Favorite Ride at WDW


New Member
Favorite ride? That's such a hard choice... I have so many. I love Tower of Terror and Space Mountain, those are among my favorites. As far as an extinct ride I liked, I loved the old Figment ride, and if anyone remembers Horizons (where Mission:Space is now) I remember liking that when I was little.


Premium Member
I like different rides for different reasons.

My favorite thrill rides in order:
1. Rock N Rollercoaster
2. Tower of Terror
3. Dinosaur
4. Mission: Space

My favorite nostalgic rides:
1. Pirates of the Carribbean
2. Haunted Mansion
3. Space Mountain
4. Spaceship Earth

The rides I find most enjoyable:
1. Splash Mountain
2. Tomorrowland Transit Authority
3. Buzz Lightyear

The rides I miss most:
1.The original Journey into Imagination
2. Mr.Toad
3. World of Motion

In conclusion, if I could only pick 1 ride to ride it would be Splash Mountain. It's long and relaxing, it has those super fun hills in the dark, and it has the big splash at the end.


Well-Known Member
Thats a tough question. Its hard to narrow it down to just one but i would have to go with Splash Mountain. Its pure Disney at its best. It has thrills(drop), a nice soundtrack and one of the most intricate and most beutiful ride i have evern seen in my life. I also like the storyline. It so cute I love Brer Rabbit and his laughin place.


Well-Known Member
My favorite ride would either be Space Mountain or the Haunted Mansion. Both are such classic Disney rides and have sentimental value for me.

My favorite extinct rides are Mr. Toad and the original Figment.


Active Member
It's really hard to pick just one favorite ride, since there are so many different reasons for loving different rides. It's hard to put one in front of the other.

If forced to pick just one, I would have to go with TTA. It's a relaxing, very enjoyable ride where you can kick back and rest your legs after a long day of walking around the park. It's covered in shade, which is great, especially on really hot days. And, growing up, I always loved being able to go inside Space Mountain. I always thought that was the coolest thing.

And just so I don't feel bad for those rides that came close, but didn't quite make it, I'm gonna round out the top 5: Splash Mountain, Jungle Cruise, Great Movie Ride, Rock & Rollercoaster.

My favorite "extinct" ride would definately be Mr. Toad's Wild Ride. I don't know what it was about this ride that made it so special for me, but it was always the ride I looked forward to going on the most. What I wouldn't give to ride it... just... one more time. :cry:


New Member
This question makes my head spin! Waaaay too many rides to pick from! I have too many favorites!

My favorite extinct ride is Horizons for sure! I loved that ride!

I know its not at WDW, but at least Mr. Toads is still at DLR... Gone at WDW, but not lost forever. Unfortunately, Horizons is gone forever.... RIP :cry:


New Member
Favorite ride is definetely Rock 'n Roller Coaster at MGM....I love roller coasters, and this is my favorite.

Favorite extinct ride:hmm...I would have to say The old Figment ride, however, I really liked Horizons as well...so it is a toss up on this one


New Member
My wifes favorite ride at wdw would probably be the Astro Orbiter. JJ

Mine on the other hand is the Haunted Mansion--hands down!

The ride that I miss the most is Horizons.

Tigger friend

New Member
I love love the Haunted Mansion and Pirates of the Caribbean! They're great! Whenever we would go to Disney World my brother and I would just go on the over and over again. He even has a scar from Pirates! My mom bought him a flag to carry and she picked him up as we were waiting in line and he stabbed himself with it...not like blood spurting everywhere stab...but definitely broke some skin...soo funny!!
For best extinct ride I'd have to go with well it's more of a show...I loved all the Disney Afternoon Characters when I was little..and when they made Mickey's Birthdayland there was a show with Darkwing Duck, Bonkers...Tale Spin...anyways that's the one I miss most!


New Member
Rock n Roller Coaster is my most favorite ride!! Ya gotta love that launch! :D

I really miss the Skyway and 20K. I also liked Food Rocks! haha! (even though its not a ride, i still miss it) :)


Current POTC / HM / SE split. ToT,SM & TTA honorable mention

extinct : Horizons no contest. WOM & Original Journey next two

Toads / 20K honorable mention


New Member
im shocked no one has said MISSION SPACE. How can u not like that take off? Hopefully EE will be my new favorite ride however by next year.

Extinct ride hands down.............. Horizons.


New Member
DisneyCrazyGirl said:
What is you favorite ride at WDW? What now "extinct" ride do you miss the most?

My favorite has to be Star Tours, hands down. It never changes but the scenery and themeing is just fantastic.


New Member
For thrills my favorites are 1. Tower of Terror (the thrills actually arent as good as i expected but i LOVE the atmosphere.
2. Rock'n' roller coaster because its fast and fun and I love the black lights and music.
3. Mission space because the gs on the lift off are amazing.

My favorite ride at the magic kingdom is splash mountain, and I love the haunted mansion.

My favorite ride in future world was spaceship earth,

and finaly: my favorite relaxation ride at the magic kingdom is:

The liberty belle.

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