I'll never understand the "relocate the barges" argument. Yes, they were expensive and I'm sure Disney would rather not let them go to waste, but of the options available:
MK, DHS, DL, DCA, TDL, DLP, HKDL, and SDL all have nowhere to put them.
Animal Kingdom has a lagoon they could theoretically go in, but no way for them to get in there. OLC just spent a ton on new lagoon show hardware, so no shot at TDS. The only one with a *shot* could arguably be WDS, but nobody would be stupid enough to make a purpose built lake with a new eyesore built in. Let alone the cost of shipping them overseas.
The one place I could even see there being the slightest chance of these barges being relocated to (still a decimal of a percent) is Springs, simply because there's room and its proximal, but even that comes with a hefty visual incursion and would only be if Disney was willing to pay these barges continued maintenance cost (which is already a part of the justification for their removal).