Fall for us in Magic Friends


Well-Known Member
Good morning.

Odd. . .
Our internet was fine last night, but George got calls from neighbors whose internet was out. This morning, our internet was out for a good while and several friends in various locations throughout the city called with the same problem.
Ours was just running incredibly slow, so I just gave up after a while. I seriously wonder if it isn't Verizon's doing to get us to subsrcibe to their new, more expensive service.


Well-Known Member
BTW, I miss you all like crazy but now that E's in kindergarten I've got this whole new schedule I've had to get used to. Can't do late night and when we all get home at the end of the day it's dinner, play, bath, snack, bed. The child actually falls asleep by 9:15 every night (unheard of for her) and I'm down by 10 (ridiculous!!!!!!). I have to be all responsible and stuff...

And I may have gotten roped into being a "Daisy" mom (first level of Girl Scouts).

So how is everyone???? How's the baby and Krystyna? Is Nibbs still gone or back and I missed it? Is Steph engaged? (cripes, she's probably married by now). Connor still a brat(:kiss: )? Dana still sweet and Maggie still perfect? Jenny still the best mom evah? Jess still MIA? Betty still her adorable self? Vince still channeling his inner mermaid? Luke still a genius? Freddy having fun with evil type teachers? Dan still doing homework? Danny still keeping us up on the weather? Joanna still likeing the wrong sports teams (:p )? Dot still our rock and our anchor? Who did I miss?

I miss talking to you, Amy.
Congrats on being such a Mom!

And thank you for that. . . :kiss:


Well-Known Member
Ours was just running incredibly slow, so I just gave up after a while. I seriously wonder if it isn't Verizon's doing to get us to subsrcibe to their new, more expensive service.

Who knows?
I just know it's darned inconvenient when it's out. :fork:
I'm so spoiled! :lol:


I can't stay. I am going to meet up with my mom and her 2 sisters and 2 of their DDs for lunch. We are celebrating their Birthdays.
I just wanted to let someone know that I am alive today. (I think):shrug: :lol:
I hope ya'll are having a great day.:sohappy: :kiss:


Well-Known Member
It's a typical day. I got something in my eye and I can't get it out. No it's not the eyeball. :rolleyes:

I'm going to take a shower and see if that will help it, if not, off to the e/r.


Well-Known Member
Doesn't look like it, but at least I caught up! I have to leave for class in 15 minutes anyway, so I am off. But before I leave, I can't believe Anastasia is a month old already! Also, schools here are closed today for...a bomb threat!:eek: Really scary. Be back later.

I just made a rather impressive seating chart in MicroSoft Word and I think I might actually have the tables all arranged. I just need Lauren's approval, then I can print the placecards.
I'm having a productive day!


I don't specifically want retail, but I just need a job at this point!
They did tell me that there's a bigger job fair coming up in a couple of weeks, so I'll be on the lookout for that.

Good luck.

That is very exciting!
Love Olive Garden. . .love Italian!!!!!

Oh man, I LOVE Italian.

OT: I saw the sweetest thing this afternoon. It was gorgeous out so I decided to go for a walk when I got home. I was on the way back and was walking past the hospital and saw 4 people (3 men and a woman) in the middle of the sidewalk jumping up and down flapping their arms...and just being silly. I thought..hmmm "odd".
Then I looked up at the hospital building and saw about 6 or 7 little noses pressed up to one of the windows laughing. It was such a simple yet sweet gesture those people stopping their walk to "entertain" the young patients looking out the window. I literally about lost it right there on the sidewalk. :o

Awww, that is soooooo sweet. I have a tear-jerking sweet story to share later.

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