Premium Member
Your postulation was that Disney was reneging on a free perk.
No, I said they failed to deliever on an expectation.... which is a customer satisfaction issue. Which is really what is the root issue here... Disney p00ping on it's customers.
There would be no NEED for this 'new service' if Disney still delivered on its original service in a manner that was suitable.
If Disney started charging for transportation in general, I would say your analogy stands.
Charging has nothing to do with anything in this.
This brand new service, meant to aid guests whom want to avoid the hassle of security and main gate lines, is an effort on their part to offer something new for those that wish to partake, without making everyone pay for it.
There would be no value in such service if Disney actually went back to aiming to deliver great service FOR ALL ITS CUSTOMERS. You know.. the philosophy that built the company??