I saw myself in a few of your pictures. I was right on Hollywood Blvd across from the tip board. IT WAS GREAT to look up and down the street and see cast and guest into the parade. Everyone was moving and dancing.
There is so much to see that you really can't "watch" more then what's right in front of you. The floats do tower over MGM's buildings and trees, but that just makes it even more fun.
When they leave the parade route they don't do a finale dance like at DCA. At least not today, and not for a while according to my friends who are Pals in the parade.
The combo of music may sound a bit cheese out of context, but it all fits REALLY well together.
Travis, did you notice that the Krazy Kones are not driven, but walked down the street? They are Flintstone style cones! Gotta love those little yellow sneakers under the orange cones!!!