Everest pics from 1/9/05


Active Member
wild01ride said:
You know what my biggets question was when I saw Everest up close:
You can see clearly in the picture of the peak how they have incorporated the steel beams for the scaffolding into the structure of the mountain- now what exactly happens to those huge I-beams that protrude through the scrim once they are done with the scaffolding?? :veryconfu That's a LOT of metal sticking out of the mountain!

I think that they'll cover it with the rock work then trim the excess I-beams off


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
thanks speck and mkt for the pics. ive benn keeping a "Construction Update" picture book. these always help since im so far away.

thanks again.


New Member
tmcherok said:
I have a question...why will it still take over a year to open?

Don't for get that they have to work on the interior of the mountain with the rock work. They have to put the water system in for the water fall, which should look pretty cool. Also, they have to theme the whole area around the mountain.


New Member
Awesome pics

One question, though

What the heck is the 2nd pic of? It looks like the top of the first small lift, but I'm not 100% sure about that. There aren't any visual cues to complete the picture.


New Member
DigitalDisney said:
Awesome pics

One question, though

What the heck is the 2nd pic of? It looks like the top of the first small lift, but I'm not 100% sure about that. There aren't any visual cues to complete the picture.

That is exactly what it is. It is to give the train enough enertia to get around to the lift hill.


Well-Known Member
very awesome pics, speck! this looks like it's going to be quite a large ride...very curious as to how the queue will turn out, or rather what their plans are for it.


New Member
Lynx04 said:
Don't for get that they have to work on the interior of the mountain with the rock work. They have to put the water system in for the water fall, which should look pretty cool. Also, they have to theme the whole area around the mountain.

Actually, the interior of the mountain will be complete long before the exterior so that ride testing can begin as soon as possible. The ride testing is what will keep the attraction from opening until '06 even though the mountain and queue will be finished much earlier.


Well-Known Member
EEhunter said:
Actually, the interior of the mountain will be complete long before the exterior so that ride testing can begin as soon as possible. The ride testing is what will keep the attraction from opening until '06 even though the mountain and queue will be finished much earlier.
Only the track will be completed before the exterior of the mountain. The actual installation of show scenes, special effects, electronic equipment and themeing elements will not be started until the exterior is complete. These things need to be protected from the weather. Testing of the ride system will take place while the queue, themeing and other elements are being installed.


New Member
True!!! I can't wait, the more I see it the more excited I am for it to open. So far by looks, it is surpassing my expectations. But then again I always have low expectations, that way I can never be disappointed. But it is hard to suppress my expectations when you're looking at it.


New Member
peter11435 said:
Only the track will be completed before the exterior of the mountain. The actual installation of show scenes, special effects, electronic equipment and themeing elements will not be started until the exterior is complete. These things need to be protected from the weather. Testing of the ride system will take place while the queue, themeing and other elements are being installed.

True, some of the electronic equipment, special effects and the AA's will be installed later on, but all of the interior rockwork, and themeing that is inside the mountain must be complete in order to run the trains through with a clear ride path that is free from scaffolding and workers. Also the queue area will be substantially completed before the mountain is.


New Member
Also from descriptions of how the ride will work some of it is in the dark which means no theming at all. I could be wrong on this but this is just based on descriptions and stuff that I have read.


New Member
Well now I want to know what will be built next. Hopefully a new attraction will be announced by Everest's opening. I am still praying on Journey.


Well-Known Member

Wow, that mountain sure is getting big! :drevil:


New Member
Great pics! Thanks for the update! Now, I just have to get up the nerve to ride it when it opens! :) Don't tell anyone, but I'm a big chicken!!!:zipit:


New Member
Awsome pictures, anyone know if it will be awhile before the top is put on?

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