EVEREST News... talked with a Construction Worker


Empress Room said:
It doesn't have the Disney attention to detail and is entirely too short without a proper ending.


The ride has been compared to the likes of Indiana Jones Adventure at DL....the theming is absolutely fantastic (better than some of the theming on stuff Disney has recently put out such as Dino-Rama! and Mission: SPACE).

Anyways.....I still have my doubts about this one.....seems to be a glorified Matterhorn to me. But we'll see....


Active Member
Just some thought on the mummy:

Nothing in the mummy blew me away, but I thought it was a good use of a lot of different elements. All around, it was a good show and enjoyable experience (when the AA were working that is). I just wish they would have had more space to work with and maybe the experience could have been a little longer.

I'm concerned about Everest. Watching the construction of the coaster, it doesn't appear to be very long, but that could just be perspective of the pictures. I realize the coaster will slow down, speed up and even change direction. I just hope it isn't over too quickly.

What I wouldn't give for a computerized ride through of just the coaster ; )

Empress Room

Active Member
NemoRocks said:

The ride has been compared to the likes of Indiana Jones Adventure at DL....the theming is absolutely fantastic (better than some of the theming on stuff Disney has recently put out such as Dino-Rama! and Mission: SPACE).

Anyways.....I still have my doubts about this one.....seems to be a glorified Matterhorn to me. But we'll see....

I have ridden both IJA at Disneyland and The Mummy at Universal Orlando. I stand by my opinion - The Mummy is not as detailed as IJA nor does it provide quite the same amount of thrills - despite having the benefit of another six or so years of technology in it.

Comparing The Mummy's theming to Dino-Rama is unfair - The Mummy is supposed to be an e-ticket super headliner. Dino-Rama was never intended to be so. Personally, I like M:S's theming and I believe that it presents the best theme park ride experience of any - and that's taking nothing away from The Mummy.

I will not argue with you that The Mummy is a great attraction; I thoroughly enjoyed it and would certainly ride it over and over. It does, IMHO, lack the Disney attention to detail in its theming and execution. Having said that, there is no question that The Mummy is a super attraction, but it could be better.

I think that you will be more than pleasantly surprised with the final EE product. The time, money and effort invested in that attraction is incredible and Disney is looking to knock one out of the park and bring and keep guests at AK for a longer portion of their day.


Well-Known Member
NemoRocks said:

The ride has been compared to the likes of Indiana Jones Adventure at DL....the theming is absolutely fantastic (better than some of the theming on stuff Disney has recently put out such as Dino-Rama! and Mission: SPACE).

Well, I wouldn't go that far ;) I've likened Mummy to IJA too before, only because the "concepts" are similar in that they are both based in a tomb/temple of some sort and there is a curse, and fire and projections and the "look" is similar in some aspects, etc. Once you get into Mummy's "real" queue area themed to a dig site, the queue is great and one of the best to come out of either Disney or Universal recently, but the attention to detail in the actual ride lacks is some areas, its biggest flaw is its ending which rivals SGE for worst and least anticlimatic ending of any theme park ride (partially at fault for trying to use too many stories in one...first its a museum, then its a set for the next Mummy movie, then its a dig site then its an actual tomb with what just happens to be a coaster car for some reason, etc.) Some places the themeing is fantastic, others not so great. Comparing the dinorama area to Mummy is sort of riduculous considering the money spent and the initial concept and goal for each (a side-land vs what was hyped to be the "most incredible thrill ride ever and the next threshold for the industry" ). Dinorama I'd more compare to IOA's most recent additions like The Flying Unicorn which has even less themeing than the "cheap-looking" themeing attempted at Dinorama.

But this thread's about Everest, so I'll just leave it as I think Mummy is in fact a great ride and worthy a trip to USF to see it but that I'm incredibly anxious for Everest to open. From what I'm seeing, the themeing level on the outside already rivals any themeing inside the Mummy ride....hopefully the actual inside of Everest won't be a disappointment and just be simply a series of pitch black tunnels (although, I am expecting a few of those for excitement purposes ;) )

[EDIT: This was not meant to be a rehash of the above post from Empress, as I was apparently writing it when his was submitted...sorry ;)


Well-Known Member
speck76 said:
This is why I want Pixar to leave Disney........competition breeds innovation!
True...but heck if I were Disney I'd still work it out so that I can atleast be a distributor...and just get the cash from that...


Well-Known Member
dizneeboy said:
I'm concerned about Everest. Watching the construction of the coaster, it doesn't appear to be very long, but that could just be perspective of the pictures. I realize the coaster will slow down, speed up and even change direction. I just hope it isn't over too quickly.

An older Disney magazine article about Everest said the length of the ride would be a little over 3 minutes. For a coaster based ride, that's a great length. Its almost a minute more than the Mummy and I believe comparable to ride lengths for Dinosaur. For the amount of work going into it though, I kind of hope its a little bit longer...but we'll see ;)


Active Member
I personally enjoyed the Mummy attraction. I think it is great as it stands right now, but would be even better with an improved ending and longer ride track. While I liked Kong, I think the Mummy is a better attraction than Kong was.

I look forward to EE. I think part of our problems in terms of liking a ride or not has to do with the hype. Rides that are hyped up more than they should be and turn out to be average get a big fat :( in our books. If there wasn't so much hype, we wouldn't have anything to look forward to and I think the ride would be more enjoyable, since we aren't comparing it to anything. That being said, WAY TOO MUCH hype went into SGE, and it turned out to me nothing more than a watered down version of AE, leaving a bad taste in our mouths.


Premium Member
Great to hear that construction is going well. Hope to see the opening earlier than 06.

I'm also hoping these changes are because of an increase in the budget of the ride. This project should get as much cash to make it THE top ride in Florida. Just as long as the ride isn't any 2 minute joy ride. That's the one thing I believe RoTM at USF lacks. There's plenty of space in the Kong building (I still miss that ride), but I don't think they took advantage of all the space available. Still a good ride, and Disney has some high expectations when people can finally compare the two attractions.


Empress Room said:
I have ridden both IJA at Disneyland and The Mummy at Universal Orlando. I stand by my opinion - The Mummy is not as detailed as IJA nor does it provide quite the same amount of thrills - despite having the benefit of another six or so years of technology in it.

I beg to differ. While IJA is an absolutely fantastic attraction I found Revenge of the Mummy to be more thrilling (it has a coaster portion, of course it will be more 'thrilling'). Theming-wise, I'd say they were both the same. Universal Creative traveled to the British Museum to assure the authenticity of everything inside --- I'm sure WDI did something similar as well.

Comparing The Mummy's theming to Dino-Rama is unfair - The Mummy is supposed to be an e-ticket super headliner. Dino-Rama was never intended to be so. Personally, I like M:S's theming and I believe that it presents the best theme park ride experience of any - and that's taking nothing away from The Mummy.

I never meant to compare RotM's theming to that of Dino-Rama's. I was just using it and Mission: SPACE as examples of Disney's poor use of theming over the past couple of years.


Well-Known Member
^^Personally, I think the themeing in Mission:Space is wonderful. Its different then themeing that would go into trying to create a falling apart tomb or a 200 foot mountain. Themeing in MS's case means creating a believable setting that creates a futuristic and industrial feel for a training space center of the future and I think MS does it very well. The training center idea is well presented and once you are inside the flight capsules, the visuals, sounds, sensations, movements, etc. all create a VERY realistic setting of space travel. Sure, more props and such could have been used in the queue (though the turning wheel is perhaps the most impressive stand-alone prop in any queue) and they could have dropped the whole training center thing and tried to pass off a fictional setting where "amatuers" are being sent on a real space flight, but I like what MS does and how it tries to fit into the "reality" aspect and less on a "fantasy" aspect that is a hallmark of most Epcot attractions. But that's a subject for another day ;)


Well-Known Member
CTXRover said:
^^Personally, I think the themeing in Mission:Space is wonderful. Its different then themeing that would go into trying to create a falling apart tomb or a 200 foot mountain. Themeing in MS's case means creating a believable setting that creates a futuristic and industrial feel for a training space center of the future and I think MS does it very well. The training center idea is well presented and once you are inside the flight capsules, the visuals, sounds, sensations, movements, etc. all create a VERY realistic setting of space travel. Sure, more props and such could have been used in the queue (though the turning wheel is perhaps the most impressive stand-alone prop in any queue) and they could have dropped the whole training center thing and tried to pass off a fictional setting where "amatuers" are being sent on a real space flight, but I like what MS does and how it tries to fit into the "reality" aspect and less on a "fantasy" aspect that is a hallmark of most Epcot attractions. But that's a subject for another day ;)

I agree....and if you have ever been behind the scenes at KSC, a lot of if is much like MS. Sure, they could have gone for the warm and fuzzy look, but that would not be too realistic......Space Training and travel is industrial, not warm and fuzzy.


New Member
Hey, i don't think we should be worried. When was the last time Universial beat Disney at anything and got away with it. Disney will always be on top. EE will dominate RotM with out a doubt. I can't wait for EE!!!!!


syddisney said:
Hey, i don't think we should be worried. When was the last time Universial beat Disney at anything and got away with it.


Since 1999 at UO....
- Universal's Islands of Adventure theme park (the world's most technologically advanced theme park home to attractions such as The Amazing Adventures of Spider-Man, Incredible Hulk Coaster, Jurassic Park River Adventure, Dueling Dragons, The Cat in the Hat, and others)
- MEN IN BLACK Alien Attack (well-themed interactive dark ride)
- Jimmy Neutron's Nicktoon Blast (good "redressing" of an attraction already in place)
- Shrek 4-D (3-D attraction featuring motion seats and your standard 3-D effects)
- Revenge of the Mummy ("the world's first psychological thrill ride," a highly themed dark ride/coaster featuring advanced animatronics; one of a kind)
- Three world-class resorts (Portofino Bay, Royal Pacific Resort, Hard Rock Hotel; the best of the best in Central FL)

Since 1999 at WDW....
- Test Track (ride that frequently breaks down)
- Rock 'n Roller Coaster starring Aerosmith (sub-par roller coaster)
- The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (dark ride that has been bashed by many for not being like its TDL counterpart)
- Imagination! (I don't think much more needs to be said)
- The Magic Carpets of Aladdin (the third MK spinner)
- Chester and Hester's Dino-Rama! (one of the most hated attractions in all of Walt Disney World)
- Who Wants to be a Millionaire - Play It! (aging show which now plays to audiences consisting of some tourists and mostly APs who return)
- Mission: SPACE (plagued by motion sickness; complaints have been made about its queue and postshow which are not great at all)
- Mickey's PhilarMagic (modest 3-D attraction)
- Stitch's Great Escape! (month-old attraction that already is hated by WDW fans and the general public for not featuring a good story)

Has WDW opened more? They sure have. Are all of those quality attractions? Not a chance. QUALITY is what matters in a THEME park, and Disney has not been delivering such lately, IMO.


New Member
Is EE better then Mummy? I will save my opinion to after I ride it. Having said that my expectations of the ride being better then Mummy are not as high as others on this board for one reason. Both the Mummy and EE were concieved at the same time, so they both use the same tech that was available during the time of conception. Just because EE is opening 2 years after mummy doesn't mean the tech is more advanced. In fact, Mummy may be more tech adv then EE. They may tweak a few things here and there like Lee mentioned, but nothing on a large scale can be done at this point. I am sure the ride will be great and it will become an instant classic and AK poster child attraction. But as far as the EE vs Mummy war goes and judging on tech alone it will be close.

When it comes down to it though the better ride will come down to personally preference.

Unless you are a USF or WDW fanboy, then we already know which ride they are picking.


New Member
NemoRocks said:

Has WDW opened more? They sure have. Are all of those quality attractions? Not a chance. QUALITY is what matters in a THEME park, and Disney has not been delivering such lately, IMO.

Well no matter what Disney will always be #1 in my book, and no one can change my mind. I'm not looking for the what Universial has to offer, i only want what Disney gives, good family fun. Plus i know for a fact the Universial has nothing that even comes close to Disney Magic.


Well-Known Member
Since 1999 at WDW....
- Test Track (ride that frequently breaks down)
The ride actually rarely breaks down. It's temporary stops are usually just safety checks.

- Rock 'n Roller Coaster starring Aerosmith (sub-par roller coaster)
May not be the best "roller coaster" but it is a far better attraction than the hulk.

- The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (dark ride that has been bashed by many for not being like its TDL counterpart)
Have not been to TDL

- Imagination! (I don't think much more needs to be said)
I don't think it is nearly as bad as some say. Sure it's no JII but is still a decent attraction.

- The Magic Carpets of Aladdin (the third MK spinner)
I agree it was not needed.

- Chester and Hester's Dino-Rama! (one of the most hated attractions in all of Walt Disney World)
I agree they could have done better, but the area fits the theme of the land very well, even if most do not agree.

- Who Wants to be a Millionaire - Play It! (aging show which now plays to audiences consisting of some tourists and mostly APs who return)

- Mission: SPACE (plagued by motion sickness; complaints have been made about its queue and postshow which are not great at all)
The motion sickness is far less than talked about here. I jave ridden 17 times and never once seen anyone get sick, not even near the exit. I agree about the post show, but I think the queue is great.

- Mickey's PhilarMagic (modest 3-D attraction)
This is reaally a great attraction. I personly think it is far better than Shrek.

- Stitch's Great Escape! (month-old attraction that already is hated by WDW fans and the general public for not featuring a good story)
Have not seen the show yet, but from what I have seen I agree.

Oh, and if you want to be fair, don't forget Pop Century, Animal Kingdom Lodge, All-Star Movies, Saratoga Springs, Beach Club Villas, Wilderness Lodge Villas, Asia at animal Kingdom, and Fantasmic. Not to mention Wishes! and Illuminations: ROE.


New Member
NemoRocks said:

Since 1999 at UO....
- Universal's Islands of Adventure theme park (the world's most technologically advanced theme park home to attractions such as The Amazing Adventures of Spider-Man, Incredible Hulk Coaster, Jurassic Park River Adventure, Dueling Dragons, The Cat in the Hat, and others)
- MEN IN BLACK Alien Attack (well-themed interactive dark ride)
- Jimmy Neutron's Nicktoon Blast (good "redressing" of an attraction already in place)
- Shrek 4-D (3-D attraction featuring motion seats and your standard 3-D effects)
- Revenge of the Mummy ("the world's first psychological thrill ride," a highly themed dark ride/coaster featuring advanced animatronics; one of a kind)
- Three world-class resorts (Portofino Bay, Royal Pacific Resort, Hard Rock Hotel; the best of the best in Central FL)

Since 1999 at WDW....
- Test Track (ride that frequently breaks down)
- Rock 'n Roller Coaster starring Aerosmith (sub-par roller coaster)
- The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (dark ride that has been bashed by many for not being like its TDL counterpart)
- Imagination! (I don't think much more needs to be said)
- The Magic Carpets of Aladdin (the third MK spinner)
- Chester and Hester's Dino-Rama! (one of the most hated attractions in all of Walt Disney World)
- Who Wants to be a Millionaire - Play It! (aging show which now plays to audiences consisting of some tourists and mostly APs who return)
- Mission: SPACE (plagued by motion sickness; complaints have been made about its queue and postshow which are not great at all)
- Mickey's PhilarMagic (modest 3-D attraction)
- Stitch's Great Escape! (month-old attraction that already is hated by WDW fans and the general public for not featuring a good story)

Has WDW opened more? They sure have. Are all of those quality attractions? Not a chance. QUALITY is what matters in a THEME park, and Disney has not been delivering such lately, IMO.

Oh, Please! The only amazing and technological attraction Universal has in comparison to Disney is Spider-man. Rockin' Roller Coaster has a far better launch than the Hulk, and it's just a better coaster. Shrek 4-D is horrible; PhilharMagic is way better. Jimmy Neutron is horrible, horrible, horrible. The only thing I would have to agree on is on how bad The Stitch ride is. I have stayed in the Hard Rock and Royal Pacific. They are great hotels, but Disney has nothing to envy because they have incredible resorts: Grand Floridian, Wilderness Lodge, Animal Kingdom Lodge etc. :hammer:


Well-Known Member
peter11435 said:
Since 1999 at WDW....
Oh, and if you want to be fair, don't forget Pop Century... Not to mention Wishes! and Illuminations: ROE.
I ABSOLUTELY LOATHE I:RoE. Give me the old Illuminations any day. It used to be tradition that every day spent at WDW we would head to Epcot for Illuminations. When we went in 2000 we were very disappointed with the changes...to say the least. I:RoE just leaves a very bad taste in my mouth so to speak. I sure hope that Wishes and Fantasmic are as good as what I've heard!

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