New Member
jimmyritt33 said:"First of all...getting pregnant is not degrading. If you think it is, well...then I know what kind of person you are."
I was referring to S-E-X, and it was sarcasm! I just want to let you know a little inside Disney stuff, the people playing these beloved characters aren't really those characters they go home to a real world just like you and..well me anyway! Now I know why you are so on the chip about this whole issue.
I guess I can accept your opinion but we'll have to agree to disagree, just cover your eyes if you go to a museum someday, there might be a painting of a nude woman or maybe a sculpture of a naked man.
You think I'm a prude or something, what the heck? It's not like I've never seen naked people before. Give me a break, I'm in college.
Sorry if I seem uptight about it...I just have some issues with ...and Playboy is GLORIFIED . I also have a tendency to tie those issues with men disrespecting women. Hardly any men respect women anymore and it really es me off. You need to learn how to respect other people's opinions on touchy subjects b/c you never know what kind of BACKGROUND they have, and what kind of things have HAPPENED to them.
And I think I'm old enough to know that real people are characters. It just irks my nerve when people are all excited and HAPPY about some ex-character is in Playboy now. Wow, good for her...she degraded herself by posing for Playboy when she could have gone into acting and actually have a career when she's 40-50 years old when everything is sagging, and would be considered an ACTUAL achievement. Posing for Playboy is not an achievement, I'm sorry.