EpcotServo's Feb.28th Update: Laugh Floor Preview


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This is the title of your thread...You did a preview, others added their opinion, that is how a board works.

EpcotServo's Feb.28th Update: Laugh Floor Preview

This is a title of your thread yet you add...

Not to start a fight here, but when you title a thread about a new attraction, expect both sides of the story. Especially when the title of your thread is only a bit of your post. We read a bit of the new attraction, plus we read how much you hate the Speedway, how much you apparently dislike the Stitch attraction, and how much you think Mansion needs a rehab.

It seems to me that EpcotServo was intending to give an update on WDW from his recent visit like many other people do around here. He included Laugh Floor Preview because that was a highlight of the visit. I don't see what's so confusing about that.

However a big self-righteous discussion about freedom of speech and having the right to purposely take threads off topic was clearly not the intended purpose of the thread. :rolleyes: Not every thread about MILF :)p ) has to turn into a lecture on how those who like it are wrong and that Disney's going to hell in a handbasket.


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Original Poster
How far has Disney's standards fallen when we're willing to say "it's done the job right" if an attraction whose sole purpose is to make people laugh elicits a single chuckle?

Since I haven't seen the show for myself yet, I'm not saying that it actually only has one good joke. The idea that laughing once is enough, however, is no less ridiculous than any other opinion in this thread.
This show was designed to make people laugh more than they do in Crush... Designed to be a comedy club where people could laugh almost if not more than the Adventurer's Club. If it can only get one laugh out of a guest per show, then it truly is the failure that I and others have been saying it is... Whose side are you on at this point? :rolleyes:

That single line just killed the rest of your testimony...
Wow. To borrow an old MST quote, Have you no sense of wonder or whimsy in your hearts? I mean reread your posts. I really love how you guys think that it's 100% bad, and that it IS that no matter what. You keep using the "We're entitled to our opinions" and "This is a free disscusion" arguments, but are very quick to turn around and not respect the opinions of those who do like it. And I really think it's sad that you guys took my comment like that. That my "laughter is great, and if they can get you to laugh, even just once, they've done a good job." and turn that around into "It must only have one good joke. i hate this thing! tear it down!" Sad, sad times we live in. I try and make my updates as full of jokes as I can, but if nobody but one person
laughs, then I think I'm glad I did it. I find I'm just as happy if I make one person laugh, or a whole crowd. But I'm sure you're SO far into deep loathing of it, you'll never care if even a small group of people really enjoy the show.

Like I'll never forget the look on one man's face during the show, the monster was asking him a question, and I look over at him, and he looked dazzled. He seemed to really be amazed that this thing could talk to him. All of a sudden, the "which joke plays, ohh...they need to cut that one. and it's running a little long. How will this affect the pre-show." comments always running in my head went away, and I just thought "wow. This guy seems to be pretty amazed. I'm sure just that little thing, that I and all Disney-techno geeks like me, take for granted, made his day." And this coming from a guy who isn't into the whole magic and dreams thing. But I felt pretty happy that he, and others had a good time.But that's something that dosen't stack up against ...whatever you're arguing that it dosen't have these days. But you'll most likely turn that into "He must've been looking mad at the fact that there could've been something over on that wall. That proves how bad this is! I win!"
And the best part about this, is how silly the argument is. You're taking OPINONS of shows that are vastly diffrent from each other and taking them as the gospel truth. If one person says a joke was bad, that dosen't mean that EVERYONE thinks the joke is bad. There was a bad joke in the last show, and only a few people laughed. But there was one person who laughed quite hard. But you guys would take that as...
-It must've been bad, therefore the rest will be bad, proving beyond the shadow of a doubt in opinon court, that it's bad, and will be bad forever.
Where as I would take that as...
-That one person has never heard that joke. I'm glad he enjoyed it. The next one will make everyone laugh...(And so far it always has!)
But like I've said, everyone is going to think something diffrent of this show. Some , like me, will be rolling on the floor, because I like good comedy. Others will sit on there hands because they didn't want this. And the fight will most likely go on and on and on and on, and on. But the only people who will win are the innocent guests who enjoy the show.
(Oh, and thanks JikoMarie. That is what the thread was supossed to be about.)

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