Fantastic idea or realistically unfeasible?


New Member
Hi all

My family (myself, Hubby, MIL who is in a wheelchair plus 3 and 1 yr olds) are coming to WDW next week

I've had what I thought was a brilliant idea, but not sure whether it is logistically feasible!

Plan was....

1. Get to parks early..
2. Spend all day doing the kiddy friendly stuff
3. Go back to Villa in Clermont and have dinner....put kids to bed, set up mother-in-law with the telly
4. Head back to the parks and do all the SCARY rides....

Am I being stupid or could this plan work?
All opinions, good and bad appreciated!


Well-Known Member
It could work, but you'd probably have to start stacking fastpasses right after opening. That way when you get back to the park you have a FP for every "scary" ride as the lines would likely still be pretty long.
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New Member
Original Poster
Cool....could you explain something for me.
In DLRP you get a Fastpass for say 1030-1130 but you cant get ANOTHER Fastpass for anything else till that one has been used, so how do you "stack" FPs at WDW?
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Well-Known Member
You don't have to actually use the FP, you just can't get a new one until it reaches the start time of the one you already hold. You can collect FPs all day by getting a new one each time the previous window is up and then return at the end of the night and use all of them. They don't make you use the FPs in the actual time window, you just can't use it until the window starts.
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Well-Known Member
So you can use a fastpass after the window expires?
Absolutely. Disney doesn't publicize that, but they don't refuse any FPs as long as they are for that day and after the start of the window. They don't want you to have to dip out of lunch early or miss a reservation just to get on the ride within your FP time window.
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Well-Known Member
Since your MIL doesn't seem to care about the scarier thrill rides why not try to balance them in during the day while she stays with the kids?

At that age they will need a juice/snack break anyway so take that time to plan on going on a coaster. The kids won't even notice.

If you want to come back to the parks after the kids are back at the hotel then do so. Take your time walking and experiencing the parks as a couple and since you have ridden the thrill rides your alone time won't be so manic. If the lines allow, ride them again. If not, hit a dark ride and hold hands.

Have fun!
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New Member
Original Poster
You don't have to actually use the FP, you just can't get a new one until it reaches the start time of the one you already hold. You can collect FPs all day by getting a new one each time the previous window is up and then return at the end of the night and use all of them. They don't make you use the FPs in the actual time window, you just can't use it until the window starts.

Thats really useful to know...thank you.
So if I get a FP thats 1030-1130 I can go collect ANOTHER one from 1031? (Have I understood that right?)
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Tweedle Adie

New Member
Check the bottom of the FP it will tell you the time you are able to get another FP. We went one morning and the FP for Peter Pan was already at 6:30 pm, however we were able to get another FP a couple of hours later (like 2 or 3) but before 6:30
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Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
Just to be clear.

FPs are generally accepted after the window on them, but not always. The FP Return CM can and will refuse to honour and hours-old FP towards the end of the day if the FP line is starting to get too long. If everybody were to get FPs and stock-pile until the end of the day, it would defeat the fastpass system's viability.

Not saying you'll be refused, but it's a possibility. If the CM says your FP is too old, accept it and move on.
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The parks are operating longer hours right now right? So this should be pretty easy to do

It's possible to exit the parks and get back in time to do some scary rides, we normally stay in villas too and tend to exit a park midday sometimes. (Though we're normally staying around the Kissaimeee area).

We always find the best thing to do is to exit just before the parades get underway at 3pm. This gives us time to get back to the villa, chill out a little and get in lunch before dashing off for part 2. You'll have enough time to get in a few scary rides and whatever else you fancy before the fireworks.

That said be a little flexable about the parades possibly. Your 3 year old may express a desire to see the parade and it could save you a crabby kid on the way home.

The only park that'll be an issue with that though is Animal Kingdom, which closes about 5pm. So getting scary ride time in there might be difficult

Also bear in mind that Disney have a "baby swap" system. Wherein you can queue for a ride and just explain when you get in front of the queue that you want to do the "baby swap" basically this means one of you rides while the other looks after the kids, then when your partner gets off you can get on
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The parks are operating longer hours right now right? So this should be pretty easy to do

It's possible to exit the parks and get back in time to do some scary rides, we normally stay in villas too and tend to exit a park midday sometimes. (Though we're normally staying around the Kissaimeee area).

We always find the best thing to do is to exit just before the parades get underway at 3pm. This gives us time to get back to the villa, chill out a little and get in lunch before dashing off for part 2. You'll have enough time to get in a few scary rides and whatever else you fancy before the fireworks

The only park that'll be an issue with that though is Animal Kingdom, which closes about 5pm. So getting scary ride time in there might be difficult

Also bear in mind that Disney have a "baby swap" system. Wherein you can queue for a ride and just explain when you get in front of the queue that you want to do the "baby swap" basically this means one of you rides while the other looks after the kids, then when your partner gets off you can get on
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I think your biggest issue is going to be travel time. I believe it is about 1/2 hour from WDW to Clermont. Keep that in mind when travelling to and from. Also, there might be lines getting into and out of the parking lots. It would probably be much less complicated staying on property, but your off property villa was probably a lot less expensive than an on property villa.

Have a magical time!!!!
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