Ever been stuck on Tower of Terror?


New Member
The same thing happened to me on test track! We were going around the last fast turn and stopped totally short almost hitting the car in front of us and almost getting rear-ended. It was really scary especially when we were sitting there right after we stopped short and saw that car behind us coming up on us, doing like 60, but did stop short about a foot from our car! Thank God! Secondly we were once on Buzz light year for over an hour! Those sounds can start making you crazy for that long!!!


New Member
I've been stuck on buzz and hm and small world (that was aweful, needed about 8 rum & cokes to get the song out of my head)

I think the worst ride for me would be to get stuck in Mission Space.

My clausterphobia is bad enough on the ride and would go through the roof if i was stuck there


Last year my son & I were on Space Mountain and the lights came on half way up the incline. We rode the entire ride with the lights on.

It was cool because it felt like a once in a lifetime experience.

I did video tape it but it doesn't come out as good as the experience at the time.


New Member
Never been stuck on the Tower, but I wasn't so lucky on Thunder Mtn. a few years ago. Ride got stuck and everyone had to be helped off. Not the worst of experiences, but a story to tell.


New Member
I've been stuck on test track... not long, but multiple times tho. Stopped right after the anti-lock brake test, right after the environmental tests, we went insanely slow during the hairpin turns and stopped one last time before the wall. I was afraid we were gonna go around the track at 2mph!

Other than that, PotC multiple times. Had to get evacuated once but we were already at the dog scene (this was before the re-furb) so no biggie.

Lets see.... hmmm... CoP all the time, evacuated once too (more like walked back out the door). Stuck on Buzz. Stuck on SSE, for longer than usual. Rio del Tiempo. I don't think any others.

Oh! HM(pre-furb). That's the BEST! Happened to me for the first time last trip I took. My girlfriend was not having a good time, but oh man that was GREAT! You get to just sit there looking around at all the animatronics and decoartions, all the intricate details! It's awesome. Although one time (happened twice during the ride) we stopped right infront of a pop-up and the loud "AAAAAH!" gets a bit annoying after a while.

Never been stuck on ToT, but hey, never been on it either. In fact, the only way I would go on is if it DID get stuck. On the way down. Little by little, therefor easing me down from that forsaken drop without any fuss.


New Member
Although not Disney, this is a scary story. My brother (in his 40's) was stuck on Tomb Raider at King's Island in Cincy, Ohio. It was pretty scary even for him. The ride got stuck in an inverted position, in other words everyone was upside down. (The rides swings in all directions from kind of a pendulum.) It took over two hours to get everyone out. Fire Dept. came in about 25 minutes and the ride was "cranked" back to a safer position, but not completely upright. Firemen unloaded everyone with a ladder.

Afterwards he and his kids had headaches!

Oh my goodness! I've been on Tomb Raider and did not like it at all. When you invert, you don't go fast enough to where the gravity holds you in. It's really slow and you feel like your face will peel off! I can't imagine being stuck like that for 2 HOURS!!!


I got stuck on ToT once, right before the 5th demension scene. The elevator doors took a little longer than normal to open. It couldn't have been more than 30 seconds off, and I was probably the only one in there that even noticed but when your sitting in the dark and know those doors are supposed to open its still frightening. That was more scary than the actual drops!:eek:


New Member
Although not Disney, this is a scary story. My brother (in his 40's) was stuck on Tomb Raider at King's Island in Cincy, Ohio. It was pretty scary even for him. The ride got stuck in an inverted position, in other words everyone was upside down. (The rides swings in all directions from kind of a pendulum.) It took over two hours to get everyone out. Fire Dept. came in about 25 minutes and the ride was "cranked" back to a safer position, but not completely upright. Firemen unloaded everyone with a ladder.

Afterwards he and his kids had headaches!

Ooh, that is not cool at all. I get a headache from all that blood rushing to my head when the ride is functioning normally. I can't imagine being stuck there.:eek:


I got stuck on Maelstrom on my last trip in 2006. We were right at the switchtrack where the the waterfall is, so everyone outside could see us just sitting there for about 10 minutes. Eventually the lights came on inside and we were evacuated down the stairs and out through the gift shop I think. They didn't give us any fastpasses, but they didn't make us watch the movie either, so no complaints really.


New Member
Y-e-s i have!

My husband & I went to WDW in April 2009. Our 4th day there, we went to Hollywood Studios. Around 6pm, we headed over to the Rockin' Roller Coaster & The Tower of Terror. The line was longer for the roller coaster so we got the Fast Pass for that and waited in line for The Tower of Terror. We got ON the actual ride at 6:15pm.....the time we got off - 8:40pm!!! We got to the Fifth Dimension, and just sat there...sat there some more...and some more! I was like, "Wow this is some serious anticipation build-up, lol". All the other shafts were falling; not ours! Luckily, we were on with some funny people who didn't freak out. They kept telling us that they were putting the ride in manual mode - we'd drop ALITTLE bit, we'd go up alittle bit. Finally, after about 2 hours the WDW fire department had to come and CUT us out of our seat belts. We had to climb up a ladder to get out of the seating area to get ontop of the elevator, then climb up a second ladder to get from the top of the elevator to the opening of the shaft. Then the woman asks us if we wanna take the (regular) elevator down to the main floor - UH, NOOO THANKS, I'LL WALK! We were comped pretty good for the inconvenience, but I'm not sure if I'm going to try the Tower out next time or not...:shrug:


New Member
I've never gotten stuck on ToT, but I did get stuck on PotC last time I went. It was during EMH, so it was a little after one in the morning. We were stuck for a half hour in the auction scene. Two CMs had to come help us out of the boats (one had to get in the water to pull the boats foward and hold them steady). We exited through the back of the attraction, which was cool. We got fastpasses to any ride in MK that expired at the end of the month (which gave a pretty good amount of time to use them).

My sister and I can no longer hear the number "six" without thinking of the ride. Or "redhead." Or "wench." Amazingly, we're still fans of the ride. :p
Once after a long day at the Magic Kingdom my family decided to go on Splash Mountain. Everything was going great and we were anticipating the big drop. Then we came to the part right before the drop where the vultures were and our log came to a halt. We sat there waiting for it start again. 15 minutes went by and the ride finally started again. Everybody cheered and we went down the drop. Though I have never be stuck on the Tower of Terror being stuck right before the drop on splash mountain was also very scary.
Although not Disney, this is a scary story. My brother (in his 40's) was stuck on Tomb Raider at King's Island in Cincy, Ohio. It was pretty scary even for him. The ride got stuck in an inverted position, in other words everyone was upside down. (The rides swings in all directions from kind of a pendulum.) It took over two hours to get everyone out. Fire Dept. came in about 25 minutes and the ride was "cranked" back to a safer position, but not completely upright. Firemen unloaded everyone with a ladder.

Afterwards he and his kids had headaches!

Oh my goodness! I've been on Tomb Raider and did not like it at all. When you invert, you don't go fast enough to where the gravity holds you in. It's really slow and you feel like your face will peel off! I can't imagine being stuck like that for 2 HOURS!!!

There is absolutely nothing pleasant or fun about that ride. My wife and I went on it five years ago, and that was the end of our day at King's Island. After just the 5-10 seconds (felt like an eternity) of hanging upside by straps, with all of your blood rushing to your head and feeling like it's going to squirt out your eye sockets, we'd had enough. With our faces tingling and eye throbbing, we called it a day. I can't imagine being stuck like that.


Well-Known Member
The only time I got stuck on a ride in Disney was on Test Track on the indoor portion of the road course before that dip in the road. The ride came back up and we went through the rest of that portion going 5 miles an hour then the car finally went back to normal speeds for the portion outside.

The worst stuck on a ride experience was the floorless coaster Medusa (now Bizarro) at Great Adventure in NJ. The train started to leave and a girl in the back flipped out and started screaming to stop the ride, begging for help. So they stopped the ride. I was in the front car hanging out the station at the start of the slight drop before the lift hill and I was stuck there for 20 minutes because that girl got cold feet and they had to get planks for her to step down on and exit the ride.


Well-Known Member
Stuck on TOT

We got stuck on TOT on our last trip in October, 2011. We did the first drop and as we were going back up for another drop I heard a big bang and I knew that was not normal. As we were being dropped a second time we suddenly stopped. Most of the people on the ride thought it was part of the ride but I knew it wasn't. After a few minutes all the lights came on and an operator came on asking if everyone was ok and that they were working on the situation. We ended up sitting on the ride for 45 minutes as they had to manually lower us down. Two of kids fell asleep while waiting. It was quite interesting to see everything with the lights on. After that long wait we were given the opportunity to be taken right back up to get on the ride again and we were also given fastpasses for Toy Story. We chose to get right back on without waiting in line and afterwards immediately went to Toy Story. It was nice to be given fastpasses for Toy Story. :sohappy:


I was stuck on the monorail for about 45 minutes. We were stuck right near the Poly. It wouldn't have been too bad, but this woman was completely freaking out. I can understand claustrophobia, but the "cabin" we were in was not that full. She picked up the special phone that goes to the driver and was threatening to sue Disney. Then she tried to pry the doors open and when that didn't work she tried to go out the roof.:brick: It was really crazy and I don't know if she realized but she was making everyone else feel really uncomfortable. Never been stuck on a ride though.


OV 104
Premium Member
December 1999 on my second ride ever on it we got stuck in the drop shaft where the chalk markings are on the wall. I am a loudmouth to the extreme in situations like that. There was a group of 20 or so year old girls in the elevator and a few families. They all were doing "1 2 3 help" like it was going to affect anything. After about fifteen minutes or so I finally said "Geez, imagine if the ghosts showed up." One of the girls said "shut that kid up!" and freaked out to the point she was crying. It was at least another ten minutes before we moved.


New Member
My girlfriend and her ma and pa got stuck on it right before all the crazy stuff happens when all the things come at you. CMs announced a member of hotel staff would be with them shortly, lights came on (girlfriend got a cool picture too) then they started moving forward with the lights on, assuming they were moving to an area to be escorted from the ride, when suddenly the lights went off, "show conditions immediate" was barely heard over the PA, slight further movement and drop. Normal service resumed.

This only confirms my decision to never ride :p

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