I think this all stems from the different tools Disney CMs actually have.
What a Point of Sale Terminal can do... may be different from what a FP control point does... may be different from what a iPad held by a FP aid does... and is different from what a Guest Relations account can do.
Yes they all use a magicband as a token to help pull up accounts.. but not all interfaces have the same data exposed.
I don't know exactly what the limits of the POS systems are.. but you'd imagine it would be very limited and focused.
It has to be for various reasons... the most basic most people should be able to respect is remember when nextgen was coming and everyone was like "zOMG I can't believe DIsney is going to let every tom, ****, and harry see everything about my family, my vacation, what I am doing, blah blah blah" - They don't. Information is controlled.. and limiting what different positions do is exactly part of that model.
I will say tho.. that the data the guest relations people have on your past ticket history.. is pretty amazing