shoppingnut said:
No the law firm wouldn't hold the patent, but if you read the first post they are saying that they do. The Greenberg firm are Intellectual Property attorneys who specifically handle having the patent filed and registered with the USPTO on behalf of the inventor. They are not a small mom and pop or boutique firm either, they are one of the "big guys" where there fees can run upwards of $300 per hour depending upon attorney level.
Please forgive me if I made it sound like the partnership held the rights, they just in fact as you said filed the paperwork on behalf of those going for the patent.
Now as for Jim Hill, I have met him a press events and I wasn't too thrilled with his style or professionalism, to me he is way too full of himself, but thats another thread.
I do however continue to insist that this is not Disney doing this, I believe it is a group of Disney related gents who are keeping their options open, I mean even the patent for Disney's latest rides and their latest Trademarks were all assigned to Disney Enterprises, Inc. or Walt Disney Company, they have never filed it in a way as to hide what they are doing.
The cards given out for a media event don't require much programming, it works a lot like the override button on each machine, allowing you to override the main system and print a specialized ticket.
Also, someone mentioned how Disney does give priority to other events like Fantasmic, this is like I said one of the exceptions to the rule. In this case we are not talking about an attraction, we are talking about a show, and by not having you stand in line they allow you to eat in one of their restaurants and make them money, this is just how the FP system was designed, to have you spending money on other things that you might not otherwise have time to do.
By making it so you are limited on how many tickets you can get at one time they stand a greater chance of making more money, even more then they would by having you pay for an "unlimited pass." Think about it, at Disney if your not on a ride or in line for a ride most likly you are eating or shopping or somewhere near one of the two. This is the entire game, to lore you away from a line and into someplace to get you to spend more money. Heck thats also why almost every ride ends with a giftshop.
But, this is my opinion. So... yea.