Ever get the back from WDW blues?


Beta Return
Kwit35 said:
You hit it exactly. This is exactly what we go through. I am going tomorrow and I am already getting that ickey feeling in the pit of my stomach, just knowing that Sunday we will be driving AWAY from the magic. I am trying not to think about it, but that is how sick I am, when it comes to Disney. Disney IS my happy place.

For so many of you, WDW is just a hop, skip and a jump away (or just a hop or skip) and you have annual passes. You can wake up and say, "Hmm, I think i'll go ride ToT today." For us, and the many others on here I'm sure, a WDW trip is a major ordeal. I get the tickets and lock them in the safe. I get the reservations early and call to confirm them about 10 times (literally). I have the route mapped out (even though its the same every time) and have overnight hotels booked and checked. I read Birnbaum's once and the Unofficial Guide, oh, about 5 times, and make our touring itineraries. Then its TRIP TIME.

After all that, the drive home is REALLY depressing, and that PDD really kicks me in the butt. It's like cramming for a college exam for a week straight and then taking it - then its all over and its like the world stopped. Just so weird.


Active Member
We have been home from WDW for a week now and I am really depressed about not being there. I found myself saying this past Sunday night "do you realize where we were last week at this time?" and stuff like that. I have not even brought my film in for developing yet. I am just in a funk about looking at them right now. I do not even know why I get this way because I know I will be back. :cry: It is hard to talk about it with people who are not into Disney. They think I am crazy.


New Member
Without a doubt I get it going to the airport in Orlando but even more so getting off in the North. We always go in the winter and getting off the plane in the Northeast just reminds you how much different this world is from WDW. I also get the blues throughout the year. Just thinking about how long it's going to be between trips is tough. Aw man now I'm jonesin' for a trip. How long until december?


Active Member
Another thing that makes me depressed is when we have to pack the car up on the last day and we make that exit out of POR's property. I HATE that feeling and I get really quiet until we hit around Gainesville.


I know how you feel

I always get really upset when it's time to come home. I am notorious for crying all morning on the day we have to leave. It's just that so much time, energy, and money goes into these trips. Then, you are excited for so long, that when it's finally over..you don't know what to do..you know what I mean? :)


New Member
Disney is my happy place too! I think I re-discovered it when I was having some really rough times in life. So...ever since it is very depressing to leave the magic behind. When I get home I normally go and buy tons of Disney movies that I don't have. That usually makes me feel a little better. One day though, I just might run out of those!


New Member
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: Ive been suffering from PDD for almost a year now

When i think of splash and thunder with no waits :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Is there a pill for PDD there seems to be one for everything


New Member
I got something that might work as a mini-cure. Might. Take some shampoo and soap from your WDW hotel room and use it until PDD goes away. Or go to the Disney Store.


New Member
hunterfalcon said:
Or go to the Disney Store.

Sorry...I have been suffering from PDD for over a year now...but I find the Disney Store to not even come close...at least the stores in my area are not so great. They don't have the same magic or even close.


Active Member
I've been suffering from PDD since I was there last Easter. It hit me the hardest this last time because it was a miracle that we were able to go due to the job situationa t home. I have been dealing with it by going to The Disney Store about every other week.


Well-Known Member
I'm a week away from our annual (Gee it feels so good to say that) trip to Disney. I went once when I was a kid back in the 70's, again as a surprise family trip 20 years later, and a few years ago on a spur of the moment timeshare preview. When we were offered a week's timeshare (via Marriott) and the opportunity to go down at least once a year in the Spring, I thought I won the lottery.

But a week just isn't enough!!! This year I'll be going twice. A week in March (5-12) and another in May (16-23 timed with the opening of Star Wars and the first SW weekend). I've been in planning mode for both trips for the last month. March is with the whole extended family - siblings, nieces, nephews, grandparents, etc. Princess breakfasts and dinners with trips to the mountains and thrill rides in EPCOT are the highlights. (Trying to get 16-20 people to agree on anything is the lowlight.) May is just me, my adventurous dad, and a friend who's never been but always wanted to go.

While I plan, I get a little sad knowing I will have to come home and probably be sorely disappointed sometime in my journey. Usually that last trip from the park to the car is like the longest mile for me. I literally feel like "Dead Man Walking".

Last year that day happened at Magic Kingdom. I clung to the edge of the ferry boat watching Cinderella's Castle get smaller and smaller. I almost cried, or jumped ship and swam back.

I just don't understand people who say they're tired of Disney. How can you be tired of magic and make believe?


Well-Known Member
I used to suffer from that when I would leave Orlando to go back to Massachusetts. But now, I live in Orlando and I no longer have to suffer from that horrible affliction. :sohappy:


New Member
Number_6 said:
I used to suffer from that when I would leave Orlando to go back to Massachusetts. But now, I live in Orlando and I no longer have to suffer from that horrible affliction. :sohappy:
bla bla bla :p jk


New Member
Number_6 said:
I used to suffer from that when I would leave Orlando to go back to Massachusetts. But now, I live in Orlando and I no longer have to suffer from that horrible affliction. :sohappy:
that is the main reason we are trying to move when we graduate!! i hope it works out!!:sohappy:


New Member
Hey. This is my first time posting. It is so good to know that so many others suffer the same thing as me. My family always goes to Magic Kingdom for our last night and we always end up crying before we're out the gate, even my fiance who never cries. For us it's really tough cause we live in Canada so it's a lot more expensive and a lot further to go. Right now I'm looking forward to my honeymoon in June there but I know that when it's over I won't be able to even look at our souvenirs for at least a month.


Well-Known Member
Hi. I'm Spence and I'm a Disney-World-aholic.

I went NUTS planning for our trip in January. Since last August (when we booked it), I've been on these boards a lot, read the Official Guide several times. I planned out what days to spend at what parks and I surprised my GF with the trip for our 1 year anniversary in November. (She knew my family was thinking about going, but she didn't know we had already booked everything).

The night before we left I got 3 hours of sleep, woke up an hour early and woke everyone in the house up singing Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah. If you knew me, you'd be really surprised to hear that because I am a pain to get out of bed. I had energy all day flying down there, and I woke up early the next day as well. Everyone was wondering what kind of drugs I was on.

This was the first time I had seen Fantasmic, and I LOVED it! Since we got back on Jan 15th, I've been listening to the Fantasmic soundtrack non-stop. I don't listen to anything else. It's plays when I am doing homework, and plays when I am messing around on the computer. I wake up to it in the morning and I even have it as the ringer on my cell phone! I'm Fantasmic nuts!

It was a real drag to come home. I was almost immediately back on here, and now I am on here CONSTANTLY! (It's 4am and what am I doing? POSTING ON HERE! :hammer: . I've got a class load of 17 credits and I've been going nuts from being so busy (along with the stress of a new roommate who is a slob :mad: ).

My parents were suggesting a trip the week after school gets out this May. They were talking about Branson, MO. Knowing that they'd say no to a WDW trip, I suggested Anaheim!! :p

Thank you all, and WDWMagic for helping me cope with PDD! :wave:


Active Member
PDD? Oh, absolutely. Yesterday we came home from our best-ever trip to the world. Weather was great (OK, one day of heavy rain), crowds were reasonable, everything went our way. Then we flew into Hartford, where it was 25 degrees with 10 inches of snow on the ground and it was still falling on and off. And, I have to be back to work in two hours. (Notice that I am very busily getting ready.)

What am I doing now? Figuring out how to afford to go back ASAP.

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