Feb 9-15 Port Orleans RS Trip Report

WOW! What a great vacation for first timers!! Our family of five had such a fantastic time (Myself, wife, son 8, son 10, and daughter 16). All went as planned with a few great suprizes, and only 1 major/ 2 minor dissapointments.

We stayed at PORS in the Bayou rooms with a trundle bed. The Reosrt is well kept and the room was very clean. No signs of being run down at all.

The weather was perfect for all the walking - a mix of sun and overcast periods for most of the week. It was low season for the first four days and the lineups were never a problem whiling using Fast Passes. But when we did line up it was generally 5-15 minutes with only Star Tours being a 30 minute wait one day (and sadly it wasn't worth it!)

DAY 1 Monday Feb 9
Landed at Orlando Airport at 1pm. Right off the start something wonderful happened. We had a fullsize rental car booked with Dollar Rental Car for a great price of only $129/ wk + taxes = $171US. When the rep saw that they tried to convince us to upgrade to a mini-van at an addittional $22/day (over $400US /wk !!). We thanked them for the offer but said no. Then they lowered it to $15 and then $10 but we still said no thanks. Then after waiting for 10 minutes to get the car ready they gave us the keys to a Grand Voyeuger mini-van anyways! And good thing too because with all the luggage we had it barely all fit! The car never would have worked.
TIP - If you are first-timers then rent a vehicle. We were never on time for anything and waiting around for buses would have been frustrating. Also use the rental companys in the airport terminal like Dollar, it's just so much easier.

So we stopped into Publix on the corner of Huffner and Conway for some groceries and a styrafoam cooler. We then arrvied at PORS at around 2:30pm. While we had faxed in a room request and they had it on file, they failed to save us a room in one of those particular choices. We ended up in Building 38 which is pretty much the furtherest building away - ugg. Then they asked if we wanted a fridge and we said we only needed a "medical" fridge (complimentary). When we arrived in our room a normal mini fridge was already there and they never changed it - Great, another free-bee! (So much for using the styrafoam cooler - we actually did use it to keep the drinks cold but the stupid thing leaked at the bottom the first day and wetted our carpet all around the bathroom sinks!!)

After exploring around PO for a while we went to Downtown Disney for dinner at House of Blues which was, as warned by many of you, a below average meal experience. As soon as the waiter realized we weren't ordering alcohol or appetizers he pretty much blew us off. The food took a long time and it was barely warm - but we were starving and we ate it anyways.

Then we were off to Disney Quest for a bunch of arcade like gaming which the kids loved. Our Dream Maker Package included DQuest and good thing too because we went back three more times!!

At 8pm we headed off to EPCOT to catch Illuminations which was absolutely brilliant! Loved it.

Back to our Resort for a swim at the pool and then fell asleep watching the tube!

DAY 2 Tuesday - MGM Studios
Mix of sun and cloud. 80 temp.
While it as an Early Entry day for MGM we never made it to any EE's except AK on the Friday.
TIP - You can only go as fast as the slowest person - which was my darling wife. She set a conservative pace on behalf of the kids which was frustrating at times but for the best in the long run I suspect as everybody made it to the end of each day!

We arrived at around 9:00am and I headed right off to ToT for a FP. The lineup was only 5 minutes so up I went. What a blast!! Then I crossed over to R&R coaster for a walk-on single. None of my kids would join me on the "scary" rides!

Then we did the Great Movie Ride, Millionaire, Muppet Vision, Star Tours, Indiana Jones, Drew Carey Sounds Dangerous, and other minor stuff.

We had dinner in the Sci-Fi Drive-in Threatre which was by far the plainest meal all week. I also had a PS at H&Vines but regrettably decided to go with Sci-Fi. They had the AC on full blow which had us freezing cold and in turn it cooled the food immediately. The baby back ribs were tasteless and we sent back one of our kids meals for a hot dog and fries (which they did not charge us for). Oh well, we were warned about Sci-Fi by many of you but the "drive-in threatre" hooked the kids for the experienced.
TIP - Do not take your kids in to "check it out". They will like it and you'll have to stay!

Then we finished the day off with Fantasmic, which it really was! Super show and the exit rush out went pretty well for the 6500 people crammed into the amphathreatre.

And with that, another great day comes to an end!!

Report to be continued... thanks for reading!


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Day 3 - Magic Kingdom

Day 3 – Wednesday Feb 11 - EPCOT
Temp 82, overcast with sunny periods. Forecasted rain but it never came.

Again we arrived at 9am and didn’t take advantage of the EE. Headed over to Mission Space for a FP but walked right on as a Single. Another wow experience! But I did get motion sickness and was queasy for an hour afterwards. Then we all tried GM Test Track and Ellen’s Energy. I convinced the kids to go back and try Mission Space with me again and they loved it. I just threw-up internally! I thought the second time around would be easier – not. Then we headed over to The Land for lunch and did the rides/ shows in there. Then walked around the east side of World Showcase. We left early after Spaceship Earth (the big Golf ball) for a swim back at PO because we were getting tired and hungry. Dinner at Boatwright’s. Good food but nothing spectacular. (I never did get there for breakfast and the Stuffed Banana Waffles :-( .We then headed back down to DQuest to end off the night.

Day 4 – Thurs Feb 12 - Magic Kingdom
Same weather as yesterday. Again they were calling for rain but it never came.

Missed the EE again! First Character Breakfast at Crystal Palace for 10:10am. Good buffet selection and lots of characters for pic’s. Spent the day mostly at Adventureland, Frontierland, Liberty Square, and Fantasyland. Then did all the rides like Swiss Tree, Jungle Cruise, Pirates, Magic carpets, Splash M, Goofy’s Jamboree, Haunted Mansion, etc… Saw the 3pm parade which was a little weird as a CM was killed merely a day before in that freak float accident. The weird part was the parade went on as if nothing had happened at all. Sort of that “the show must go on” mentality.

Then another Character Dinner at Liberty Tree Tavern for dinner at 5:30pm which was by far the best meal we had all week. Great old fashioned Thanksgiving Buffet served to your table. The PS timing was perfect because we finished up at 6:40pm and headed off to the Castle to find a spot for the Fireworks show. Another WOW experience. The best fireworks we had ever seen!

Then back to the hotel for a swim and relax. Our feet are pretty sore by this point and I’ve got a few small blisters on my toes!

Day 5 – Friday Feb 13 - Animal Kingdom

Cool temp around 75 and overcast. Rain pending.
Finally managed to get everybody out of bed and at the park by 8am!! This just proves that God does answer prayer! Straight away to the K.Safari and it was great to see a lot of animals. Our truck driver/guide was really funny and played-up the whole story line. The kids were right into it! Actualy did it again later in the day but the second time is never as good as the first.

Character Breakfast at Donalds Breafastsarous with Mickey and Pluto. The waiter there was excellent with magic tricks for the kids. Pulled the old ketchup in your face gag on my wife. Really got her! Then on to Tough to be a Bug, Rafiki’s Planet Watch, Indiana Jones, etc… All of the 3D movies in each park were well made. Saw the 4pm parade right at the Camp Minney Entrance so we could then dash onto the last showing of the Lion King Musical to close out the day at AK.

Dinner at The Rainforest Café in DD. Yet another WOW experience. We had never ever heard of Rainforest so what a surpprize when we walked in. UNBELIEVABLE. We all went ape in excitement! Thank goodness we had reservations because it was a 1.5hr waiting line to get in (after all it was Friday night). Closed out the night at DQuest again.

Probably the best day of the week. Everything was just brilliant.

Day 6 – Saturday Feb 14 - Shopping and Blizzard Beach

Forecast of rain finally materialized by 10am. It was a light on/off type of rain. We were suppose to go to Kennedy Space Centre and Cocoa Beach for our off-property day but we changed it to go shopping at Belz Outlet Mall and then to Disney’s Blizzard Beach water park. Good decision to stay out of the 4 Parks because we heard they were very busy as it was the start of the Presidents Day weekend.

Shopping at the two Character Stores in Belz Malls was a bit of a let-down. No real deals there except on discontinued clothing with “…2003…” written on them, only small sizes, or really bad looking shirts that nobody would buy. We did find some cheap pins to trade later with CM’s back at Disney. Had lunch at McDonalds – first meal under $70 all week – only $28! (By the way – your food is more expensive than here in Canada, both groceries and fast food).

Head to BB for the afternoon. It was practically empty and we just ran back and forth from the chairlift to the rides for three solid hours !

And for the grand finale to our Valentines Day we had a Character Dinner at the Grand Floridian 1900 Park Fair with Cinderella, Prince Charming, and a few side kick characters. Princess Aurora was also there as an added bonus.

Then back down to DQuest for our last evening at Disney. It was packed because of the rain.

Day 7 – Sunday Feb 15 – Kennedy Space Centre and Cocoa Beach

Well we just couldn’t get out of bed on this day. We were content to just go about the morning a little slower knowing that we weren’t going to any parks, and that we had to check out of the room by 11am. So much for getting to KSC!

PO had us on the express check-out payment option where they just bill your Visa automatically. When I picked up the invoice off the door handle they had me charged for $70 for the fridge. I went to Guest Services and they corrected it but good thing I looked at the invoice.

We then headed out to do our free round of mini-golf at Fantasia Gardens. That Package free-bee option was worth $46 for us and it was great bang for the buck. It was also a lot of fun given that none of us golf much.

At 12pm the sun finally broke through to a gorgeous day and we then headed off to Cocoa Beach along the Atlantic Coastline. We said good bye to Disney in the rear-view mirror with a happy tear, and then really cried at each toll booth along the Highways! We don’t have tolls here in Ontario so to fork out a buck every 20 miles seemed upsetting.

Had lunch on the Cocoa Beach Peir and then relaxed on the beach and swam in the sweet salt of the ocean. It was our kids first time and they enjoyed it. Then at 4pm we headed back to Orlando airport, dropped off the car and flew out at 7pm.

Return to Ontario with 10 degree temp (-22 Celcius).

It truly was a great vacation. It had every component of what a good vacation should have – thrills and shrills, R&R, great food, a comfortable room, and easy on the wallet – well not that easy!

We’ll be back. Not sure when but ….

Oh ya, FYI - we met 4 separate friends while there from back home. Wonderful freaky coincidences.

AND our only major disappointment was with the lack of service from the PO Fulton’s Store Manager. One of our Park purchase packages did not arrive back to the Resort which included special pirate items only found in Pirate of the Caribbean gift shop. Disney staff had three days and three attempts to rectify the replacement of the items and failed each time. Finally they offered to mail the items to us or have the money refunded. In hoping the items would arrive by the last day we waited it out, but ended up having to refund the money. Our son’s heart was broken to have to go home without the items. I ended complaining to the Manager at Fulton’s and she only offered to mail them to us. But that wasn’t the point. My complaint was they promised for three days to rectify a simple problem within 24 hours and failed to do so. They could have sent somebody over to MK and gotten the items personally instead of relying on the Disney courier system. In the end the Manager barely offered an apology and did nothing to compensate my son for the poor service. Even a couple of Disney Dollars would have offered some condolence for him but she offered nothing more. A poor approach to ensuring the customer is happy. A bitter experience to have on our last day.

Other than that and not accommodating our initial room request, everything else was great.

I think that's it.

I welcome any of your comments.



Well-Known Member
Thanks for adding your report.

I'm looking into Liberty Tree Tavern as a character dining dinner. I'd like the home cooked meal feel with all the vegetables. And I've heard that it is a fun experience. You mentioned it was the best meal of your trip, is it safe to say that the price was good for everything? Only b/c character meals are expensive and some locations don't get great reviews.

But glad your trip was enjoyable. I enjoyed the report.


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Originally posted by surfsupdon
I'm looking into Liberty Tree Tavern as a character dining dinner. I'd like the home cooked meal feel with all the vegetables. And I've heard that it is a fun experience. You mentioned it was the best meal of your trip, is it safe to say that the price was good for everything? Only b/c character meals are expensive and some locations don't get great reviews.

Yes it was well worth the $22 per adult. They do offer to bring as many seconds as you wish but the first helping was plenty for us. You get all three of beef, turkey and pork lion for meats along with mashed potatoes, garlic seasoned green beans, awesome stuffing, and a few other main entree items.The beef seasoning is really good. The cherry crisp dessert with icecream was a perfect finish.

I wouldn't say the service was anything extrordinarily special but they are in traditional Yankee Doodle era clothing and our server was pleasant. Throw in the photo op's with the characters and it makes for a nice dinner.

Try for a PS that times well with the closing Fireworks show!


Well-Known Member
That was an excellent report Dugger. Felt like I was there. You certainly did a lot of character meals. I didn't do any when I was there last Dec because I didn't have any kids. But I think this year I'll just go anyway. Kids or none. Heck. I'm a kid. That should count.


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Originally posted by cherrynegra
You certainly did a lot of character meals. I didn't do any when I was there last Dec because I didn't have any kids. But I think this year I'll just go anyway. Kids or none. Heck. I'm a kid. That should count.

Go for it!!

Yes we maybe went a little overbaord with the Character meals as we did 4 through out the week. A little expensive but we wanted to try out as many things as possible with the kids. I probably would only do 1 or maybe 2 next time as the kids will be older and probably won't be into the Character thing as much.


New Member
:sohappy: Great report! I just ate at Liberty Tree on Christmas Eve. I loved it! I'm not a fan of the characters always there though, lol, but the food was yummy! The salad was the best I've ever had at WDW! It was sooo good! The dessert was good too!


New Member
"Medical Fridge" free? For drugs that must remain refridgerated, I assume. Like Insulin. I know my wife needs a diet coke each morning, so would that classify as medicine??


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Originally posted by JBSLJames
"Medical Fridge" free? For drugs that must remain refridgerated, I assume. Like Insulin. I know my wife needs a diet coke each morning, so would that classify as medicine??
Apparently Disney will provide a very small "medical" fridge for free. I never did see one but others have said it might hold about 2 cans of pop but not a small bottle of water (too tall).

You might try our approach and ask for one and then hope they give you a room with a normal bar fridge. It holds quite a bit: even a 2L bottle of pop and five water bottles on the door. It also has a small freezer compartment. The fridge is the same size as what you get in camping pop-up tent trailers.


New Member
Great trip report...thanks for adding it! One question...how were the crowds while you were there. I have a trip planned for Feb 27-March 2 (9 more days!:sohappy: ) Hopefully the crowds won't be bad.


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Originally posted by Zipadeedoodah
Great trip report...thanks for adding it! One question...how were the crowds while you were there. I have a trip planned for Feb 27-March 2 (9 more days!:sohappy: ) Hopefully the crowds won't be bad.

It was still techically "low season" for the first 4 days of our vacation and the crowds reflected that (Monday through Friday). We didn't really need PS's for any of our meals except on the weekend. On Friday it became "High-Season" but it didn't seem all that busy in AK.

It drizzled rain on Saturday so the Parks were lower than high-season #'s, and we had other plans for Sunday so I can't comment.

But your dates seem smack in the middle of Spring break (March Break to us Canadains) so numbers may be on the busy side.

I think weekends will be busy in general from here on in until Fall. There are major events happening every weekend. Our special event was the Daytona 500 being run in Daytona and that raises the numbers a bit at Disney.

Just make your PS's (with a few extra's just in case) and use FP - I'n sure you'll be fine!



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Just a few more points I thought I would express:

- PORS Boatwrights dinner food and service was excellent and priced ok. We didn't order any alcohol or appetizers so that helped I guess. We found the food portions to be excellent everywhere we went so we stopped ordering appetizers after the first meal.

- the pre-Presidents Day crowds were low for us in the parks. It never really seemed overly busy but then we didn't go to the Parks on Saturday or Sunday of the Presidents weekend.

- if you really needed to save a few bucks and couldn't afford to buy the Resort refillable mugs then you could save your $2 coffee styrafoam cup and refill it each day in the food court (pop too I guess). I saw a few people doing this. This of course is not being very honest but the comment I heard was that they wanted extra $$ to provide a coffee maker in the room. We brought our own drinks but I personally would have expected a coffee maker in the room as part of the Room fee.

- to save more on food expenses we brought our own breakfast food and had late brunches or Character Breakfasts. We brought stuff like bread/ buns, peanut butter, fruit, dry cereal, and boxed fruit drinks. The kids found it great and it helped us save at least $200 through the week. But I wish I had remembered to try the stuffed banana waffles at Boatwrights. Maybe next time I guess.

- Dream Maker package folks - beware that the $25 Planet Hollywood meal coupon option is not accepted during the hours of 6pm - 9pm. So that pretty much kills it for dinner. We got messed up with this and PH would not make an exception. It worked out for us though because I just happen to also have a PS at Rainforeast Cafe which ended up being an awesome surprize for us.


MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
Your report was really enjoyable. Thank you for the effort! One question - did you all do the Disney Quest together, or did the kids go while you tried something else? One more - what did you think of Disney Quest, overall?


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Originally posted by MKCP 1986
did you all do the Disney Quest together, or did the kids go while you tried something else? what did you think of Disney Quest, overall?
We all did DQ as there is lots for everybody to do. Our kids were 10 and 8 so we were not comfortable in sending them alone.

The weekends and rainy nights get quiet busy in there. Go during the week, and there's enough for three or four nights of fun.

It has alot of "Classic" video games for us 30 and 40+ folks which will bring you back to your teenage years!!


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