ok, i didn't think that was actually Rod Serling in ToT....i could see how it would be possible the ride plot was based on an actual Twilight Zone episode, but it wasn't. there was never an episode like that. now, it's always possible that i'm mistaken, and if i am just let me know the title of the episode, and i'll have a look-see for it. my dad and i are big Twilight Zone fans, and since we've gotten the Sci-Fi Channel recently on cable, dad's recorded just about every episode, plus he's bought the Twilight Zone Companion which lists every episode plus give the plot of it, so i'm pretty sure there were no episodes involving an elevator dropping 13 stories in a hotel on Halloween. and since Rod Serling is dead, and has been for about 20 years, then i'm pretty sure that's not him on the ride. i don't think computers are THAT advanced yet, as to do something like that....i think it was just someone doing one hell of an impression!
if that's what you all meant, than my apologies...i just misunderstood, if that's the case.