Ever had a Character Refuse to .......


Active Member
I hate it when they cut off the line when they see there is a long line. I am the usuall last person that is in the line befroe that they cut it off.


Well-Known Member
I hate it when they cut off the line when they see there is a long line. I am the usuall last person that is in the line befroe that they cut it off.

Imagine how hot the characters get, they need a break, yea it stinks when you're the one who gets cut off, but its totally understandable


New Member
We have never had a time where a character refused to sign or take pictures. Many times we have had to wait due to a line cut off. Other than that we have had great and memorable experiences with the characters.


Active Member
Donald Duck at Chef Mickeys

Donald Duck at Chef Mickey's rarely goes from table to table. Donald usually only does his meet and greet out front. During the "celebration" Donald goes to his designated location to "celebrate", as do all the other characters. These characters do NOT meet and greet at this time or in these celebration areas. After the "celebration" all the characters return to their last location to continue with their meet and greets...they do NOT do any meet and greets on the way to or on the way back from their celebration locations.


New Member
where any of you wearing anything with mickey on it? Donald will not sign with a mickey pen, or pose with anything mickey. It's sort of a running gag with characters that some people don't really get.

Yes I did have a big Mickey on my shirt, but if thats the reason it seems so odd since almost everything I bought there had Mickey on it, I wouldn't think that would interfere with our photo privaliges. Who knows maybe Donald was just having a bad day. :)


Active Member

Read my reply above, this was why.
We do character meals at WDW every other weekend and we always use themed (diary) autograph books...princess diarys for princess and prince autographs...pooh diarys for pooh and company (and other animals)...and mickey or minnie diaries for the classic characters, and we've NEVER had a problem with Donald signing a Mickey diary (with Mickey watermarks on every page), either at Chef Mickey's or Donald's Breakfastsaurus.
We have, though, had characters point to an existing autograph instead of signing...but when I point out that we need their autograph for THIS time, they have no problem with signing.


Well-Known Member
I hate it when they cut off the line when they see there is a long line. I am the usuall last person that is in the line befroe that they cut it off.

Um, as much as we would like it the characters can not stay out 24/7. They have to go in for breaks. We have to cut the line somewhere. And most of the time the characters come right back out.

Mecha Figment

New Member
Donald Duck at Chef Mickey's rarely goes from table to table. Donald usually only does his meet and greet out front. During the "celebration" Donald goes to his designated location to "celebrate", as do all the other characters. These characters do NOT meet and greet at this time or in these celebration areas. After the "celebration" all the characters return to their last location to continue with their meet and greets...they do NOT do any meet and greets on the way to or on the way back from their celebration locations.

oh yeah i didn't think about that. Donald doesn't go table to table that is probably the reason why.


New Member
I may be wrong but I believe the logic behind this is that two different Goofys might sign in different ways and raise questions from the youngster.

But also, when do you sign your checks the exact same way every time, huh, we all do that too, i know that they are to learn all the characters ways of signing but like all of us we never sign the exact same way every time


New Member
Meet 'n' Greet Etiquette

We haven't ever had a character refuse a photo or autograph. We try very hard to respect them and make sure it's an appropriate time to ask (they come to us at character meals, in the castle forecourt, and other places in the park, "Friend" + line of fans). We teach our children to be polite and wait their turn and open the Sharpie before they give it to the character, to say Thank you and NEVER chase a character or run up to them as they walk by or to/from set. We also do what we can to check if the character will have time to see us before we get in line (go at the start of a scheduled Meet 'n' Greet, look for the balloons at MGM, listen for music cues, etc).

But for some of the more 'spontaneous' Meet 'n' Greets, the ones you just happen upon in some magical corner somewhere, well, we've had some trouble gauging those. I understand and COMPLETELY respect the tight time schedules they must keep and the characters all deserve many breaks esp in the warmer months. I have no problem when the character's Friend politely approaches us as we near and lets us know that Alice will have to go soon and won't be able to see us. The challenges come when the Friend watches us approach, look over the situation, get in line, get our autograph cards and pens and cameras ready, get the 2 year old out of the stroller and tell her she's going to ask the character to "color the paper" (that's what she calls the autograph :animwink: ) and wait. THEN the Friend comes over to tell us we can't see the character (generally less politely in these cases). And we are quick at getting ready, (we don't want to hold anyone up) so not a lot of time passes for this to happen, if he knew one minute ago that there wouldn't be time, why wait until we are all ready to tell us. It's a little embarassing when we try to do all the right things and still feel like we made a mistake by even getting in that line. And it's hard to explain to a 2 year old that well, no, we aren't going to see them afterall. Now don't get me wrong, this has only happened a few times in our many character experiences in the last 12 trips in 5 years and I don't blame any of the Friends or characters. I would just like to know if there is something else I can do/look for to avoid those awkward situations, a "Character Meet 'n' Greet Etiquette" so to speak. Would it be out of line to go up to a Friend and ask if the Character would have time to see us? would people see that as trying to cut line? Do the Friends prefer not to be approached? Most of the Friends we have met over the years are so nice and very personable and friendly. I love WDW and repect the heck out of all the CMs who work there and make it so magical, I just want to do my part to be a good guest.

A little advise from the wise ones here on how to best avoid these awkward situations with the more random meetings would be much appreciated. :)
(And thank you for bearing with my rather long way of asking this question).
The difference I've found between WDW and DL meet and greets is that there is a little more freedom to the DL side of things. While WDW's style is more "Walk out, stand in one place, let line form, close line, exit set", DL has more than one possibility.

There is that circumstance, there is the "go out, play game/tell story, visit whoever was there, exit", the "Do show, have meet and greet, exit", etc. DL isn't always as 'organized' (aka boring) as WDW's, but they sure can be a lot more fun due to the spontenaity of them.

Now, I don't see why they didn't visit afterward... usually they have enough time to gather everyone there and at least get a group photo, but perhaps they had less time than usual to visit, and decided to interact with the many children at one time, rather than visiting only a few and then leaving.

As far as your question, Momketeer, just ask whoever is with the characters that you would like to see. perhaps a "If we got in line now, do you think Timon/Mickey/Goofy/whoever would have enough time to see us?" That way the greeter can gauge the line length and say "well, he/she only has ___ minutes left, so probably not" or "Oh yeah, of course!" :)

Never feel dumb asking.


The difference I've found between WDW and DL meet and greets is that there is a little more freedom to the DL side of things. While WDW's style is more "Walk out, stand in one place, let line form, close line, exit set", DL has more than one possibility.

There is that circumstance, there is the "go out, play game/tell story, visit whoever was there, exit", the "Do show, have meet and greet, exit", etc. DL isn't always as 'organized' (aka boring) as WDW's, but they sure can be a lot more fun due to the spontenaity of them.

I agree with you about the DL meet and greets. They are a bit more crazy. In fact the best princess meets we have had were there. However, the line thing can also be a bit better because the problem we had at DL with the people just everywhere, is that older kids(teenagers) push through the little ones. I am all for everyone seeing the characters they like, but be curtious to the toddler standing there who also wants to see them, they are too little to push back.


New Member
Storm Trooper

I was going to have a Storm Trooper take a picture with my son and I on the ground and him pointing his gun at us. He didn't want to take the picture. I didn't think he was going to do it, but all of a sudden he pointed his gun "near" me. I wonder if there is a policy on the Stormtroopers pointing their guns "at" the guests. (BTW it turned out to be a great picture!)


The only denial we've had was from Palpatine during Star Wars Days. It was cute the way he "denied" though. He waved his hand as if to say "You don't need my autograph". It probably had to do with his hands though. The fingers on his gloves looked rather long. He did take a pic w/ DH though so he was satisfied with that.

Tim G

Well-Known Member
I hate it when they cut off the line when they see there is a long line. I am the usuall last person that is in the line befroe that they cut it off.

But then agian...you don't know what's it like wearing such a costume...

You couldn't even imagine...


New Member
Stromtroppers are to never point there guns at any guest or camera. They can only be pointed nearby, not directly at.

As for Palpatine (or however it may be spelled) you are correct, he is unable to sign.


New Member
The Cast Members and characters at DL are very different from the ones at WDW. I noticed a HUGE difference when I went to DL last February after going to WDW for years. They are not as friendly at DL and always seem to have this attitude about them like "I'm a Disney CM and you're not." It was very disapointing.

The characters at DL are not much different then the ones at WDW, I go to both WDW and DL just about every year and characters at WDW turn down kids just like DL. Have you ever been to Goofey's kitchen at DL? It's so much better then Chef Mickey's and the characters actually interact with the kids.Belle at Goofy's kitchen sat down at our table and talked to my 7yr old daughter for 5 min. I have never seen that done at WDW


Well-Known Member
Stromtroppers are to never point there guns at any guest or camera. They can only be pointed nearby, not directly at.

As for Palpatine (or however it may be spelled) you are correct, he is unable to sign.

Is that why the Stormtroopers got kicked out of MGM?

Mecha Figment

New Member
it's part of the reason. I know the exact reasons, but I shouldn't really say.

but to put things on topic, there are certain things characters are not allowed to sign. there are certain outfits that people wear that characters have to be clever to cover up when a photo is taken.

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