Ever cheat a little on age???

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Ok, so my daughter turns three in November. We are going to WDW in early January. I am telling WDW that she is still 2, which will save me about $300-$400. Should I feel bad about this, and is there any way they'll find out???

am i.....evil??? :drevil:


New Member
I do not think you will go to hell for doing this. In all honesty, who cares! I don't think the cast members even care. I was going in to the park one day, and a girl in a stroller who was going in as a 2 year old was asked how old she was, and she replied four. The cast member just laughed, and let her through, no questions asked. I say go for it, you are only a little off, I don't think you will be questioned. :goodnevil
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mousermerf said:
Haha, I was just about to mention that sort of thing. I do think extra-persons charges for rooms are totally arbitrary. Exceeding a room's limit is one thing, but charging $35 a night for an extra person? That's crap.

I totally agree with this. It could really limit a family's stay a day or two which would end up hurting Disney financially.
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You're welcome FudWrapper :wave:

Only so many times you can be told you're going to hell without taking it personally.:lookaroun

Lets keep this on a lighter note.
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kennygman said:
I didn't realize that integrity could be purchased for $300-400. It's dishonest and teaches your child that it is okay to cheat on a test or lie to a boss one day. Do you like it when someone tells you a "little white lie?" We rearranged our vacation plans just to make sure our daughter isn't 3 by then. Next year, we'll pay more and change to moderate resort as well with a family of 5. When your child comes to you at 15 telling you lies, don't blame the kid.

i don't think anyone's integrity can be measured over how they choose to purchase Disney tickets! wow! i hardly think a 3 year old is going to be morally corupted and rendered completely useless to society if i sneak her into WDW 2 months past the proper date. its part of life, and if someone says they NEVER lie, well, they probably just did.
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autumndawn1006 said:
You're welcome FudWrapper :wave:

Only so many times you can be told you're going to hell without taking it personally.:lookaroun

Lets keep this on a lighter note.

to be honest with you, hell wouldn't be all that bad compared to northern michigan in January! it'd be a nice break from all the snow
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lnsemsf said:
Personally, I say go ahead. Of course as I've argued before "right" and "wrong" are moral judgements that each person must make. Personally, I have no moral issues against cheating at all, when the alternative is spending hundreds of dollars. You wouldnt believe the crap I get away with, saved myself and my family thousands of dollars over the years. Now you're all going to cry me a river and say how i'm repugnant, well you know I don't care because everybody wins. I've bought many out of state family the florida resident multi park 1 day passes. Now how does Disney win? Well see, Disney got money they were not going to get if I didn't cheat. Nobody in my family was going to pay $105 for that, but $60ish, now that was doable. Disney earned themselves hundreds of dollars they wouldn't get if I didn't cheat. Everybody wins, and don't even think you can argue against that point because see, all of something is much much better, than none of everything! Personally of course I feel great about myself every time I cheat a little, because you know what, I'm the most, and really only important person in my world, so If I save myself money, I've impressed myself, and i'm very very pleased. Cheat as long as you can, just be careful with it, don't let it go to your head and know that when your kids turn 4 or so, it's probably best to start paying. Also, you should completely disregard everything you've read in this message, and all other messages, because nobody has the right to tell you what is or is not right except for yourself, and if you've got a strong enough personality then you dont need random obsessed disney fans on some online message board (again, myself included) to make your decisions for you.

:) i like this person! not saying i feel exactly the same way about things, but i like the point of view, its refreshing! :sohappy:
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You from the UP? I went to college in Erie, PA and my sister is in MI. I decided after I graduated I had better things to do with my life than shovel and headed home to FL.
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Well-Known Member
Man! Some people have serious issues here. Burning in hell? Over a two-month age fib? Jeez.

I don't think it's that big of a deal. I mean, come on. What's next? Burning in hell because you got a birthday button a week or two outside of your birthday? *gasp, shock horror!* I guess I'm evil because I wore a button on the 20th when my birthday was really the 16th. :rolleyes:

What amazes me is how many people think it's ok to reuse their resort mugs on future trips but it's not ok to say your kid is 2 when they're really two months into age three.

I really wouldn't worry about it.
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MissM said:
Man! Some people have serious issues here. Burning in hell? Over a two-month age fib? Jeez.

I don't think it's that big of a deal. I mean, come on. What's next? Burning in hell because you got a birthday button a week or two outside of your birthday? *gasp, shock horror!* I guess I'm evil because I wore a button on the 20th when my birthday was really the 16th. :rolleyes:

What amazes me is how many people think it's ok to reuse their resort mugs on future trips but it's not ok to say your kid is 2 when they're really two months into age three.

I really wouldn't worry about it.

thanks! some logic i can finally agree with! and, um, you can REUSE your resort mugs??!! not that i ever would....that would be just WRONG. :p
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Well-Known Member
fudwrapper said:
to be honest with you, hell wouldn't be all that bad compared to northern michigan in January! it'd be a nice break from all the snow

OOOOOOO Where at in Northern Michigan? We lived about 25 miles away from the Mac. Bridge in the Petoskey area. Do you know where that is? We had to leave because the snow just got to be way too much.:eek:
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Raven66 said:
OOOOOOO Where at in Northern Michigan? We lived about 25 miles away from the Mac. Bridge in the Petoskey area. Do you know where that is? We had to leave because the snow just got to be way too much.:eek:

Further north than Petoskey! Much further actually, in Marquette. Waaaaay up there! Petoskey is cool though, we had our honeymoon there!
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I have 3 kids and I"ve been there twice, no one has ever asked me to prove my childrens identity (even boarding airplanes) , let alone their age. I wouldn't
loose sleep over it if I were you. Yes, there are "moral issues", but let's be realistic, all you have to do if she slips up, is say "she turns 3 next week, we're trying to teach it to her."
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Well-Known Member
fudwrapper said:
Further north than Petoskey! Much further actually, in Marquette. Waaaaay up there! Petoskey is cool though, we had our honeymoon there!

Even more snow up there! It gets cold here in MO. but at least there is no snow to shovel!
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Active Member
Someone mentioned that you would have to carry a birth certificate for proof to get on plane. This is actually not true. I think it is under 13 or something does not need id. We went to wdw in may and my almost three yrd old. had a seat on the plane and they do not require id. I had asked the travel agent and also the airline just to check and they both said no id was require since a birth certificate has no actual identification ability as far as the airline is concerned since there is not picture or other way to tell if it is indeed the kids actualy birth certificate.
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My, to be nice, frugal cousins were in Disney years ago, and were so cheap that they tried to pass off their very eight year old girl as three years old! So, unless you really need to save a few bucks, don't stoop to that level.:hammer:
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MissM said:
I don't think it's that big of a deal. I mean, come on. What's next? Burning in hell because you got a birthday button a week or two outside of your birthday? *gasp, shock horror!* I guess I'm evil because I wore a button on the 20th when my birthday was really the 16th. :rolleyes:

On this note: My 18th birthday was the 5th of February. My family travelled to Walt Disney World the 27 of February through the 6th of March. Before heading to WDW, I found out about the birthday buttons, and decided that I HAD to get them. I figured, hey, I opted out of a birthday party this year, so technically this trip is my birthday trip! So, the first day, I got my button. Cast Members all around wished me a Happy Birthday, as did tons of guests, and I was on a cloud...until my stepfather gave me a hard time about it later that night, and made me feel incredibly guilty. I decided not to get the remaining buttons. Fast forward three days. I showed up for the Keys to the Kingdom tour, and when I checked in, they asked to see some ID proving my age- I look maybe 15, unfortunately. When the CM saw my birthdate, he got excited and announced he would be right back- he proceeded to run to City Hall, grabbed me a birthday button, and ran back. He handed it to me, and when I gave him a bit of an odd look, wished me a Verry, Merry Unbirthday.

Moral of the story: The Cast Members (Well, most of them...) want to create Magic. Even if it requires a slight bending of the rules.
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Scar Junior

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Wow... people need to lighten up. I doubt any cast member would even care if they found out, unless they are a manager. They know Disney is expensive. By all means, yes... do it. My family did. Am I going to hell? Maybe, but not for that!!!

BTW, why would a castmember go as far as asking for a birth certificate? That's just rediculous.
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New Member
fudwrapper said:
i know, rules are rules, but WDW is getting ALOT of my money for this vacation. don't they kinda expect people to "bend" this rule a tad from time to time???

has anyone EVER gotten caught doing this???

Oh, yes. In fact, I heard a story about a full-grown man who tried to get into the park with a child's ticket, and actually tried to argue with the CM that he was nine years old ("No, I don't have any ID. I'm nine."). And no, it didn't work.

The worst that will likely happen is that the CM at the gate will deny her entry, and you'll have to purchase a ticket for her while getting disapproving glares from the other guests who actually obey the park's rules and policies.

Here's a post from another message board I read occasionally:

Last year Universal got a talking Donkey who does a meet and greet next to Shrek and Fiona. He is a talking puppet, who is very funny and usually draws a small crowd. Sometimes we Shrek attendants can hear Donkey through the wall, and will poke our heads out to see what Donkey is saying. Today we saw this:

Donkey: So how old are you princess?

Girl: I'm three

[Donkey notices that the girl's mom is holding up TWO fingers, not three]

Donkey: I see your mom over there is saying two. So what is it? Two or three?

Girl: Well, I'm three, but Mommy said that I was two to the man.

Donkey: Mama lied to get you into the park for free!!! Mama, you owe me money! You owe me money!
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