Fantasmic vs. Fantasmic


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Original Poster
Which show is better, I honestly mean this post this isn't just to stir up emotions, when I went to WDW I didn't get to see their show, however I seen the one DL, I thought it was great. What do you think????


New Member
I've seen both, with many years in between. I feel the DL version was better, but it could be that I saw it at DL first, which had that first time magic to it. I felt closer to the action at DL than at WDW also, maybe it was sitting around the lagoon instead of sitting in seats.


New Member
Having seen both versions many times, I say that DL's is better, hands-down. It feels bigger (Steamboat Wille vs. the Mark Twain), the Peter Pan sequence is more impressive than the Pocahontas sequence, DL's has less use of the video screens as filler, and DL's doesn't have that overly-drawn-out Jafar segment.


New Member
DL for several reasons. I grew up with that version, so its more sentimental, since it brings back so many memories. Also, they have the Peter Pan segment, which in my opinion, is better than Pocahontas. Also, theres something about duking it out for the best seat with other people (since its not theater style), its great!

Dl is the better of the two, but they are still both great shows! I love them both!


Well-Known Member
I saw WDW's Fantasmic! with my 60-something parents in 1999. We'd seen Disneyland's Fantasmic numerous times, and as we arrived for the WDW show we were immediately impressed with the amphitheater stadium seating. The hot dog and soda pop vendors roaming the stands were also a happy convenience. But then the show started, and it went downhill quickly and became a bit painful to watch.

So much is missing from the WDW version, and the replacements and fill-ins are almost comical. Canoes instead of Captain Hook's Pirate Ship? A tiny riverboat in the finale' that looks like it was made after a weekend trip to Home Depot for some PVC pipe and plywood? The list goes on and on. Overall, it's far less "magical" than the pageant that springs to life out of the Rivers Of America, and the WDW version is clearly just a special effects show at a theme park. There's very little charm or amazement about it.

In the words of my dear, sweet mother at the conclusion, just before we were forced to walk "backstage" past flourescent lights and trash compactors to get to the car... "Wow, that really sucked compared to Disneyland, didn't it honey?"


Well-Known Member
I am baseing this completely on facts, i have not yet seen DL's, but have seen WDW's.

there are pro's and con's to both shows, many people prefer DL's due to the fact it focuses on the "older" films. WDW's focuses on the "newer" films. I feel that the theatre in WDW is by far a better setting, as it was built for the show. The Sound and lighting in MGM is amazing. It also gives fantasmic a secluded feeling from the rest of the park, as Mickey's dream would be secluded from all the other wonderful things inside a theme park. But honestly, where else on earth can you enter a charactor's dream, and become a part of it. I know the Imageneers had more fun designing the MGM version, because they could build the theatre to thier specific needs, and they did not have to work around an island that has been at the park for years. And, isn't crowd Control a nightmare at DL when Fantasmic runs? Having the Hollywood Hills Ampatheatre away and secluded helps with crowd control and also allows the show to run nightly, unlike at DL. Although, DL has another firework show, MGM does not.

So if any of that made scense, you should see a difference. The shows are 50% alike and 50% different. Disneyland's premiered in 1992, as MGM's premiered in 1998. At MGM, there was time to perfect some of the mistakes that could have been made at DL, although this is often overlooked due to the 50% difference in shows. Both are excellent, I am sure. It is one of the most creative Ideas Disney has yet to come up with.

My favorite Fantasmic! Memory was when i was there, and a rocket launced just as everything was transforming to Evil. It really added to the show.

anyhow, take this for what it's worth. Just my opinion, and I hope to see DL's soon so I can compare!


I like WDW's much better. I love the Pocohontas scene and the setup in general. That last scene with Mickey on top of the mountain is truely one of the most magical sights in Disney World. So imo, Disney-MGM Studio's version is the superior version.



I really wish I could've seen the Ursula Barge that originally served as the villain at the end of Disneyland's show (or did they originally use Maleficent and Ursula?). Ursula's been out of commission for years now. When I went to Disneyland, I didn't get to see their Fantasmic! (I went ona weekday and it wasn't playing), but I've always had an issue with watching old movie clips on water screens. It always makes me think of watching sitcoms when they have those "memory" epsiodes. If it were all-new animation it may be different.

One thing I do know is that those Entertainment Cast Members really work hard to make that show happen. They are actually on an island (they have to use a drawbridge from the back to get there), and if a Cast Member is sick, they have to stay there until the show ends because they bridge is not allowed to be down when the show is going on. They are constantly changing wardrobes and such. IMO, for WDW's Fantasmic! to have it's own venue, it could be much better. I really enjoy the live-action parts, though. My favorites are Maleficent and the Wicked Queen. Even though their parts are small, those are some very dramatic scenes (and their costumes are exquisite)


New Member

Guys, I've been in both shows several times, and to be honest, all the times I saw it in Disneyland it was magical... on Disney MGM Studios I was yawning all the way by the FIRST TIME I saw it! Why the neverending bubbles with scenes of the characteres? Why the crappy tiny steamboat at the end? And the theater at MGM is so big that it shrinks all the effects, which were made for a much smaller space... By far Disneyland's Fantasmic is the one!!!!!


New Member
I am a major WDW fan, and love the amphitheatre set up for the show in Florida, plus the mountain set up is perfect. That being said, the Disneyland show is far superior. The WDW show drags on and on with that endless animation montage sequence on the water screens for what seems to be 5 minutes, and if the wind is blowing even gently in the direction of the audience.... you get misted for 5 min - - not fun when you're trying to watch an entertaining show. The Pocohantas sequence is a bit dull, especially compared to Peter Pan. The villains seem draggy too, especially the Jafar segment. Finally, I have to totally agree that I was very disappointed with the cheap Steamboat Willie riverboat at the end compared to seeing the Mark Twain at Disneyland. I hate the seating/viewing issues at Disneyland, and the amphitheatre takes care of that, but the show at Disneyland blows away that negative.


New Member
I think that Disneyland's version of the show is far superior. The story in both shows is a little sloppy and could use some continuity enhancement to better portray the fact that this is indeed a dream. All and all, I really do not like the ampitheater. I do not like being able to see every lighting instrument and speaker. The mountain is so lacking in design I was embarassed when I saw it on a tour back in September of '98 and am still embarassed to this day. It is simply sloppy. Sure, at Disneyland you can still see things like the lighting and speakers if you look hard enough, but if you aren't looking hard, the whole show seems to coalesce out of nothing. This is far more magical and dreamlike. Disneyland wins hands down. They should have conceived a whole new nightime spectacular for the Studios if one was needed. The show belongs at the Magic Kingdom.


New Member
Chape19714 said:
I am baseing this completely on facts, i have not yet seen DL's, but have seen WDW's.

there are pro's and con's to both shows, many people prefer DL's due to the fact it focuses on the "older" films. WDW's focuses on the "newer" films. I feel that the theatre in WDW is by far a better setting, as it was built for the show. The Sound and lighting in MGM is amazing. It also gives fantasmic a secluded feeling from the rest of the park, as Mickey's dream would be secluded from all the other wonderful things inside a theme park. But honestly, where else on earth can you enter a charactor's dream, and become a part of it. I know the Imageneers had more fun designing the MGM version, because they could build the theatre to thier specific needs, and they did not have to work around an island that has been at the park for years. And, isn't crowd Control a nightmare at DL when Fantasmic runs? Having the Hollywood Hills Ampatheatre away and secluded helps with crowd control and also allows the show to run nightly, unlike at DL. Although, DL has another firework show, MGM does not.

So if any of that made scense, you should see a difference. The shows are 50% alike and 50% different. Disneyland's premiered in 1992, as MGM's premiered in 1998. At MGM, there was time to perfect some of the mistakes that could have been made at DL, although this is often overlooked due to the 50% difference in shows. Both are excellent, I am sure. It is one of the most creative Ideas Disney has yet to come up with.

My favorite Fantasmic! Memory was when i was there, and a rocket launced just as everything was transforming to Evil. It really added to the show.

anyhow, take this for what it's worth. Just my opinion, and I hope to see DL's soon so I can compare!

Yes, crowd control gets messy at DL, but that comes with the territory. We know to expect it, and Fantasmic is so loved that no one really complains much. Honestly, though, I like the fact that there's no special theater for it at Disneyland. It makes the show seem less "staged" and more like it magically appears right there in the middle of the park, if that makes sense - it's hard to explain. :lol:

As for old vs. new videos, I don't care which ages they take films from, so long as they're well put-together and not too excessive.

Definitely check out DL's when you're here, it's well worth it! :)


New Member
The sound of some of these posts make Fantasmic in WDW sound like a terrible show. I agree that it is not as good as Disneyland's. The Peter Pan sequence there is one of my favorites. On the other hand, by comparing the two, it seems that WDW's version may not get the credit it deserves. On its own I think it is an amazing show, absolutely not to be missed. I cry each time I watch it. Disneyland's is better but WDW's (IMO) is not the boring, embarrassing disaster that some have made it out to be. It shocks me that anyone could not like this show.


New Member
I certainly don't feel like WDW's is a horrible show on its own. It's still quite impressive for a theme park show. However, I feel like in the shadow of DL's version, it pales. I felt like they had a chance (and the space) to do something grander, and instead they took a step back.


New Member
i dont care what ne1 says, seeing wizard mickey on top of the mountain conducting the fireworks is the most magical thing at WDW. i am yet to see the disneyland show but i get goosepimples all over when i see that. i truly magical sight and that is something we must all agee on!!!


Active Member
I have not seen DL's Fantasmic, but now I really want to! I absolutely LOVE the WDW version, it is so great! [And I too love Sorcerer Mickey so the end where he is on top of the mountain is great :) ] The WDW show has always been great, the water screens don't bother me too much.

The first time I saw it though, the monster coming out of the mountain was broke, and never made an appearance, and the wind was blowing so the water screens were tough to see clearly.


Last summer I went to Disneyland for the first time and we got the Fantasmic Dessert package that lets you watch from the Disney Gallery. It was AWESOME(man did I get my fill of Mint Julep) and I must admit the DL version of Fantasmic seems much grander. There is just something about watching Peter Pan and Captain Hook on the Columbia that is just incredible. I love WDW's version but must admit DL's is better and if you ever get the chance do the reserved seating package at The Disney Gallery.....WOW!:D


Stitch_Kingdom said:
i dont care what ne1 says, seeing wizard mickey on top of the mountain conducting the fireworks is the most magical thing at WDW. i am yet to see the disneyland show but i get goosepimples all over when i see that. i truly magical sight and that is something we must all agee on!!!
I definately agree with you. This is one of the most picture perfect moments in WDW. The only thing I think is more picture perfect is on Maelstrom when you go up the first hill.


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