News EPCOT's Harmonious to be replaced with new nighttime spectacular Luminous


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
@wdwmagic How's the reception going with this show because the fact they're calling out RoE and not Harmonious doesn't seem good?

No insider knowledge, but in my way of thinking, I think they know that no one was really going to compare Luminous to Harmonious, it was always going to be looked at (in the long run) in comparison to ROE. It seemed to me that they were less trying to go above the bar of Harmonious, but instead get closer to that of Illuminations. I also feel like Disney would love to make sure everyone forgets about Harmonious as fast as possible.


Well-Known Member
No insider knowledge, but in my way of thinking, I think they know that no one was really going to compare Luminous to Harmonious, it was always going to be looked at (in the long run) in comparison to ROE. It seemed to me that they were less trying to go above the bar of Harmonious, but instead get closer to that of Illuminations. I also feel like Disney would love to make sure everyone forgets about Harmonious as fast as possible.
I don't think they helped themselves any by calling it Luminious,,they should have gone a different direction. Its way too much like its predecessor and basically sounds/looks the same in terms of titles.


Well-Known Member
No insider knowledge, but in my way of thinking, I think they know that no one was really going to compare Luminous to Harmonious, it was always going to be looked at (in the long run) in comparison to ROE. It seemed to me that they were less trying to go above the bar of Harmonious, but instead get closer to that of Illuminations. I also feel like Disney would love to make sure everyone forgets about Harmonious as fast as possible.
I thought the same but


Well-Known Member
The show is great, and from my multiple viewings of it, the crowd is reacting far more positively than Harmonious.

As for restaurant reservations, I think it's a bit unfair to tie the success of Luminous w/ whether or not Epcot dining reservations are up. Far too many variables to consider (people arriving at Epcot far earlier in the day than before, cost of visiting, economic/budgetary reasons, etc.)

Chef idea Mickey`=

Well-Known Member
Curious about this to. Luminous isn’t a bad show but I doubt it’s up to HEA popularity and I assume that’s something they’ve been wanting for Epcot but struggle to achieve.
As if hearing You'll Be in My Heart and Friend Like Me and I see the light AGAIN like will do the trick...🙄

If they want that then there's only two scenarios bring back Illumination's ROE in some form, and bring in elements from Epcot Forever to it or vice versa!
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Chef idea Mickey`=

Well-Known Member
Curious about this to. Luminous isn’t a bad show but I doubt it’s up to HEA popularity and I assume that’s something they’ve been wanting for Epcot but struggle to achieve.
If they want that then there's only two scenarios bring back Illumination's ROE in some form, and bring in elements from Epcot Forever to it or vice versa!

Chef idea Mickey`=

Well-Known Member
RoE has been the benchmark that they are striving to meet or exceed. Harmonious is to be forgotten.
Mmm Striving to be so much that it has a pause gap in which people who didn't get or liked Illumination's ROE critiqued the sections that had no fireworks. Luminous is about Human Life so that alone isn't a show that makes you say it celebrates or represents Epcot but goes 50%. Luminous is a kind or show with message that unlike ROE could be moved to Animal Kingdom or Sea World of course removing the Disney IP music and no one would ever think that was an Epcot show or original music for Epcot Only... We Go On has that Epcot voices of Liberty touch that is significantly disney and the main singer's voice Kellie Coffey on that and "Promise" is a force to be reckon with just like Epcot is supposed to be.


After listening to the original tracks a hundred times since they became available, I realized something odd. For being a show with the tagline "The Symphony of Us", I can't make out a discernible melody. I can remember the lryics and how they're sung, but you know how you know the melody for Happily Ever After or ROE or Fantasmic? I couldn't remember there being any for this show. And to make sure I wasn't crazy, I used a tool to (mostly) remove the vocals from Beating of Our Hearts and It's just really, how do I put this, bland? The music doesn't feel composed with any sort of thought, just created with the goal of filling its place; like how Junkie XL's movie scores are composed. It doesn't sound bad, but it just doesn't have an identity. I don't know if this happened because of the recomposition that was executive mandated at the last hour but it's just so odd especially for a Disney fireworks show. (I can post some other tracks if people really want to hear them, but they aren't any better and I didn't want to spam this thread with a bunch of blank videos.)
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Well-Known Member
After listening to the original tracks a hundred times since they became available, I realized something odd. For being a show with the tagline "The Symphony of Us", I can't make out a discernible melody. I can remember the lryics and how they're sung, but you know how you know the melody for Happily Ever After or ROE or Fantasmic? I couldn't remember there being any for this show. And to make sure I wasn't crazy, I used a tool to (mostly) remove the vocals from Beating of Our Hearts and It's just really, how do I put this, bland? The music doesn't feel composed with any sort of thought, just created with the goal of filling its place; like how Junkie XL's movie scores are composed. It doesn't sound bad, but it just doesn't have an identity. I don't know if this happened because of the recomposition that was executive mandated at the last hour but it's just so odd especially for a Disney fireworks show. (I can post some other tracks if people really want to hear them, but they aren't any better and I didn't want to spam this thread with a bunch of blank videos.)

The melody is the buh BUH buuuuuuuh buuh that plays every 24 seconds at the front of the park. They just didn’t create lyrics that could accompany it like HEA has. If you’d like, you can sing “go spend moooooooney” along with those notes every time you hear them.
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Well-Known Member
In the Parks
After listening to the original tracks a hundred times since they became available, I realized something odd. For being a show with the tagline "The Symphony of Us", I can't make out a discernible melody. I can remember the lryics and how they're sung, but you know how you know the melody for Happily Ever After or ROE or Fantasmic? I couldn't remember there being any for this show. And to make sure I wasn't crazy, I used a tool to (mostly) remove the vocals from Beating of Our Hearts and It's just really, how do I put this, bland? The music doesn't feel composed with any sort of thought, just created with the goal of filling its place; like how Junkie XL's movie scores are composed. It doesn't sound bad, but it just doesn't have an identity. I don't know if this happened because of the recomposition that was executive mandated at the last hour but it's just so odd especially for a Disney fireworks show. (I can post some other tracks if people really want to hear them, but they aren't any better and I didn't want to spam this thread with a bunch of blank videos.)

I know there was some talk about the soundtrack being redone late in the game, but were any more details released about what that entailed? I know shows like the original WOC were changed an enormous amount, is this the same case here, or were there only small soundtrack adjustments that also coincided with slower than expected barge construction (as I remember, the center barge only arrived 2 days prior to the premiere). Any insight on this @wdwmagic?


Evil will always triumph, because good is dumb.
Premium Member
Luminous started 10-12 minutes late today. Not sure if it was technical or daylight or not to conflict with the drone show.

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