Every adventure requires a first step,trite,but true even here!!!

Hey Everyone,I wanted to start this out with a pic of my trip journal(like in the last TR)but,I figured since there's plenty of room left in that same book for more Tr i'd make a title page instead.I found this perfectly appropriate quote from Alice In Wonderland.


My girls had mentioned that they wanted solo bday trips with mommy and originally I was supposed to be taking my oldest DD as a late bday in January,but she lost that due to behaviour issues,yep I know I'm mean ohwell!!!She now gets a chance to earn it back ,in the meantime I'm taking the youngest DD for her bday and mine during time that fits right in between the 2.she is now 7 but will be 8 at the time :( I knew I wanted to plan it ,but didn't know when and to be honest I didn't really take it seriously .....that is until about 210 days out when I went shopping over the border and found star wars material (this past trip[ we did star tours for the first time-a few times and she fell in love with it)

All that being said at 205 days out we booked our flights at an amazing rate(the cheapest i've ever found) and because I had flight credits to use ,they became so cheap that its as though 1 of us flies for free.203 days out I booked the trip portion.It's a short trip while the oldest DD will be home with daddy and I'm afraid to leave too long(thinking about how she'll be dressed for school frightens me to no end)So just me n Hailey aka "H" or whatever else i feel like calling her at the time and Me Carrie :D

Here's a pic from our last trip while riding expedition everest


This is going to be my cheapest trip ever and thats without any discounts yet,we're staying at AOA in an ariel room for 3 nights.


with no set plan for dining yet.We have until November 20th to decide that.I'm also very happy to say that I will again be seeing some of my fave magic ladies.If anyone has any non buffet dining suggestions please don't hesitate to share those with me.At this time I'm not doing the DDP because out of pocket when I can share meals with H is cheaper and just better for us(we eat smaller meals more often throughout the day,we're snackers really)


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and then I saw some really nice jim shore pieces so i had to get pics of those

and for my new fabulous friend rebecca........

I so want the chipmunks done by jim shore,but i never see them

we left that shop and took a vid along on our way to The great canadian Midway

just click the image below



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so inside the midway we got tokens for H to go on some rides n I can assure you we saved the best for last...

last but definately not least .....

and then we met up with hubby n Riley at wendy's for dinner before we came home to watch Mickey and the Beanstalk,so it was a pretty good day and it wasn't Disney by any means but it was still pretty fun n it had disney reminders so that was nice


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Hey everyone well it's been a very long time and a few things have changed,unfortunately I was avoiding the dis like the plague because I was in serious Disney depression not knowing if I was going to be able to do Disney at all and then having to change my dates yet again GRRR stupid real life always getting in the way but I pushed through and had a few movie nights along the way with the kids until I knew for sure what I would do so let's look at those shall we?

Here's what happened when we decided to have a Ratatouille night(friends were supposed to join but something came up)

I had printed out hats for the girls to wear and we stuck with the theme "Anyone Can Cook"

so the girls made pb&j pinwheels and we had a friend be our centerpiece on the table for some inspiration

next they made ants on a log with craisins instead of raisins of course!

TADAAAAA our movie snacks were ready

but before we could watch the movie we had some other activities to do

you might notice Hailey had a wardobe change and a bath since the food prep,jam and Hailey together not always the best of plands lol

then we watched the movie and had our snacks and of course just as the movie ended the power went out so we went to bed.


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okay so it appears that some of my pics are rotating when I edit them and some are not so i am sorry if you have to tilt your head but photobucket is not co-operating with me and I'm sure you'd rather see an update with sideways pics than none at all so I gotta crank these babies out while I'm motivated to do so .Anyways I tried changing things for the trip in my mind several times but i just kept getting frustrated and then free dining got extended so I switched to that and all was well in the world right? So to celebrate we had another movie night lol now I must tell you that my first attempt at a movie night was a mess,it seems anytime I invite certain friends something happens and the funniest part is it's not even their fault let me explain...... so the first time I decided to do one of these the plan was to do Lilo n Stitch so I made a menu according to that and got decorations and planned everything out only to realise it was no longer on netflix and we had hawaiian everything but watched BRAVE lol .Then this night we were watching Mulan and ordering chinese food and I had bought chinese lanterns to hang from the ceiling in the kitchen and a tablecloth to match ( which I ended up sticking with,because it doesn't slide around as easily as my old one did)so anyways there I was in my kitchen standing on a chair when everytime i'd hang one lantern another one would fall on my head n I kept going around in a circle fixing lanterns,there were only 4 but I must've hung each one at least 3 times before I gave up and devised a different plan lol.and so this became my decoration it's chinese ish right?

and then the friends and food arrived

but of course for 40 minutes I could not find the movie in any folders on my computer ,there were only 2 it might have been in and I kept going back andf forth because I had just made a copy for a friend so I knew it had to be in there somewhere. I just couldn't find it then I swear it miraculously appeared lol,I was almost ready to toss in POcahontas instead lol and again we did colouring pages because those never fail me lol

and the dog needs to be in the middle of the action because she loves kids

we watched the movie and hung out and had a good night.Then it was back to reality n bills poured in and things that were unexpected came to be and I ended up thinking Disney really wasn't going to happen so I checked for later in November and december and january even and thought about possibly paying for the flight home n having hubby and Hailey not join us but I just couldn't go that route knowing it would crush Hailey,so alot of planning and replanning and changing and sorting and finally ended up not with free dining afterall but with a room discount and switching from 6 nights to 5,there was no way I was messing with park passes because I was bound and determined that Ry and I will be doing 4 parks in one day for sure!! So the new plan was born.


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OKay so here is the new plan for November/DEcember because it is december now instead .

December 9-14
Pop Century Resort
4 day with hopper
which gives me an extra month to pay for it so it's going to work out afterall YAYYYYY

Spoaceship Earth
Living with the Land ( to visit my house)
the Seas with Nemo
Turtle talk with Crush(riley loves turtles)

Lunch in Uk for fish and chips because Riley hasn't tried it yet and she loves fish so I promised her.
Then we will head over to MK to show her the New Fantasyland and then have dinner over @ Kona Cafe
resort swim

Dec.10th-DTD /Xmas
swim in the morning
bus to DTD
Lunch @ T Rex because we've never been and I think H would flip her lid so since she won't be there yet we're going!
shopping of course ( beware lego store shoppers I'm on a Christmas mission) and just because we can we'll take the boat to French quarter and try the beignets because I need to scratch more snacks off my list(I really need to post a pic for you all to see) then to our resort to get ready.


Lunch @ Yak n Yeti (Riley's request)
Khali river

bus to whatever resort bus is closest then bus to Epcot
Dinner in Morocco(i neeeeeeed a shwarma)
and walk through as many countries as we can

By this day Hubby n Hailey should have arrived so we will head over to The Boardwalk area and then have lunch @ Captain's Grill together and hang out at the Boardwalk area before parting ways,they'll go swim n hang at the resort while we go to MGM
Star tours
Toy story
Animation class ( because I can't do this with H she'd never sit through it)
and Muppets
Then we'll probaly go to DTD or back to the resort who knows

Dec.13th-4 Parks in 1 Day Challenge!!!!
Breakfast @Kona with hubby and H
and Into MK for a bit
and onto Epcot with dinner at marakesh for our first time

Dec.14th-we'll most likely hit Disney quest before the long drive home together


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So my friends now that we are all caught up with my current Disney Status I can inform of you of some other tidbits in life LOL I was busy all day Monday making a ninja turtle cake for a bday we were supposed to attend yesterday.The party unfortunately didn't happen because my friend called to inform me that her youngest had lice,and since my kids were bummed about not having cake and I had all this left over icing to use up I decided to do a movie night with them to cheer them up.Now I gotta tell you this was on a whim but I had been saving stuff to do a Bugs life movie night (which i had high hopes for) but decided since I had stuff I'd just do it now with what I had and not worry about the perfect bug themed foods and stuff. and incase anyone wants to see the ninja turtle cake I'll post a pic here

So there was a sidewalk sale where my husbands uncle got the girls these sets that came with books for $1 and he knows my kids like artsy stuff ( like me teehee) so he bought them and I gave the kids some of the stuff but kept 2 kits for when we would do our bugs life night,I knew the one would be really difficult for them soo I started to assemble it

its inspired by a van gogh painting and I don't reccomend it lol It made me so angry that I intentionally ripped pieces and almost threw the whole thing out LOL yup that's my patience level lol

HOLY COW I finally got it done lol

biggest pain in the A ever!!!

another kit he had bought was a bug painting kit so we worked on that next



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The kit came with 1 paint brush so we had to take turns

and then it was my turn

our finished bugs ( Daddy wasn't getting in on the fun,ohwell he's boring anyways lol)

THen we made the cake,well Riley and I did while hailey painted some pictures

so we ate dinner while the cake baked and watched the movie while the cake cooled and here's the end result.........



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So i had said a while ago I'd add my snack list and here it is.and please if you have any suggestions not listyed feel free to let me know thanks

so remember if you have any snack or meal ideas we'd love to hear them and if anyone is interested in seeing my lego or other youtube videos msg me and I'll send you the info . I just finished my May tr Tonight so I'll have more time to focus on this PTR as we start getting ready for our December trip to Pop Century.......Let the packing begin!!!


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Hey ( first off I'm listening to this right now http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Xsfz...57B48C0AE9575D ) I woke up this morning ,got the school lunches made ,the kids ready to go and sent them off to school,then I came to a realisation of 2 things............first and least important but if I don't do this now i'll most likely forget lol.In talking of packing the last time I remembered that when the girls got new carryons I had kept riley's a secret and said I'd show you all when it got closre to her trip with me so tadaaaaaaaaaaaaa

and I have no doubt that Like Hailey she will decorate the back of it with disney stickers aswell.
OKay on to the most exciting thing that I realised

and I know you're probaly thinking " but Cheeky you knew that you were in double digits already" But I got excited because of the SOAPSNOWW!!!!!! Who doesn't love Disney soap snow??? WEll I didn't love it the first time because I wanted to know what it was and so I tasted it EUCH!!! I really thought it was styrofoam n that i could just spit it out but NOPE! Moral of the Story DO NOT EAT THE SOAPSNOW!!! anyways this is exciting to me because i haven't been there for The Christmas party in a very long time ( Halloweens my fave) This also means that I've never done a Xmas Party Tr,so that should be very fun! Oh and also does anyone know if the Earl of Sandwhich Holiday sandwhich is a Thanksgiving thing,a year round thing or a Christmastime thing? If you know and can tell me that would be awesome thanks Loves!


Oh and also does anyone know if the Earl of Sandwhich Holiday sandwhich is a Thanksgiving thing,a year round thing or a Christmastime thing? If you know and can tell me that would be awesome thanks Loves!
According to the Disneyfoodblog:
And here’s the latest — new menu items are being added the first week of March, including hand-tossed salads, handcrafted wraps, and Artisan soups…and the HOLIDAY SANDWICH will now be offered year round!!

Hope that clears up that little conundrum ;):geek:


So i had said a while ago I'd add my snack list and here it is.and please if you have any suggestions not listyed feel free to let me know thanks

so remember if you have any snack or meal ideas we'd love to hear them and if anyone is interested in seeing my lego or other youtube videos msg me and I'll send you the info . I just finished my May tr Tonight so I'll have more time to focus on this PTR as we start getting ready for our December trip to Pop Century.......Let the packing begin!!!
That snack list could come in very useful. It's a shame you hadn't rated them as well, but i suppose not everybody's tastes are the same


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According to the Disneyfoodblog:
And here’s the latest — new menu items are being added the first week of March, including hand-tossed salads, handcrafted wraps, and Artisan soups…and the HOLIDAY SANDWICH will now be offered year round!!

Hope that clears up that little conundrum ;):geek:

WEll If I was going after march i suppose that would help unless thats from last March????


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OMg you guys I am so excited!!!! Today i have the best news ever! Nothing could be this epic,this is gonna make my trip super fantastic now are you sitting down? okay here it is BREAKING NEWS!!!!!

Look what I bought for the trip.......

Haha I'm a bratt i know lol.I was actually gonna leave it at that but then last night I was cleaning out the top of my bedroom closet and i came across something rather nifty.Who here remembers "The year of a million dreams"?(this was a year that disney gave out prizes and surprised people with random things like a night in the castle,pins,trips to other disney parks and a whole bunch of awesome things) anyone?WEll back then we were in MGM and I was approached by the dream squad with a little something

2 exclusive pixie dust pins "one to give and one for you" is what the cards say and on the back it reads "Just wanted to spread the magic by giving you this exclusive pixie dust pin.After all this is the place where dreams come true.Now you can spread a little magic of your own.Simply detach the card with pin below and give it to another Disney guest.It's the perfect way to make dreams come true." then on the pin card you are supposed to give away it reads "just wanted to spread the magic by giving you this exclusive pixie dust pin aftyer all this is the place where dreams come true" and it stops there.
Anyways at the time it was given to me we were on our way out of the park to go eat and so I stuck it in my bag forgetting about it until I returned home.Now that I've found it though it's even cooler because it was just a thing from that year(or atleast I think that)So now not only is it exclusive but its more rare! So i'm packing it and taking it with me , so some random guest will be very surprised and i can't wait to do this with Riley.

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