Ever see someone get busted at Disney?


I'm Just A Tourist!
Premium Member
I literally created an account on this website JUST to discuss this thread...

When I was at Disney about 18 years ago when I was 10 years old there was a man in Liberty Square at Magic Kingdom who was completely drunk. He had stripped down to boxer shorts and was walking around Liberty Square pushing people, screaming, and pulling women's hair. He must have been doing this for a bit of time. He made the mistake of pulling one pregnant woman's hair. Her husband was an off duty New York police officer that immediately took him to the ground and had him restrained until Disney security made their way over to take him out. As the man was on the ground he was screaming at everyone "I'm going to [expletive] kill everyone who is standing around here...I'll kill you all!". People were scrambling to take video and Disney security was jamming their hands into people's camera lenses saying, "You may not record this event. This is not the image that Disney would want to portray. Please stop attempting to take video." After about 15 minutes they brought out a gurney and strapped the man down as he kicked and screamed and wheeled him out to the applause of bystanders.

Definitely once in a lifetime I hope.
That was the little-known "Disney Meltdown & Cart-Away Experience," where for only $295.99 per person (theme park admission required), guests can enjoy abusing fellow guests, then experience first-hand actual police combatives as they are wrestled to the ground, strapped to a gurney, and removed to a nearby detention facility. Guests must be at least 18 years of age and in good physical condition. Exclusive video of each guest's experience is available at a nominal additional charge. Lawyers fees and court costs are not included.


Well-Known Member
That was the little-known "Disney Meltdown & Cart-Away Experience," where for only $295.99 per person (theme park admission required), guests can enjoy abusing fellow guests, then experience first-hand actual police combatives as they are wrestled to the ground, strapped to a gurney, and removed to a nearby detention facility. Guests must be at least 18 years of age and in good physical condition. Exclusive video of each guest's experience is available at a nominal additional charge. Lawyers fees and court costs are not included.

"Bad Boys, Bad Boys, Whatchya gonna do?" dubbed onto the video at additional charge.


Unfortunately, shoplifting and child abductions are very common at WDW.
Long time lurker, but felt I needed to chime in on this one to clarify. Shoplifiting yes, sadly this occurs all too commonly, despite advances in security and other measures to stop it. Child abductions? While there have been attempts reported in the past, those have always been thwarted by either security, bystanders, or the child's own parents. There has not been a successful child abduction attempt at WDW, and let us hope it forever stays that way.


From what I have heard, they do.
When I was at AK last week, when I got there in the morning, there was an older gentleman in normal clothes standing near the entrance. I noticed he had an earpiece in. When we left later that afternoon he was still out there. I assume he was undercover


Well-Known Member
Doesn't sound like a very good cover or you wouldn't have noticed him. Or it might have been a hearing aid and he was waiting all day for his family to return. Old age brings massive amounts of patience unless there are kids running on your lawn.


Doesn't sound like a very good cover or you wouldn't have noticed him. Or it might have been a hearing aid and he was waiting all day for his family to return. Old age brings massive amounts of patience unless there are kids running on your lawn.
definitely wasn't a hearing aid. it was a little black earpiece with a cord coming out of it


So..I'm coming clean because I'm an actual adult now, as opposed to an idiotic 20 yr old. Oct 2002 I was 20 and my cousin was 27. We took our kids for a long weekend to Disney and to attend MNSSHP. My daughter was 2.5 and my lil cuz was 4.5 so old enough to be traumatized by our stupidity. Anywho...my cousin and I stole everything we could get our stupid hands on. We got caught and were escorted ''backstage'' back behind and around The Chapeau. They asked for all the merch back and then scared the crap out of us by saying we would need to fly back down to appear in court. I was terrified! How was I gonna explain that to my family?! We gave back all the stuff and then they walked us out of the MK saying we were banned for the next 24 hrs. Great, except that the party was that night. We weren't sure if they somehow ''flagged'' us in the system but we knew we couldn't miss the party and waste all that money. So we went and bought costumes as disguises..for the record I'm so embarrassed as I'm writing this. We were so sacred walking into the party, but we got in and had a good time. We def learned our lesson, and that was the end of my criminal career. :angelic:
As someone who has dealt with shoplifters in the past quite often, it is refreshing to hear someone admit fault and acknowledge their own mistakes. It always amazes me the different excuses people use when caught. Family, friends, financial burdens, weather, substance abuse, the business itself, the government, inflation, voices in head or other mental illness. I've heard it all and more. You seem like you legitimately knew you did wrong, and it takes a lot of gut to admit something like that on an open public forum. Glad your criminal days are far behind you, and continue to keep them far behind you. As for the gang up responses you received from those who feel you still owe a debt to society after an open admission of guilt from a time long past, I recommend you steer clear from such people. A person willing to admit guilt is of far more stable mind than one reluctant to forgive.

Andrew C

You know what's funny?
As someone who has dealt with shoplifters in the past quite often, it is refreshing to hear someone admit fault and acknowledge their own mistakes. It always amazes me the different excuses people use when caught. Family, friends, financial burdens, weather, substance abuse, the business itself, the government, inflation, voices in head or other mental illness. I've heard it all and more. You seem like you legitimately knew you did wrong, and it takes a lot of gut to admit something like that on an open public forum. Glad your criminal days are far behind you, and continue to keep them far behind you. As for the gang up responses you received from those who feel you still owe a debt to society after an open admission of guilt from a time long past, I recommend you steer clear from such people. A person willing to admit guilt is of far more stable mind than one reluctant to forgive.



Or criminally insane.
There are those too. Some frequent interactions were dealing with the "I didn't do it" bunch, who suddenly transformed into "I was going to put it right back" once surveillance footage was shown. Don't even get me started on the "I was going to hold it in my (purse, pocket, stroller, bag, you name it) until we reached the checkout counter" spiel. Funny how often that line gets blurted out as the person gets caught after exited the store itself.


Well-Known Member
Not if you're on the Dining Plan......BAZINGA!!

But seriously, the only reason Disney is against the wedding thing is money, plain and simple.

While I have no doubt money is one reason I don't believe it is the only reason or even the biggest one. Even with out formal attire, if Disney would allow it, the park would be packed with people trying to get married there. Not just a small ceremony like the OP saw either. In fact its very likely Disney probably doesn't care about the small ceremony like that. Its the large groups trying to have a big wedding. You know it would happen, It would not be pretty. It might make the tour groups look tame by comparison. To prevent that they have to say no to all of them and enforce it.

Stephen King

New Member
Ok, two stories here :) First, several years ago, we had a 'clandestine' wedding at WDW. We did it on the beach at the Poly at night and of course had to wear the Mickey ears wedding hat and veil. It was a pretty quick thing with only a couple people. A close friend's dad is a notary in Kissimmee who performed the ceremony. Afterward, we met up with some other people we knew who had been on vacation the same time as us and had the grand gathering experience at the old Odyssey Pavilion in Epcot. The CM who was emcee at the GG was pretty cool - he heard what we had done and had us get up and do the first dance and all in front of the whole place. Was pretty nice. (Shame they don't offer something simple like that instead of the overpriced affairs.)

Ok, so this second story is at DL but I'm sure same goes at WDW. We were in the LA area for 3 weeks on business and of course, we had to spend some time at the park! So our first day there, we had parked over by Downtown Disney and walked through that way. Our rental car had one of those long keys that folded up. So, I was fiddling with it as we were walking part of the way. (I know it wasn't the whole time but couldn't remember how far along it was) So right where it opens up to the ticket area this biker looking guy (beard, old Harley Davidson t-shirt and all) walks over right in front of us and was like excuse me and showed us his Disney Security badge. He asked, "Where is the knife." We were like we don't have any. He kept insisting that we had a knife on us. After a couple of minutes it dawned on us - ohhh the stupid car key. Showed him the key and he was like ohhh ok and let us go on by. The next couple days we were there we saw him chilling in the DTD area during the day - so I guess his awesome job is to be undercover security at the park.


I'm Just A Tourist!
Premium Member
He asked, "Where is the knife." We were like we don't have any. He kept insisting that we had a knife on us. After a couple of minutes it dawned on us - ohhh the stupid car key. Showed him the key and he was like ohhh ok and let us go on by.
Oh, man -- you could have done your Crocodile Dundee impression...

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