Extra Special Things


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Outside of the great atmosphere, rides, parades, fireworks and all the other things that make WDW such a special place what are some of the little things everyone has found to do, buy and see. Things like the haircuts on Main Street in Mk etc. Do they do special things for birthdays/anniversarys if you let them know. I read in a guide book you can buy a name badge with you child's name on it and CM's etc. will often call your child by name. Anyone ever heard of or done this? What are the little things you have found to make your time there even more magical??


Well-Known Member
I used to have my birthday lunch or dinner every year at Cinderellas Royal Table...If you tell them its a birthday, the give you a certificate and Mickey confetti on the table...I went with a friend and her daughter, and her daughter had one of those bead tiaras on all day, and all the castmembers called her "Princess" everywhere we went...:)
I enjoy watvhing the fireworks from behind the Castle, over by Pooh, or in Frontierland, and There is a little Pooh shp over by Splash, with 2 rocking chairs in it, and thats where I would wait for my friends to get off of Splash....I especially love the parks at night, much more enchanting for me:)


New Member
I know many castmembers that will call your child by name if she has a name badge on. Oh and visit Kathy at AA merch! She knows alot about pins and is soooooo cool and nice :).

Hm... I think one of the most special things is watching the fireworks with someone you love. I just did that at DL a few weeks ago and.. it was very special. There is also just sitting and relaxing and enjoying the atmosphere music no matter what park you are at. And for me one of the best things about the parks is the Partner's statue. I always visit it. It reminds me of the dedication that Walt had to imagination. hm... I'm rambling now so I'll end this.

(PS if you go to Cinderella's Royal Table they call you My Lord and M'Lady and if you say it's your bday at Tony's Town Square they sing to you, decorate your table, give you a card AND give you a huge desert (I shared it with my two roommates from the CP)
*sniffles* now I'm getting Disney homesick!! Someone take me to a park!!)


Well-Known Member
The MOST magicial thing has to be the Partners statue. It seems like Walt is always watching over his park, watching everyone with a smile on their face. I love that... it also looks like he's saying, "Look! Look what I've created. People are happy with their families. They are enjoying themselves. Look at what I've created..."

Ok getting very carried away... and emotional...



On one visit my wife and I were eating lunch at the Sci-Fi in MGM. While talking to the waitress, my wife mentioned that it was our anniversary (not expecting to get anything, just part of the conversation). At the end of the meal, the staff brought us out a cake. Not just a couple of pieces of cake, but an entire cake. We ended up getting a bunch of plates and sharing it with half the restaurant, which is what I liked best about the whole thing. The cake was fine, but sharing the happiness with everyone else was fantastic. It was almost like a little anniversary party right in the middle of our day.

Grim Grinner

New Member
The sweetest moments stay with me...

There are so many beautiful things- from little moments to enduring memories (Gheesh, I should get in the Hallmark card business). Here are my favorite things:

1. Sitting in Adventureland sipping a Dole Whip watching the people stroll by and soaking the atmosphere. Adventureland is the most inspiring for me and has been since I was a kid.

2. Standing atop the hill on Tom Sawyer Island humming Davy Crockett's Ol' Betsy song...

3. Introducing Disney oddities to people in line like Hidden Mickeys.

4. Leaving from the Magic Kingdom on the last day of the trip. This bittersweet moment brings tears to my eyes as I feel as if it is the last time... And realizing that every time I've been there, my life has been changed between trips. It's painful but good- like pulling off an infected scab. Great imagery, but...

5. Walking around Epcot in the middle of the day when It suddenly starts raining right as I pass through Germany in the World Showcase.

6. Sneaking soda from the Cool Station...


Well-Known Member
'extra special things'

The flag retreat ceremony in Magic Kingdom; Illuminations at Italy; sitting on a bench at MGM listening to ALL THE GREAT SHOW SONGS!; WDRR; the thrill of the Little Green Army Men; the boatride from Riverside to DD; hearing "When You Wish Upon a Star"; an icecream cone at MK; the hope of being able to return sooner rather than later; meeting so many new friends who love Disney; the emotions experienced upon hearing Mr. Lincoln.........


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Sensory Overload

as soon as you enter MK...from the monorail
(doing the security check point thing was new to me after Sept 11th and all...and I was not a big fan of that..and other folks nudging me and whatnot..but it is the price we pay cause of idiot spinless terrorism)....

Oh...as I was saying...entering the MK..MAIN STREET...and the sensory overload hits ya...the sites...the smells...the sound of those Barber Shop Quartet guys singing...its nice to just stop...and let it all soak in...and I get all warm and fuzzy.


New Member
1. Grab a root beer float from Sleepy Hollow and snag a spot for Spectromagic

2. Sneak into a crowd (since i'm usually by myself) in the showcase plaze to watch Illuminations ROE looking towards the american adventure.

3. Going on Alien Encounter for the Pre-Show Alone

4. Going into the private sound booths at the exit of Sounds Dangerous

5. getting the front row on TZTOT or RnRC.

6. Watching Sorcerer Mickey atop the mountain in Fantasmic

7. Just being there and away from S---hole oregon


Well-Known Member
The one thing I really remember is watching Illuminations in the park. Then sitting in the park for a while to let the crowds thin out. From there, I'd just take a quiet little stroll around world showcase. It's very peaceful and it seriously feels like I have the park to myself. Plus the themed music playing in the background. Oh the great memories. :cry: I need to get back down there!

Oh on my birthday I got to dance with the belly dancer from the Marrakesh restaurant. My friend got a picture of me dancing away on the floor. It was quite humorous.


New Member
1. Getting an ice cream on Main Street USA right at park closing and sitting there, enjoying the ice cream watching everyone leave for the day.
2. Walking around World Showcase at night, close to closing time, it's such an awesome atmosphere with the music, and the torches...
3. Reflections of Earth...


Dawn S

New Member
Yes, you can get a birthday pin at City Hall in MK. This will get all sorts of recognition & special attention from the CMs. It never hurts to casually mention special events like birthdays & anniversaries. I know a CM there who makes it a point to bend over backwards upon discovering anything special about guests at the park & many others feel the same way.

You'd be surprised how much all of the "little things" can add to a WDW trip. A few ideas:

1. Purchase a park photo album & some of the offered photos (from character meets, park entry, attractions, etc.) Put all of these, along with your standard photos in the album & you will have a personal momento. I always take about 10 rolls of pics to make sure that I caught everything, often snapping double pics to make sure they come out ok. I also grab park maps, napkins, room keys, park passes, etc. & add all of that to the album as well. Include photos at: the sorcerer hat, the castle, the Partners statue, Spaceship Earth, the Tree of Life...just to name a few. If taken well, these are even nice to blow up & frame.

2. Make sure to take time out for often overlooked things: the Dapper Dans at MK, the Living Statues at EPCOT, street performers at MGM.

3. Sitting on a bench & enjoying a snack is a great way to just relax & observe everything going on around you...especially if you're going with kids & can do this near the water play areas!

4. Storytime with Belle at MK.

Just a few ideas. Bottom line...notice the little things. People overlook so much at WDW in a rush to get to the next ride line. These little attractions are often easy (no crowds of people) & create the best memories.


Well-Known Member
The most recent magical moment for me was staying at the MK after closing, watching everyone else leave, and just gazing at the castle as it changed colors. No one hustled me out of the park, either...


Well-Known Member
Listening to the laughter of others in the Muppets 3-D preshow.

Gazing out at the lagoon from the outside tables of the Fast Food restaurant across from the Mexico Pavilion.

Watching the expressions on the childrens faces when they first lay eyes on Mickey Mouse.

Eating Fish and Chips on a bench in the Flower Garden in England.

Looking down and reading the Walk Around The World bricks...looking for people from your own hometown.

Riding on the Tomorrowland Transit Authority with my eyes closed, smiling, absorbing all the sounds and smells and thinking..."It just doesn't get any better than this."


New Member
Walking around World Showcase at night after illuminations with my fiancé, and listing to the music and feeling like we are in the seen in Aladdin when there flying through all the countries on the flying carpet.

Also realizing almost at the same time, that the song that is played right after the fire works show, would be a great first dance song at our wedding.


New Member
i think that it's pretty great how disney doesn't sell gum in the park... even though i love gum with all my heart i am sure glad i havn't sad down on one of those disney benches and had a big glob of it stuck on my butt. WAHOO DISNEY!


New Member
There are so many magical things about Disney. But if I had to narrow it down to 1 or 2 it would be these:

1. Pulling up to the main gate. After our long drive from Northern Michigan, it is a great feeling of joy and relief that we made it. And just knowing that all of that Disney excitement is just waiting for us on the other side of that gate.

2. When you first walk into MK. Looking down main street and just soaking up the atmosphere. The sounds and smells and watching the children having so much fun.


New Member
Cast Members will usually call kids by name if they have on a name badge or a hat with there name sewn in it. I know I do. You should be able to get name tags at City Hall for kids birthdays. When I took my daughter for her birthday last year they gave her a name tag and some stickers. Her face just lit up. :sohappy: It's worth checking out.:)


New Member
Or, if it's not your birthday, but you would still like to be called by name, get one of those "Guest of Honor" name tags in the gift shops. It worked with me, at least with a few cast members.


The best thing that ever happened to me at disney was when i went up with my family on mothers day weekend. On that saturday we went to epcot at 8pm. My sister and my dad went on Test Track which had a 40 min wait so i didnt want to go. My mom and I were walking through the TT exit and i was ed because i wanted to go on SE. My mom said we could goto SE but i didnt want my dad to come off the ride and be ed we werent there. But we did go anyways. I remember walking to SE with a twisted ankle, which hurt but i didnt care because i was at epcot. We went on SE and after we got off i went to station cool and my mom went to get my dad. I drank about 50 cups of watermelon soda from china. Then we went to watch Illuminations, I remember standing there with my ankle throbbing with pain but feeling so peaceful. I felt like crying while i was watching Illuminations, because its so moving.

PS: This is my 20th post.:sohappy:

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