Favorite Bus Song?


Well-Known Member
I never even noticed there were songs being played on the bus. :lol:

I havent rode in a Disney bus in about 3 years tho, I now rent a car....is it fairly new?

I ride the buses all the time (unless I can catch the monorail or if I need to be somewhere particularly fast) and I've never noticed the music either. I'll have to listen more carefully next time.

My favorite music is the themed "island/Hawaiian" music usually played when the bus is in the vicinity of the Polynesian. It's soothing and easily ignored, if you wish to do so.

Not to digress, but I don't think I'm a big fan of the music on the busses. I don't recall when it started. It seems to be GPS-driven, playing location-relevant themed music.

How can you not like this? That makes it even more awesome! I'll definitely be paying closer attention next time.

i love it when the bus driver has a conversation with us. the one time i noticed he was from worchester, ma(pronounced wooster). i said it the right way and he said how did i know from being from il. i told him my dads from massachutes, and we go to boston and the cape every summer to visit friends

Worcester in the house baby!

However, the name is more accurately pronounced as, "Wuss-ter...or if you're from the Worcester-Boston area...Wuss-ta." The way you phonetically spelled it would lead someone to believe that Worcester rhymes with "Rooster," which it does not. So, everybody, say it with me..."Wuss-ter."


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
The All Star Sports Bus plays a song I've been trying to find for quite sometime now. It sounds almost like Island type music. With some sort of drum, and the baseline sounds like someone blowing into a bottle...a really deep tone. They shout "Let's Go" throughout the song.

Id LOVE it if someone could tell me what it's called or where I could find it!


I love the bus loop for Port Orleans Riverside. We're staying at the WL this year for the first time. I actually wasn't sure if I wanted to stay at WL (which I know sounds crazy to 99% of the population). Money wasn't of any concern. I like the price of POR a lot more, but the cost difference really wasn't what was holding me back. I love POR soooooo much. It is so beautiful and perfect. I love the lengthy walks to and from the bus stops because it gives me a chance to enjoy POR. Like I said earlier, the bus spiel just gives me little chill bumps. The ride home at night is so relaxing with the crickets and frogs. :)

Would anyone happen to have a link to the various bus spiels?

I totally agree this is my favorite too!! The crickets are a great way to simmer down from a long day in the parks!

Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
I have to say that I am a big fan of the loops and the music. I like how the theme of the destination is extended to your journey as well. I also was not a fan of when the bus drivers would tour you around WDW and telling you all the attractions that were coming soon. However, these coming soon attractions were rumors that were broadcast all over the internet.


Well-Known Member
My favorite is the Epcot bus loop. I get very giddy when I head the 'Entrance Loop' right as you near the bus stations. I also enjoyed hearing the WL music on the way to the resort at night. *sigh* Good times...

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