Fall/ Fall Advantage 2007 CP


New Member
They are VERY lienient, I can't do any weekday times before 3 pm, so they found me a 3:30 one. You may have to wait longer, I could have had one a few days sooner if I'd been free earlier, but they are very nice and accomodating. They had me fax my application, saying it MUST be in before they'll call. Then I sent mine to an address they gave me.


Name: Sergio

Program: Fall 2007 (Aug - Jan)

School: Harold Washington College

Major: Undecided

Hometown: Chicago

Position: I really wanted to get character attendant, but I the interviewered told me, that role was reserved for those who got rejected as character performers, hoping to get either Vacation Planner or Hospitality.

Class(es): None

Other info: I've already met some cool people on message boards and groups, I decided to make my own CP myspace group, it's located at: http://groups.myspace.com/wdwcpfall07, feel free to check it out and join. Talk to you guys later.
that's really weird they told you that you have the mail the application first. when i watched the e-presentation and did the online application, they told me to send the hard copy application after the interview. it also says that on the website...did you see an on campus interview?


Your right belle, It says on the website to mail your hard copy of your application AFTER the interivew, thats why I printed EVERYTHING, I didnt want some screwup to delay anything


New Member
Everything I saw and read was that you are to mail in the application after the interview. I know some people were told to fax it in and when I asked about doing that they said they don't accept faxes. I would think that within the next week or a little more some people will start to get responses back.

Scar Junior

Active Member
Original Poster
Everything I saw and read was that you are to mail in the application after the interview. I know some people were told to fax it in and when I asked about doing that they said they don't accept faxes. I would think that within the next week or a little more some people will start to get responses back.

You guys all assume that Disney is black and white. Take my word for what it is worth... there are many recruiters, many interviewers, questions/interviews vary, people are told different things. Each have their own style, their own way of doing things. The "official" recruiting season starts this week. Thus, those of you who have interviewed over the phone aren't in any trouble. Some of you will receive your acceptance/rejection this week... others next week. If you don't get word yet don't worry... it means nothing. Those who interview over the phone this week will take longer (in general) than those who interviewed last week. As it gets busier, your process may take longer. Just don't read too much into stuff and take everything you hear/read with a grain of salt... including this!

I applied last spring for Fall 06 (which I eventually turned down) and it took 5 weeks!!!!! Many people would be freaking out - though admittedly I was checking my mailbox everyday for my acceptance letter. Normally you will get word in about 2-3 weeks, but stuff happens. Don't sweat it. Some recruiters go on vacation. Some are lazy and don't file your report for a while. Some background checks take longer than others depending on the state.

If you are anxiously awaiting Fall 2007, just hold tight. God doesn't work on your time table, he works on his own. Things happen for a reason and you will find out when the time is right.

I'm sure I'll see about two dozen of you down there, but I just don't want you to fall into the rumormill before you get there. If you think Disney rumors are bad now, just wait until you are in the CP. You'll hear everything from a 5th park to a 3rd waterpark to a lawsuit where Disney owes you money...

Stay calm, sound happy/interesting in your interview, wait for your letter, let us know what position you get...and we'll see ya down there! :wave:


New Member
Hey everyone!:wave:

Name: Tiffany

Program: Fall 2007 (Aug - Jan)

School: University Southern Mississippi

Major: Public Relations

Hometown: gulfport, ms

Position: None yet..hopefully hospitality

Class(es): none

Other info: I was accepted to the Fall 2004 cp but was unable to go. I graduate in less than 100 days! Whoo hoo! Oh also i'm probably on like 6 wdwcp message boards so you've probably seen me before


New Member
I'll be applying early next month. I am sort of worried about credits because it's looking like my school (University of Michigan) won't give me any credit for it. I think I'm going to see if I can apply to CMU as a non-degree seeking student and then transfer the credits to UofM.

I would really love to work at either Kilimanjaro Safaris or as a monorail driver...so I'm trying to decide whether to apply for operations or transportation. Debating still since obviously I wouldn't automatically be guaranteed for either of those jobs.Anyone have any idea which one would be easier to get just because I requested it?

Scar Junior

Active Member
Original Poster
I'll be applying early next month. I am sort of worried about credits because it's looking like my school (University of Michigan) won't give me any credit for it. I think I'm going to see if I can apply to CMU as a non-degree seeking student and then transfer the credits to UofM.

I would really love to work at either Kilimanjaro Safaris or as a monorail driver...so I'm trying to decide whether to apply for operations or transportation. Debating still since obviously I wouldn't automatically be guaranteed for either of those jobs.Anyone have any idea which one would be easier to get just because I requested it?

Neither job is "easier" to get because neither request will be taken too seriously (unless you know someone in recruiting or casting :zipit:). If you have decent acting experience you can have an advantage over other applicants if you assertively request a "high spiel attraction," and then talk about your performance experience as well as the position you want.

As far as CMU goes... I can contact Campus Reps from CMU and ask them if they have any advice, but can't guarentee anything along the lines of credit. Unfortunately this is run by the "accepting" University. In your case, this is the University of Michigan (right?).

Luckily, my boss is also the interviewer at CMU... so I can always alert him of your situation too. :wave: Rule #1 about Disney: not everything is black and white, but some things are.

PM me if you'd like and I'll help you out (because the campus reps at CMU have the same boss as me). Nothing is guaranteed, but I can help find out the info you need.


One thing I wish I said in my interview on Friday that I would be fine with any job at Disney but instead I said how I really liked the custodial job (indepedent, heavy guest interaction), and how much I didnt like my #2 & #3 but I'll defnitely take my #2 & #3 if thats what I take to get me to work for Disney.

My 2 & 3 are Merchendise & Bell Hop/Dispatch


Active Member
So I haven't posted in ages...but I just sent filled out my application and schedualed my phone interview. I am extremely anxious about the interview and really wish it could be in person. Are there any tips anyone could give me before my interview on wednesday? Also, when I fax my application would including a resume and cover letter be a good idea? Thanks for your help!


New Member
I was accepted to the Fall program a couple of weeks ago in Operations, and will arrive on September 5th. Does anyone know if a summer class would count toward the enrollment requirement? I might have to take a leave of absence next quarter (starting in April) because I need to keep my unit count down, but I don't want to be kicked out of the college program. Hope to see everyone down in Florida!

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