Ex Disney dancer is Playmate of the year

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New Member
jimmyritt33 said:
"First of all...getting pregnant is not degrading. If you think it is, well...then I know what kind of person you are."

I was referring to S-E-X, and it was sarcasm! I just want to let you know a little inside Disney stuff, the people playing these beloved characters aren't really those characters they go home to a real world just like you and..well me anyway! Now I know why you are so on the chip about this whole issue.

I guess I can accept your opinion but we'll have to agree to disagree, just cover your eyes if you go to a museum someday, there might be a painting of a nude woman or maybe a sculpture of a naked man.

You think I'm a prude or something, what the heck? It's not like I've never seen naked people before. Give me a break, I'm in college.

Sorry if I seem uptight about it...I just have some issues with ...and Playboy is GLORIFIED . I also have a tendency to tie those issues with men disrespecting women. Hardly any men respect women anymore and it really es me off. You need to learn how to respect other people's opinions on touchy subjects b/c you never know what kind of BACKGROUND they have, and what kind of things have HAPPENED to them.

And I think I'm old enough to know that real people are characters. It just irks my nerve when people are all excited and HAPPY about some ex-character is in Playboy now. Wow, good for her...she degraded herself by posing for Playboy when she could have gone into acting and actually have a career when she's 40-50 years old when everything is sagging, and would be considered an ACTUAL achievement. Posing for Playboy is not an achievement, I'm sorry.


Well-Known Member
Rockin Roller said:
Funny thing. when I was little my dad got a picture of me sitting on her lap. He told me a week ago about this and he showed me the picture. I was speechless.

When you were little? Dude she worked there within the past few years.


New Member
ilovepluto23 said:
And I think I'm old enough to know that real people are characters. It just irks my nerve when people are all excited and HAPPY about some ex-character is in Playboy now. Wow, good for her...she degraded herself by posing for Playboy when she could have gone into acting and actually have a career when she's 40-50 years old when everything is sagging, and would be considered an ACTUAL achievement. Posing for Playboy is not an achievement, I'm sorry.

I guarantee you that this woman will get more work out of being in Playboy and being the "Playmate of the year" than any character work she did with Disney. Being a princess is just part of her background to go along with any other jobs she may have had. And where do you get off thinking she is degrading herself? Just because you have issues with your past doesn't mean that she is degrading herself. I am sure she is honored. I can see you being upset if she did some hardcore spread or movie, but Playboy is far more tasteful than many other publications.

I am sorry if I am acting like a bully for harping on the subject. I just am a little tired of the way society is getting, peopls should get their own houses in order before judging what others should or shouldn't do.


Active Member
She was my Wendy back in the day. Once I found out she was Playmate of the year I immediately went out and bought my souvenir magazine. I think it's cool! I'll have to find up some old pics.


Well-Known Member
DisneyPan said:
She was my Wendy back in the day. Once I found out she was Playmate of the year I immediately went out and bought my souvenir magazine. I think it's cool! I'll have to find up some old pics.

You're my new bestest friend ever!


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clarksfan95 said:
Also, you shouldn't confuse a star and a playmate...they do two completely different jobs...one does....um......something that I won't mention here and the other just has non-scandalous pictures taken of her (though I'm sure a hundred people would like to argue that point). Playboy is really tame when compared to actual ....theres a big difference.

Um, not that I would know......:lookaroun
You also don't know what the word ography means... as defined on Dictionary.com:
por·nog·ra·phy ( P ) Pronunciation Key (pôr-ngr-f)
Sexually explicit pictures, writing, or other material whose primary purpose is to cause sexual arousal.
The presentation or production of this material.

So no matter what color you paint it, no matter how you dress it up (or undress it), it's still called o... :cool:

ilovepluto23 said:
But maybe this world's morals are just corrupt and non-existent.
Your comments are extremely self gratifying. How can you speak for what the world is or should be? And who are you to judge morals? What may be morally right or wrong to you should not be pushed upon others.

ilovepluto23 said:
There was a time where people had respect for women, or just other people in general. Everyone is obsessed with this crap. Playboy was made by a dirty old pervert. He has like 20 girlfriends, and he's what...80 now?
Was this time back when women weren't allowed to vote? Or is this in modern times where some cultures don't allow a woman to be seen?

ilovepluto23 said:
People are so desensitized to things, it's ridiculous. Just because you think it's fine and dandy to expose your body in a magazine for men(and probably some women) to "enjoy" themselves to doesn't mean that it's right.
Likewise... but you think it's wrong so it must be. The problem is not desensitization but rather people being uncomfortable with the most natural human thing... their body. Why is the body such taboo and why is it only thought of in a s*xual manner? Maybe if people weren't so uptight about being "naked", we would have a lot more respect for each other. Underneath all of our clothes, we are naked. No really. I just don't understand why we have to be sensatized to it...:rolleyes:

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
I wanted to stay out of this but I cannot. How is posing in Playboy degrading women?? You cannot degrade someone who is a willing participant... You also cannot exploit someone who is willing... Such is Howard Stern... Do women come on his show and get nekkid? Sure do.. Is he exploiting them? Heck no... They don't have to remove their clothing.. Just like this FORMER CM didn't have to pose for Playboy.. But she did.. She isn't degrading women, neither is Playboy... And as stated above, women don't have any rights in other countries, be happy everyone is "free" here.... Women can run companies, vote, own land... But don't pose for Playboy... How degrading.. (sarcasm)..

Ohh and you want to say how she should be ashamed of herself for being a FORMER princess and now posing in Playboy?? Not knocking ALL college program CMs, but, obviously you never heard any stories about Vista Way... Maybe you should get educated on the events that take place there before you judge this CM for posing in Playboy....

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
brich said:
Glad I wasn't alone...:lookaroun :D

You are not alone... It just makes me mad when people want to force their morals and their beliefs down my throat, trying to make me follow their way of life.... Maybe I want to look at a former Disney princess in Playboy... And she has the right to pose and make money... Good for her I say.. she has the assests to flaunt.. FLAUNT THEM PRINCESS!!!!!


New Member
She's hot, she has it, so if she wants she can flaunt it. Because let's face it, even though she even states that she thinks this will help her acting career, we all know that the chances of her becoming an actress are slim to none. I say let her have her 15 minutes before some guy on the internet puts Britney Spear's face on her body and everyone forgets about the princess Playmate.

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
ctwhalerman said:
She's hot, she has it, so if she wants she can flaunt it. Because let's face it, even though she even states that she thinks this will help her acting career, we all know that the chances of her becoming an actress are slim to none. I say let her have her 15 minutes before some guy on the internet puts Britney Spear's face on her body and everyone forgets about the princess Playmate.

They are casting for a Baywatch movie.. Never know... She can be the new Queen Of The B's (B movies I mean)


New Member
I guess there is something about we Northeasterners (if that is a word). We're all cold and jaded. Although I am glad that we're who we are. In the words of a great woman "I feel like eating myself." when it comes to reading this thread with all of the holier than thou attitudes.

PS: brich, great avatar. I miss the hell out of Cam Neely, talk about way too short of a career!
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