Favorite park?


Well-Known Member
All four WDW parks for different reasons (a cop-out, I know, but true!).

MK is obviously the most "magical", and if I had to choose one it would be it.

But MGM is my favorite themed park - I just love everything about the design of the park (except for the fact that the two E-tickets are right next to each other) in terms of asthetics.

Epcot is my favorite for just hanging out - there is always someplace interesting to explore, something new to eat, a pretty, quiet place just to sit down and people watch.

AK is where I go for some immersion, and Dinosaur is so much fun I could do it again and again. It's another park with lots of pretty little nooks and crannies to explore and relax in when you aren't rushing from attraction to attraction.

So, depending on my mood, my "favorite" really changes from moment to moment. However, if I only got one park to go to for the rest of my life, it of course would be the MK. Hands down.



New Member
I am torn betwen EPCOT and MK simpl because they are so different....if I am in the mood for a total escape from reality its MK, if I want to chill and just people watch its EPCOT.


New Member
Even though it is kind of gowing through an identity crisis, Epcot is my favorite. I am both a futurist and an adventurer. So I like the ideas in Future World, and I love experiencing the different countries.


Well-Known Member
Epcot, no comparison. And the fact that Soarin' is about to open makes me even more excited for the future of the park. Hopefully they keep SSE the way it is though, I don't know what I would do if they got rid of all the omnimovers in that park.


Active Member
I love the two Kingdoms. Animal Kingdom is simply amazing and I love spending my day there, then going to Magic Kingdom at night for rides, fireworks and parades, and then doing an E-Ride night. Oh how I miss WDW. However, I think my favorite park might be Walt Disney's original Magic Kingdom, Disneyland. Guess I'll find out this summer :D


New Member
beauty_Belle27 said:
I do enjoy sixflags:p ,but I'll go with the MK.
You'll have to see which is your favorite park after you take your first trip to the world! Although I'm sure thats what you'll be saying after all is said and done! :D :D


Well-Known Member
All of the parks have their pros. Here's my list, in order. Some may be surprised as to where Magic Kingdom ranks...

Epcot - My personal favorite. The atmosphere is undescribably amazing. Walking around Future World whilst hearing Russell Brower and David Arkenstone is unmatched, except probably to World Showcase at night, with the paillions lit up and the torches going just before IllumiNations... And then there are the attractions themselves. Mission: Space and Test Track are amazing E-Tickets, and others like Ellen's Energy Advanture and Honey, I Shrunk the Uadience are just pure hilarious. Then there's IllumiNations. It is, IMO, the best thing. Best of ANYthing. Ever. Period.

Disney-MGM Studios - I love the Studios atmosphere, as well. I especially like it atn ight, when it's all lit up, and it's empty because of Fantasmic! and you can walk on RnRC and ToT. Speaking of them, Rock 'N' RollerCoaster is my favorite ride, possibley tied with Test Track, Tower of Terror, and Mission: Space, though. And at MGM, there's Tower of Terror. It has to have THE BEST theming of any Disney ride ever constructed. It's pure genius in concept outcome.

Animal Kingdom - AK is definately an amazing park. Killimanjaro Safaris NEVER gets old, because the anaimals are living and breathing, and something different happens everytime we're on it. And then there's Dinosaur. Dinosaur has got to be one of the best Imagineering feats ever. The ride is absolutely great. I could ride it again, and again, and again. I'm sure my liking for AK will only increase with the addition of Expedition Everest.

Magic Kingdom - Yes, Magic kingdom is last, believe it or not. Why you ask? well, it seems any time we go, the place is crowded, and not just crowded, but crowded with crying children... Yes, yes, I know, that's what Disney is, really, but the other parks seem to have less children, and more things I enjoy. Being a person who goes to Disney World, purely for the parks and not the movies, the Fantasyland rides aren't really my thing. To be honest, I could care less about the characters... 'Cept for Mickey, of course ;) But MK does have it's fair share of great things, like Space Mountain, Big Thudner Mountain Railroad, and Dole Whip!

So there you have it. Just my two cents. I know some of you are just itching to send me bad rep for putting MK at the end, but can you please respect my opinion at least? ;)


Active Member
Epcot - A wide variety of things to do and see. And the day is always capped off with a fantastic meal.

But then again, when discussing about possibly taking another trip down to WDW with a friend who I've taken with me once before, she suggested, since we might not have enough time to do all four parks, that we skip MK as "we did everything there last time." :eek: SKIP MK!!! HOW DO YOU SKIP MK???

Epcot may be my favorite, but MK has the real Disney magic. There is no substitute.


Magic Kingdom is the most magical for me, Epcot is the most sentimental. I enjoy both equally I think, but it's more fun to take my kids to MK.

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