doing Custodial, and I'm totally pumped. I mean, sure, Protien Spills are going to be....interesting...but you can't beat the guest interaction! And yeah, I love the costumes we wear. There are a few I like better (Haunted Mansion and Tower of Terror especially), but the whole 'never being out of theme' thing is a definate plus!


New Member
Taryn, don't mind the protein spills too much. It will get you use to having kids. Don't have any of my one yet, but I've got a neice and nephew. It's really not bad. Just sprinkle Voban on it and sweep it up. I actually had some on some rides which required a little more maintainance but if your with the guests that feel sick, it's usually dehydration, so tell them to keep drinking water.

KCW, speaking of which, I hope you like the heat. I wasn't in a nice furry costume and I was still swimming in my own sweat. :D I'm sure you'll still love it!


Original Poster
Darwin said:
KCW, speaking of which, I hope you like the heat. I wasn't in a nice furry costume and I was still swimming in my own sweat. :D I'm sure you'll still love it!

ya i'm assuming that will be the case- i've done some character stuff here in AZ and we just tie bandanas around our forehead to keep the sweat from dripping in your eyes- that stings!!!! so bring it on!

oh ya, I see you went to Brazil! i have a missionary in brazil as well- salvador though. he comes home two months after I get back from the CP!


New Member
That's awesome! I went to Fortaleza. That's on the north east coast, north of Salvador (I think). It's been a while since I've looked on a map. Isn't Salvador the capital of Bahia? Yeah, I'm sure it is. The culture there is much different from the north and south. There is a lot of African background, whereas up north where I was, it was mixed, and southern areas like Sao Paulo, Rio, etc. have more European background. I'm sure he's probably told you plenty of stories. Has he taught you any Portuguese? When he get's home say, "Cala boca e me beija." It means shut up and kiss me. :D That's the first line my wife learned from some of her friends. Speaking of a small world, I met a guy down on the CP that went to Brazil as well, and he did missionary split in Presidente Prudente with a member of the church that I trained when he went on the mission. The American Elder also lived relatively close to me in Utah.


Original Poster
ya i've heard quite a few interesting stories- things he's eaten, he got hit by a truck, intentionally (well he didn't get hit intentionally, the guy driving the truck hit him intentionally!) crazy stuff.... haha in a lot of his letters he'll write whole paragraphs in portugese- i used to actually go in a type it all into an online translating website!!! now... well i don't care that much anymore! haha and I think I might give him a few weeks before pulling that sentence on him...to let him get out of missionary mode! haha
Darwin said:
Taryn, don't mind the protein spills too much. It will get you use to having kids. Don't have any of my one yet, but I've got a neice and nephew. It's really not bad. Just sprinkle Voban on it and sweep it up. I actually had some on some rides which required a little more maintainance but if your with the guests that feel sick, it's usually dehydration, so tell them to keep drinking water.

Ahh, children...can't wait to have 8 or 9 of those protein creating machines! ;) Well, I'm glad there's Voban...I've had to clean wet vomit before at my work because we were out of the absorbant stuff...not fun...

I have a brother on a mission right now....of course, he's in Sweden, which is kind of the exact opposite as Brazil...but there you go

My uncle went to Costa Rica, if that counts for this conversation at all :D


New Member
Taryn said:
Ahh, children...can't wait to have 8 or 9 of those protein creating machines! ;)
I have a brother on a mission right now....of course, he's in Sweden, which is kind of the exact opposite as Brazil...but there you go
My uncle went to Costa Rica, if that counts for this conversation at all :D
:lol::lol::lol:LOL:lol::lol::lol: Protein creating machines eh? Amen. I'm sure I'll have one within a couple of years. The trick is naming them. Both my wife and I have unique names, Darwin & Kiara, so we want to do the same for for them. Our first boy and girl will be Savannah and Riker. I also like Nastassia and Tyberius. She's not to fond of those but she's warming up to Nastassia. Can't wait to take them to WDW!!!
My brother also went to Sweden, Stockholm mission. He called the winters "snot freezing cold" because you wipe your nose with a handkerchief and when you need it again, it's frozen solid. Maybe that's TMI. :D Costa Rica! Aaaaah, the Rich Coast.

KCW, funny you mentioned he got hit by a truck. I got hit by a bus, but on accident. I was standing to close and the bus took the corner sharp. But I was fine. I won't mention any scary stories so you won't worry. He's in good hands and you-know-who :fork: won't harm him.


New Member
about the LDS thing.... um... where can you get info. on the wards down there? Is the singles ward better than the family one? hmmm... i live in the utah valley area, do you think if I go to the presentation a BYU they would give me some of that information?
Darwin said:
LOL Protein creating machines eh? Amen. I'm sure I'll have one within a couple of years. The trick is naming them. Both my wife and I have unique names, Darwin & Kiara, so we want to do the same for for them. Our first boy and girl will be Savannah and Riker. I also like Nastassia and Tyberius. She's not to fond of those but she's warming up to Nastassia. Can't wait to take them to WDW!!!

My brother also went to Sweden, Stockholm mission. He called the winters "snot freezing cold" because you wipe your nose with a handkerchief and when you need it again, it's frozen solid. Maybe that's TMI. Costa Rica! Aaaaah, the Rich Coast.

Oooh, I like Savannah and Riker--Star Trek reference for Riker? (My mom is a major trekkie, so of course I kind of like it too :eek:) Not so sure about Nastassia and Tyberius though...But to each their own :D Yeah, my brother froze his butt off over the winter. He never used the phrase 'snot freezing cold' though...I'll have to ask him if he's ever experienced that lovely occurance... :lookaroun

brittany3 said:
about the LDS thing.... um... where can you get info. on the wards down there? Is the singles ward better than the family one? hmmm... i live in the utah valley area, do you think if I go to the presentation a BYU they would give me some of that information?

I'm sure the singles ward is better, just because that's where all the young adults your age would be. I'm not positive, but I'm guessing that anybody holding the presentation in such a religious area would have answers. Be sure to post if you find anything out!!

If they don't know, talk to your Bishop, he should be able to find out. When I went on exchange to Germany last year, my Bishop tracked down my nearest ward (1 hour 45 minutes away...Ahh the joys of Europe), talked to the Bishop and a few of the sisters in the ward, and even found me a train route to take!


Original Poster
brittany3 said:
about the LDS thing.... um... where can you get info. on the wards down there? Is the singles ward better than the family one? hmmm... i live in the utah valley area, do you think if I go to the presentation a BYU they would give me some of that information?

I would think the single's would be better- I'm sure they're used to people moving in and out so frequently, I'd also imagine that the majority, if not the entireity, of the ward are all WDW CMS... that would be a good opportunity to meet other CMs! I just talked to a friend who I found out went down there, she really loved the ward (single's) and the bishop!!

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