If they restricted Fastpass to Resort guests, they would basically be selling them like other parks and they would get TONS of complaints from Florida residents who don't really need to stay in a Resort (if you went to disney 15+ times a year, would you pay for a Disney Resort each time?). I second Becky's recommendation to use the Single-Rider Line. Even when the Stand-By line was 2.5 hours long, the Single-Rider Line was only 20 minutes (including the preshow). Personally, I'm the youngest person in my family and I'm 18, so it works great with us...my only other word of advice would be--show up at the park right at 9 am, get a Fastpass (it'll be for like...10 am), get in line quick, ride once, possibly ride again if the line is still under a half hour (or head over to another pavillion for a bit), then use your Fastpass! The line doesn't usually get attrocious until at least 10 or 10:30...and what we did one time was...well, my family was in the hotel room, relaxing, but I am not one for relaxing on my disney vacations--I just go to parks alone. So what we did was have everyone give me their tickets, I went to Epcot and got fast passes for like 7 hours later, headed over the MGM, met my family at the Epcot entrance later that day, and we walked right in the park and got on the ride--granted the Fastpass line was 30 minutes, the stand-by line was 2.5 hours! I'll take the 30-minute wait! And, keep in mind, with or without Fastpass, the Stand-by wait would still be 2.5 hours...the stand-by line just moves slower (but has fewer people in it). I just hate how you have to have a Fastpass now to see the queue line for Test Track...and the way they have it is not necessary, anyway...oh well...