You still can, just have to be a resort guest and obviously rope drop an hour earlier.
Yeah, that’s why my sentence finished with “...unless you're staying on-site.” If you’re not a resort guest it’s super unlikely you’ll be able to get FP+ for Flight of Passage, especially for parties larger than 1, because you can only make your reservations 30 days in advance. For those folks (non-resort guests) the best option to ride FoP is usually to rope drop. I’m just saying that this option is pretty much obsolete now because all resort guests will be flooding Pandora during EMH this summer now that it’s extended to basically every day. So when non resort guests can eventually enter by 9 the FoP queue will already be packed by those EMH guests waiting to ride FoP or even waiting to ride it a second time.
For non resort guests I’ve been reading that your best bet—now that you can’t rope drop (like I said, “near impossible”)—would be to just try and get in line at the end of the night before park closing.