I've been stuck on test track... not long, but multiple times tho. Stopped right after the anti-lock brake test, right after the environmental tests, we went insanely slow during the hairpin turns and stopped one last time before the wall. I was afraid we were gonna go around the track at 2mph!
Other than that, PotC multiple times. Had to get evacuated once but we were already at the dog scene (this was before the re-furb) so no biggie.
Lets see.... hmmm... CoP all the time, evacuated once too (more like walked back out the door). Stuck on Buzz. Stuck on SSE, for longer than usual. Rio del Tiempo. I don't think any others.
Oh! HM(pre-furb). That's the BEST! Happened to me for the first time last trip I took. My girlfriend was not having a good time, but oh man that was GREAT! You get to just sit there looking around at all the animatronics and decoartions, all the intricate details! It's awesome. Although one time (happened twice during the ride) we stopped right infront of a pop-up and the loud "AAAAAH!" gets a bit annoying after a while.
Never been stuck on ToT, but hey, never been on it either. In fact, the only way I would go on is if it DID get stuck. On the way down. Little by little, therefor easing me down from that forsaken drop without any fuss.